Crim Law II Review

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Lecture 1 Ø Levies war against the government; or

Ø Adheres to enemies, giving them aid or

CRIMES AGAINST NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE comfort (tends to strengthen the enemy in
LAW OF NATIONS the conduct of war)

Requirements of Levying War:

Crimes Against National Security

 Actual assembling of men (actual arm encounter is not

 Treason (Art. 114)
 Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Treason (Art. 115)
 To execute a treasonable design by force
 Misprision of treason Art. 116)
 Intent is to deliver the country in whole or in part to
 Espionage (Art. 117)
the enemy
 Collaboration with foreign enemy or some foreign
Crimes Against the Law of Nations

 Inciting to War or Giving Motives for Reprisals (Art. Two ways of proving treason:
 Testimony of at least two witnesses to the same overt
 Violation of Neutrality (Art. 119) act (corroborative testimony to the perpetration of the
 Corresponding with Hostile Country (Art. 120) same treasonous act);
 Flight to Enemy's Country (Art. 121)  Confession of accused in open court.
 Piracy in General and Mutiny on the High Seas (Art.
122) Aggravating circumstance: Cruelty and Ignominy

The crimes under this title can be prosecuted even if the Treason cannot be committed in time of peace because it implies
criminal act or acts were committed outside the Philippine the absence of traitors or enemies. However, treasonable acts can
territorial jurisdiction. actually be perpetrated in time of peace but there are no traitors
since a war has not started.
However, prosecution can only proceed if the offender is
within Philippine territory or brought to the Philippines CASE: of Laurel v. Misa (77 Phi. 865)
pursuant to an extradition treaty. This is one of the instances Justice Perfecto wrote in his separate opinion that “Treason is a
where the Revised Penal Code may be given extraterritorial war crime. It is not an all-time offense. It cannot be committed in
application under Article 2 (5) thereof. peace time. While there is peace, there are no traitors. Treason
may be incubated when peace reigns. Treasonable acts may
In the case of crimes against the law of nations, the actually be perpetrated during peace, but there are no traitors
offender can be prosecuted wherever he may be found until war has started.
because the crimes are regarded as committed against
humanity in general. As treason is basically a war crime, it is punished by the state as a
measure of self-defense and self-preservation. The law of treason
Almost all of these are crimes committed in times of war, except is an emergency measure. It remains dormant until the emergency
the following, which can be committed in times of peace: arises. But as soon as war starts, it is relentlessly put into effect.

 Espionage, under art. 114 – this is also covered by Treason with Murder under Art. 48:
Commonwealth Act no. 616 which punishes In the case of People vs. Prieto, (January 29, 1948) the Supreme
conspiracy to commit espionage. This may be Court explained that treason cannot be complexed with the crime
committed both in times of war and in times of peace. of murder, to quote:
 Inciting to War or Giving Motives for Reprisals,
under art. 118 – this can be committed even if the “…in the nature of things, the giving of aid and comfort can only
Philippines is a participant. be accomplished by some kind of action. Its very nature partakes
 Violation of Neutrality, under art. 119 – the of a deed or physical activity as opposed to a mental operation.
Philippines is not a party to war but there is war going This deed or physical activity may be, and often is, in itself a
on. This may be committed in the light of the Russia vs criminal offense under another penal statute or provision. Even so,
Ukraine war. when the deed is charged as an element of treason it becomes
identified with the latter crime and cannot be the subject of a
TREASON: a war crime and CANNOT be committed separate punishment, or used in combination with treason to
during a time of peace. increase the penalty as article 48 of the Revised Penal Code
 Offender: Filipino or a resident alien (a breach of
 There is war, the Philippines is involved CONSPIRACY AND PROPOSAL TO COMMIT
 Offender either: TREASON:
In fine, the crime of espionage is not conditioned by the
Elements of CONSPIRACY to commit treason: citizenship of the offender. Par. 2 of the same provision,
 There is war. The Philippines is involved; however, states that to establish a person’s culpability under
 At least two persons come to an agreement to - espionage, it is a  sine qua non  requirement that the offender must
o Levy war against the government; or be a public officer who has in his possession the articles, data or
o Adhere to the enemies, giving them aid or information by reason of the public he holds and discloses their
comfort; contents to a representative of a foreign nation. Furthermore, an
 They decided to commit it. offender being a public officer or employee, the penalty next
higher in degree shall be imposed.
Elements of PROPOSAL to commit treason:
 There is a war. The Philippines is involved; With it being a crime against national security
is espionage then committed in times of war or in times of
 At least one person decides to -
o Levy war against the government; or
o Adhere to the enemies, giving them aid or
The answer is either. Espionage can be committed in times of war
or in times of peace. Crimes against national security are
 He proposes its execution to some other persons.
generally committed in times of war except for espionage and
misprision of treason which can be committed in both situations.

