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Visit an area within your vicinity. It can be in your garden, farm or even around your house.

the area. Then do the Activity 4.

Activity No. 4. Creating Food Chain and Food Web

Construct a food chain and explain how energy flows through the chain. Then try to continue the
food chain to make a food web. Capture pictures as an evidence. Attach the picture/s. (50 points)

Poor (1 pt) Fair (3 pts) Good (5 pts) Score

Feeding Food chain or Food Food chain or Food Food chain or Food
Relationships Web does not Web contains Web contains
contain producers producers and producers and
and consumers. consumers, but they consumers and all
Producers and are not in correct are in correct order.
consumers are not order.
in correct order.
Content Poster only shows Poster shows 3 Poster shows 4 or
2 levels on the levels on the Food more levels on Food
Food Chain or Food Chain or Food Web. Chain.
Labeling Producers and Producers and Producers and
consumers are not consumers are consumers are
labeled. labeled, but labeled and spelled
misspelled. correctly.
Purpose/Role The purpose or role The purpose or role The purpose or role
of each organism of some of organism of each organism on
on the Food Chain on the Food Chain the Food Chain or
or Food Web is not or Food Web are Food Web is
explained. explained. completely and
clearly explained.

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