ST Science 6harvey

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tandag City SpEd Center
Tandag City

Name:_Harvey Dave G. Estose Score:_____________________
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
__d___1. Which of the following mixtures is heterogeneous?
a. salt and sugar dissolved in water
b. powdered detergent in a pail of water
c. 3 in 1 coffee dissolved in hot water
d. vegetable salad with dressing
__b___2. Your mother prepared pinakbet for lunch. How will you describe its ingredients?
a. It is a homogeneous mixture because it was evenly mixed.
b. It is a heterogeneous mixture because its components are visible.
c. It is a heterogeneous mixture because of its uniformity.
d. It is a homogeneous mixture because it is not uniform.
__b___3. A vinegar mixed with soy sauce is a homogeneous mixture because:
a. you can easily identify its components
b. you can only see the dark color of soy sauce
c. the mixture appears one or uniform
d. the mixtures did not mix well
_a__4. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?
I. salt dissolve with water
II. Clothes in the basin
III. blood
IV. Books in the shelves
A. I and III C. II and IV
B. I and IV D. I and II
__d___6. Which is true about heterogeneous mixtures?
a. Composition of mixtures are the same all throughout.
b. Composition of mixtures are visible
c. Composition of mixtures can be easily identified
d. Both B and C
__a___7. Which happens if you mix juice powder with water?
a. The juice powder will dissolve in water.
b. The juice powder will form a layer.
c. The juice powder will not dissolve in water.
d. The juice powder will settle at the bottom of the water.
___a__8. What substance dissolves most substance?
a. water b. oil c. paint d. sugar
___b__9. What will happen if we add leaves to water?
a. The leaves will dissolve in water.
b. The leaves will not dissolve in water.
c. The leaves will partially dissolve in water.
d. Both A and B
___c__10. What is the solvent in a cup of milk?
a. sugar b. milk powder c. water d. sugar and milk
___c__11. Which of the following substances can be dissolved in water?
a. oil b. enamel paint c. salt d. both a and b
__a___12. Which of the following does not affect the solubility of solid solutes?
a. Volume of solvent b. Stirring c. Temperature d. Amount of mixture
_____13. Solubility is _______ as temperature is increases .
a. Increasing b. Decreasing c. Neutral d. None of these
___a__14. ________ is one of the factors affect solubility and it depends on how fast or slow mixture is
a. Manner of stirring b. Temperature c. Nature of solute d. Volume of solvent
__d___15. It tells about whether the solvent is in liquid, solid or in gas form.
a. Manner of stirring b. Temperature c. Nature of solute d. Nature of solvent
__c___16. It tells whether the solute is soft or hard, powder or a whole piece.
a. Manner of stirring b. Temperature c. Nature of solute d. Nature of solvent
__c___17. What type of mixture is a solution?
a. Heterogeneous b. Immiscible c. Homogeneous d. Miscible
___b__18. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a solution?
a. It is a uniform mixture
b. It will scatter a beam of light
c. It is stable over time
d. The solute and solvent cannot be distinguished by the naked eye
__a___19. What is the substance that is being dissolved in a solution?
a. Solute b. Solvent c. Mixture d. Concentrator
__b___20. What is the substance that dissolves the other substance in a solution?
a. Solute b. Solvent c. Mixture d. Concentrator
__c___21. In a salt water solution, what substance is considered the solvent?
a. Salt b. Both are solvents c. Water d. Neither substance is a
__a___22. What phenomenon occur when dispersed colloid particles scatter light?
a. Tyndall effect b. shaft effect c. miscible d. immiscible
__b___23. What example of colloid has dispersed solid particles in gas?
a. milk b. smoke c. gelatin d. blood
__b___24. What is the most abundant particle in a colloid?
a. dispersing mediums b. dispersing phases c. miscible d. immiscible
__a___25. Why is milk categorized as emulsion?
a. because settling cannot separate the components of homogenized milk.
b. because settling can separate the components of homogenized milk
c. The colloid's particles of milk are larger.
d. The colloid's particles are smaller.
__a___26. Soda pop, whipped cream, and beaten egg whites are examples of what type of colloids? a.
foam b. Emulsion c. Sol d. Aerosol
__b___27. What kind of mixture is formed when larger particles settle out when left undisturbed?
a. colloid b. suspension c. solution d. solvent