MISPRISION OF TREASON: Jurisprudence on Espionage

Espionage was included in the discussion in the 1946 case of Go
Elements: Tian Sek Santos v. Eriberto Misa (March 28, 1946). In this case,
 Offender: the Supreme Court ruled that espionage is a crime not conditioned
o owes allegiance to the government by the citizenship of the offender.
o not a foreigner
 Knowledge of conspiracy to commit treason against Solicitor-General had admitted that Go Tian Sek Santos for active
the government. collaboration with the Japanese. Meanwhile, petitioner avers that
 He conceals the same from the authorities. he is a Chinese citizen. He claims that his detention is illegal and
he must not be confined under Commonwealth Act. No. 682 as he
ESPIONAGE - Espionage is the offense of gathering, did not owe allegiance either to the United States or to the
transmitting, or losing information respecting the national Commonwealth of the Philippines.
defense with the intent or reason to believe that the
information is to be used to the injury of the Philippines or the The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that petitioner’s foreign
advantage of any foreign nation. It is not conditioned on status does not exclude him  ipso facto  from the scope of the above
citizenship. provisions. As stated by the Solicitor-General, he might be
prosecuted for espionage, (Commonwealth Act No. 616) a crime
Acts Punished: not conditioned by the citizenship of the offender and
First act punishable: considered as an offense against national security.
 Offender enters any of the following places: a warship,
fort or naval or military establishment or reservation What is espionage under Commonwealth Act No. 616
 He has no authority therefor. Commonwealth Act No. 616 expanded and broadened the acts of
 His purpose: to obtain information, plans, espionage. Thus, under CA 616, the following are acts of
photographs or other data of a confidential nature espionage:
relative to the defense of the Philippines. 1. Unlawfully obtaining or permitting to be obtained
information affecting national defense.
Second act punishable: 2. Unlawful disclosing of information affecting
 Offender is a public officer; national defense.
3. Disloyal acts or words in times of peace.
 He has in his possession the articles, data or
4. Disloyal acts or words in times of war.
information referred to in paragraph 1 Article 117, by
5. Conspiracy to violate preceding sections.
reason of the public office he holds;
6. Harboring or concealing violators of the law.
 He discloses their contents to a representative of a
foreign nation.

It must be observed that the offender must have the intention or

purpose to obtain information relative to the Philippines’ defense.
Nevertheless, if the accused has no such intention, even if he
enters a warship, fort or naval or military establishment, Art. 117,
par. 1 does not apply. Hence, he is not liable for the crime of
espionage. Under par. 1, the offender is any person.
 Offender performs unlawful or unauthorized acts;
 The acts provoke or give occasion for –
o a war involving or liable to involve the Under this law, Piracy is committed when the offender attacked or
Philippines; or seized the vessel or a part of the shipment. The personal
o exposure of Filipino citizens to reprisals belongings of the passengers, irrespective of its value. The
(retaliation, revenge, acts of vengeance) on criminal act is executed by means of force and violence, whether
their persons or property. the offender may be a part of the crew or a stranger to the
vessel, is on the Philippine waters, and is ruled under PD 532. 
Elements: On the other hand, if the vessel is on the high seas, Art. 122 of the
 There is a war. Philippines is not involved; RPC shall apply.
 A regulation issued enforcing neutrality;
 Offender violates the regulation. Distinguish Piracy under the Revised Penal Code Art 122
and with P.D. No. 532

CORRESPONDENCE WITH HOSTILE COUNTRY Ø The vessel where it is located.

 There is war. Philippines is involved. Under the RPC, the vessel is in the Philippine waters or high
 Offender makes correspondence with an enemy country seas.
or territory occupied by enemy troops.
 The correspondence is either – In PD No. 532, the vessel must be in the Philippine waters.
o prohibited by the government;
o carried on in ciphers or conventional signs; Ø Who perpetrated the crime or the offenders?
o containing notice or information which Under the RPC, the offender is any person who seizes the
might be useful to the enemy. vessel or any person who seizes the cargo, equipment, or
personal belongings, and who is not a crew member or
In PD No. 532, the offender is any person.
 There is a war. Philippines is involved.
 Offender must be owing allegiance to the
government. Ø When it comes to penalties.
 Offender attempts to flee or go to the enemy Under the RPC, the penalty for a simple piracy is reclusion
country. perpetua.
 Going to the enemy country is prohibited by
competent authority. Under PD No. 532, the penalty is reclusion temporal, except
when physical injuries or other crimes are committed, in this
PIRACY AND MUTINY case, it is penalized by reclusion perpetua. 

