Pre-Test - English Proficiency Test

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Date : 24th March 2022

Time : 10.00– 10. 45
Notice : the overall result is translated into the four-band scale

B1 B2 C1 C2
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This test is designed to measure your ability in standard English. Select the best answer!
1.......was backed up for miles on the freeway.
a. Yesterday
b. In the morning
c. Traffic
d. Cars
2. Engineers....... for work on the new space program.
a. necessary
b. are needed
c. hopefully
d. next month
3. The boy…. Going to the movies with a friend.
a. he is
b. he always was
c. is relaxing
d. will be
4. With his friend…. Found the movie theater.
a. has
b. he
c. later
d. when
5. …., George, is attending the lecture
a. Right now
b. Happily
c. Because of the time
d. My friend
6. …., Sarah rarely misses her basketball shots.
a. An excellent basketball player
b. An excellent basketball player is
c. Sarah is an excellent basketball player
d. Her excellent basketball player
7. The child….. playing in the yars is my son
a. now
b. is
c. he
d. was
8. The packages ….mailed at the post office will arrive Monday
a. have
b. were
c. them
d. just

9. When….................. nets during spring nesting season, Canadian geese are fiercely territorial.
a. building
b. are building
c. built
d. are built
10. In 1870, Calvin, along with Adirondack hunter Alvah Dunning, made the first known ascent
of Seward Mountain,..................far from roads or trails.
a. a remote peak
b. it is a remote peak
c. a remote peak is
d. which a remote peak
11. Kokanee salmon begin to deteriorate and die soon….. at the age of four.
a. they spawn
b. after spawning
spawned the salmon
12. In the United States……. approximately four million miles of roads, streets, and highways.
a. there
b. is
c. they
d. there are
13……twelve million immigrants entered the United States via Ellis Island.
a. More than
b. There were more than
c. Of more than
d. The report of
14. The television, ….. so long been a part of our culture, has an enormous influence.
a. has
b. it has
c. which
d. which has
15. Psychologists have traditionally maintained that infants cannot formulate long-term
memories until….. the age of eight or nine months.
a. they
b. they reach
c. to reach
d. reach
16. Rarely…… located near city lights or at lower elevations.
a. observatories are
b. are
c. in the observatories
d. are observatories
17. There are geographic, economic, and cultural reason why…. around the world.
a. diets differ
b. do diets differ
c. are diets different
d. to differ a diet
18. Were… millions of dollars each year replenishing eroding beaches, the coastline would be
changing even more rapidly.
a. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers not spending
b. the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers not spend
c. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers does not spend
d. not spending the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
19. Nowhere….more skewed than in the auto industry.
a. that retail trade figures
b. retail trade figures are
c. are retail trade figures
d. retail trade figures
20. New York City’s Central Park is nearly twice as large…. Second smallest country, Monaco.
a. as
b. is the
c. as is
d. as is the
Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by
combining carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry today
because of its effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants.
Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use.
In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were
used throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a
poisonous gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this
dangerous characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon
tetrachloride in 1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical

21. The main point of this passage is that

a. carbon tetrachloride can be very dangerous when it is heated.
b. the government banned carbon tetrachloride in 1970.
c. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home
d. Carbon tetrachloride used to be a regular part of cleaning compounds
22. The word “widely” in the line 2 could most easily be replaced by
a. Grandly
b. Extensively
c. Largely
d. Hugely
23. The word “banned” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
a. forbidden
b. allowed
c. suggested
d. instituted
24. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was
a. used by itself as a cleanser
b. banned in industrial use
c. often used as a component of cleaning products
d. not allowed in home cleaning products
25. It is stated in the passage that when carbon tetrachloride is heated, it becomes
a. harmful
b. colorless
c. a cleaning compound
d. inflammable
26. The word “inhaled” in line 7 is closet in meaning to
a. warmed
b. breathed in
c. carelessly used
d. blown
27. The word “revoked” in line 8 could most easily be replaced by
a. gave
b. granted
c. instituted
d. took away
28. It can be inferred from the passage that one role of the U.S. government is to
a. regulate product safety
b. prohibit any use of carbon tetrachloride
c. instruct industry on cleaning methodologies
d. ban the use of any chemicals
29. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses
a. additional uses for carbon tetrachloride
b. the banning of various chemical compounds by the U.S. government
c. further dangerous effects of carbon tetrachloride
d. the major characteristics of carbon tetrachloride.
30. The synonym of the word “similar” in line 9 is
a. related
b. unrelated
c. unequal
d. unlike

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