___d__28. What kind of mixture is formed when oil is mixed with water?
a. solution b. water c. colloids d. suspension
__a___29. Which of the following mixtures is not an example of a suspension?
a. salt and water b. oil and water c. sand and water d. chalk and water
___d__30. How does suspension appear?
a. It appears clear. c. It appears cloudy.
b. It appears messy. d. none of the above
__b___31. Which of the following statements do not describe a suspension?
a. Suspensions are larger particles is visible to the naked eyes.
b. Suspensions are particles that settle out when left undisturbed.
c. Mixture of soil and water is an example of suspension.
d. Suspensions are homogeneous mixture and invisible to the naked eye.
___c__32. What method of separating mixtures will you use if you want to remove small shells in a
grind/ground coffee?
a. filtering b. evaporation c. sieving d. decantation
___d__33. Which of the following mixtures use filter cloth to separate solid from a liquid extract?
a. flour with stones c. baby powder with pebbles
b. powder chalk with seeds d. milk from grated coconut
__a___ 34. In filtering technique of separating mixtures, what type of material passes through a filter
paper or cloth?
a. liquid b. solid c. gas d. plasma
___d__35. Yesha accidentally mixed the grind/ground rice that she will be using in making “bebingka”
or rice cakes and “puto” with pebbles while looking for her other ingredients. How will Yesha removes
the pebbles from the grind/ground rice?
a. She will use filter paper to remove it.
b. She will use evaporation process to remove it.
c. She will use decantation process to remove it.
d. She will use a sieve to remove it.
__a___36. How will you separate the calamansi seeds from calamansi juice?
a. by sieving b. by filtering c. by picking d. by sedimentation
__a___37. Which of these examples show evaporation process as technique of separating mixtures?
a. drying of water on the table c. flooding of water in the river
b. cooling of water in the refrigerator d. freezing of water in the ocean
__a___38. What technique will Jocelyn use if she wants to separate salt mixed with water in
a container?
a. filtering b. picking c. evaporation d. sedimentation
___d__39. In evaporation process, liquid becomes _______________ when heated.
a. solid b. plasma c. ice cubes d. vapor
___a__40. It is a process of separating mixtures which involves heating leaving the solid residue in a
a. evaporation b. distillation c. precipitation d. sedimentation
__d___41. Princess accidentally spill a glass of water in the salt container and she is thinking with of
a solution on how she’s going to recover salt from water. What will Princess do to return the salt to its
original phase?
a. She will wrap it with newspaper tightly
b. She will throw it away in the waste can
c. She will hide it in a dark corner
d. She will boil the solution
__c___42. Your mother asked you to cook dried fish for lunch and you accidentally mixed the oil
with water. What method will you use to separate the mixture?
a. decantation method b. magnetism c. evaporation d. filtering
___b__43. Which one of the following techniques would best be used to separate soil and water? a.
filtration b. decanting c. distillation d. chromatography
___b__44. What will happen to the less-dense substance of mixtures if you separate them using
decantation method?
a. it will evaporate c. remain the same
b. it will float up d. it will become solid
___a__45. In the process of decantation, the mixtures is left _______________?
a. behind b. removed c. undisturbed d. none of the above
___a__46. Which of the following best describes a magnet when used to separate mixtures?
a. It can separate metals from nonmetals.
b. It can separate nonmetals objects.
c. It can separate larger particles.
d. It can separate smaller particles.
___d__47. __________ when mixed with non-metals, could be separated by magnet.
a. rubber b. plastic c. water d. metals
___a__48. Metals which are made up of ______________ are easily attracted to the magnet.
a. alloy, nickel or cobalt c. paint, water or powder
b. salt, rubber or plastic d. gold, ruby, diamond
___c__49. There is no ______________________ involved in the separation of components in
a. physical reaction c. mechanical reaction
b. chemical reaction d. acid reaction
___c__50. Mrs. Cruz’s needle was mixed with bits of paper. How will she separate the needle safely from
the bits of paper?
a. by decantation b. by winnowing c. by using a magnet d. by evaporation

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