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CELTA Online Unit 2 Task 10 - Alternative Ideas

The activities the teacher did based on Oliver’s story were effective, but of course, they are not the only activities you could ask students to do with this

Listen to another teacher suggesting different activities. While you listen, make notes of the other ideas she suggests for easy initial tasks, detailed reading
tasks and follow-up productive skills tasks that can be used

Task 10

Your response:
Initial reading tasks Detailed reading tasks Follow-up on productive skills tasks
Jacqueline Predict the story from the picture Order the parts of the story Do you think Oliver’s a good boy?
and basic synopsis What would you have done?
Annie Provide headlines and match the Who said what questions Role play
correct one

Initial reading tasks Detailed reading tasks Follow-up on productive skills tasks
Jacqueline Predict the story from the picture Order the parts of the story Do you think Oliver’s a good boy?
and basic synopsis What would you have done?
Annie Choose the best headline Who said what? Role play


There are many other types of reading tasks. Initial reading tasks can also include ordering pictures according to a text or answering a simple question, such
as “Is the writer positive or negative about the future?” For detailed reading tasks, students can answer comprehension questions. These could be
true/false questions, multiple choice or open questions. In the follow-up productive skills stage, students can also write about the text, for example a letter
to one of the people in the text.

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