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Name: Oona Saergee Ibona

Year & Section: BSE-DB

ART OF LOVING – Realization Paper (#01)  

Community immersion is a type of service learning that is more closely aligned with a student's
passions and interests, lasts longer, and is linked to the ongoing growth of community and social
justice concerns.
When I think of community, I think of my own place of residence, which includes people, parks,
and so on. But, when the deeper meaning of community is sought, it appears to be more
particular than merely these things. For example, there are communities that identify themselves
from the rest of society by exhibiting distinct mannerisms. According to the learning material
provided, the most common and simplest definition is an aggregation of families and individuals
who have settled in a compact and contiguous geographical area and share significant elements
of common life as demonstrated by their manners, customs, traditions, and modes of speech.
According to sociology, the family is society's smallest unit. It is made up of immediate and non-
immediate family members, whereas a community is made up of diverse families living in the
same area that have a common interest. A community's aesthetic and moral values are the
guiding and sometimes contradictory concepts that its members hold, such as how they discern
what is good from terrible, beautiful from ugly, and right from wrong. Community Immersion,
on the other hand, is a social method in public safety education and training that uses experience
learning to bridge the gap between theoretical instruction and the reality of public safety work.
There are a couple of personal gains that we can get from doing community immersion and one
of them is improving my ability to be conscientious. It assists individuals in recognizing
concerns that will aid in the resolution of communal problems. It is critical that I will take action
to improve my situation.
I learned a lot thanks to the introduction of the Concepts of Community and Community Immersion ,
what is a community and community immersion, as well as how beneficial these are. I still have
a lot of study and practice to do if I want to improve for future situations. I'll keep paying
attention as a result—not just for my grades, but also for myself. In the future, I'll continue to
learn and do my best to serve others.

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