Similarities of Piracy under the Revised Penal Code Art 122
In the case of People v. Lollo G.R. No. L17958 and with P.D. No. 532
[February 27 1922] 43 PHIL 1927

Piracy for both is committed by means of attacking or seizing the

Piracy is defined as robbery or forcible depredation on the
vessel, or takes away the whole part thereof or its cargo,
high seas, without lawful authority and done animo
equipment, or the personal belongings of its complements or
furandi and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility .
It is a crime not against any particular State but against all
mankind. It may be punished in the competent tribunal of
any country where the offender may be found or into which The penalty for Qualified Piracy under the RPC and PD No. 532 is
he may be carried. The jurisdiction of piracy unlike all other the same: Reclusion perpetua.
crime has no territorial limits.

Acts punished as piracy:

Ø Attacking or seizing a vessel on the high seas or in
Philippine waters;
Ø Seizing in the vessel while on the high seas or in
 The vessel is on the high seas or Philippine waters;
Philippine waters the whole or part of its cargo, its
 Offenders may or may not be members of its
equipment or personal belongings of its complement or
complement, or passengers of the vessel;
 Offenders either –
o attack or seize a vessel;
What is piracy under P.D. No. 532?
o seize the whole or part of the cargo, its
equipment or personal belongings of the Under P.D. No. 532 (section 4), “Any person who directly or
crew or passengers. indirectly abets the commission of piracy, shall be considered as
 The preceding were committed under any of the ff. an accomplice of the principal offenders and be punished in
circumstances: accordance with the Rules prescribed by the Revised Penal Code.”
o whenever they have seized a vessel by
boarding or firing upon the same; High Seas or Philippine Waters? Does the Venue of the
o whenever the pirates have abandoned their Crime Matter?
victims without means of saving
themselves; Often mentioned in the above stated provisions is the word
o whenever the crime is accompanied by Philippine waters. What bodies of water are considered to be part
murder, homicide, physical injuries or Philippine waters? Defined in P.D. No. 532:
Philippine waters shall refer to all bodies of water, such as but not
In Paragraph 3, it mentions the accompaniment of the crime of limited to, seas, gulfs, bays around, between and connecting each
murder, homicide, physical injuries, or rape. of the Islands of the Philippine Archipelago, irrespective of its
depth, breadth, length or dimension, and all other waters
Will the crimes specifically mentioned in the provision of the belonging to the Philippines by historic or legal title, including
article be separated from the crime of Qualified Piracy? In the territorial sea, the sea-bed, the insular shelves, and other
situation that multiple counts of the listed crimes were submarine areas over which the Philippines has sovereignty or
committed will it matter to the gravamen of the offense? jurisdiction.

These questions were answered by the Supreme Court in the case  Mentioned also is the term high seas, how can we
of People of the Philippines vs. Siyoh, et al G.  R. No. L-57292 differentiate it with the Philippine waters?  High seas
February 18, 1986 where it ruled as follows: are those which are beyond the jurisdiction of any
country. As elucidated in the Geneva Convention on
“But the number of persons killed on the occasion of piracy is not the High Seas 1958, High seas are all parts of the sea
material. P.D. No. 532 considers qualified piracy, i.e. rape, that are not included in the territorial sea or in the
murder or homicide is committed as a result or on the occasion of internal waters of a state.
piracy, as a special complex crime  punishable by death
regardless of the number of victims.” Applying the said definition, shall A commit the crime of qualified
piracy in the Exclusive Economic Zone or (EEZ), it shall not be
The crimes mentioned in the qualifying circumstances are not in relation to P.D. No. 532 but to the Article 122 of the RPC
treated as separate crimes but are only qualifiers for the crime of considering that EEZ is outside of the Philippine Waters.
qualified piracy.  Qualified Piracy is a special complex crime
which was punishable of Reclusion Temporal to Death regardless However, if A, a passenger of the vessel looted and stole the
of the number of victims of murder, homicide, physical injuries, or cargo of the vessel he is boarded into while it is in the high seas,
rape. he is not criminally liable for the crime of piracy but for the crime
of robbery since the Article 122 of the RPC clearly states that the
Is there Qualified Piracy under P.D. No. 532? offenders shall not be a member of its complement nor a
Qualified Piracy applies to both the Piracy mentioned in the
Article 122 and P.D. No. 532. Should the crime of piracy be Territorial Principle:
committed with at least one of the above-mentioned circumstances Territoriality covers either the place of the commission of the
it would be considered as Qualified Piracy. criminal act OR the place of the occurrence of the effect of such
act (which should be an element of the crime)
However, the provision under P.D. No. 532 where it includes
passenger and members of the crew as possible offenders of the Territorial waters – 12 nautical miles from the archipelagic
crime piracy conflicts with the first provision of qualifying baseline over which the Philippines exercises jurisdiction.
circumstances.  Paragraph 1 states that, “Whenever they have
seized a vessel by boarding or firing upon the same.” Considering Merchant vessels passing through territorial waters are subject
that under P.D. No. 532 the offenders are already boarded or are to Philippine jurisdiction if:
insiders of the vessel being pirated this shall not merit to qualified 1. The consequences of the crime extend to the
piracy but is only a simple piracy under P.D. No. 532. Philippines;
2. The crime is of a kind to disturb the peace of the
Philippines or the good order of the territorial sea
Abetting the Commission of Piracy thereof;
3. The assistance of the local authorities has been
(Abetting -- to actively second and encourage (something, such
requested by. The master of the ship or by a
as an activity or plan) abet the commission of a crime. : to assist
diplomatic agent or consular officer of the flag state;
or support (someone) in the achievement of a purpose.) 
4. If such measures are necessary for the suppression captured. In cases where Piracy happened inside Philippine
of illicit traffic of drugs or psychotropic substances Waters, jurisdiction is within the purview of the Philippine Courts.
(section2, article 27 of the Convention of the Law of
the Sea) Jurisdiction for Crimes against Piracy were discussed in the
below cases:
Spratly Islands – islands in the South China Sea – the ownership In People of the Philippine Islands vs. Lol-Lo and Saraw:
of which is being disputed by the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia,
Brunei and China – we have no jurisdiction over crimes committed “ The jurisdiction of piracy unlike all other crimes has no
by the Filipinos there. territorial limits. As it is against all so may it be punished by all.
Nor does it matter that the crime was committed within the
Kalayaan Islands (Scarborough Shoal) – it became res nullius jurisdictional 3-mile limit of a foreign state, “for those limits,
when Japan after its occupation during WW II renounced though neutral to war, are not neutral to crimes.” (U.S. vs.
sovereignty over it through the Treaty of Peace. Tomas Cloma Furlong [1820], 5 Wheat., 184.)” 
who discovered the uninhabited island ceded his right in favor of
the Philippines. The Philippines asserted ownership over the In People of the Philippines vs. Roger P. Tulin (August 30
island by establishing the Municipality of Kalayaan in 1978 2001):
(elections are regularly held there). We have jurisdiction over
crimes committed therein because of the Baseline Law (RA 9522). “ As regards the contention that the trial court did not acquire
jurisdiction over the person of accused-appellant Hiong since the
200 miles exclusive economic zone – NO SOVEREIGNTY – only crime was committed outside Philippine waters, suffice it to state
sovereign right to fish and to exploit the natural resources in the that unquestionably, the attack on and seizure of “M/T Tabangao”
zone (Convention on the law of the sea) (renamed “M/T Galilee” by the pirates) and its cargo were
committed in Philippine waters, although the captive vessel was
Note: sovereign right is not equivalent to sovereignty. Under the later brought by the pirates to Singapore where its cargo was off-
Convention of the Law of the Sea foreign states have freedom of loaded, transferred, and sold. And such transfer was done under
navigation and overflight over our exclusive economic zone. accused-appellant Hiong’s direct supervision. Although
(freedom of navigation and overflight cannot be exercised where a Presidential Decree No. 532 requires that the attack and seizure of
state has sovereignty) the vessel and its cargo be committed in Philippine waters, the
disposition by the pirates of the vessel and its cargo is still
Within the 200 miles exclusive economic zone, we have limited deemed part of the act of piracy, hence, the same need not be
sovereignty involving fiscal, custom, immigration, health and committed in Philippine waters.”
safety and the right of coastal state. Eg. Section 3 of Fisheries Can a member of the complement or passenger commit a
Code RA 8550 may be enforced within 200 mile economic zone. crime of robbery inside a vessel?

Murders of Filipinos committed there must be justified by flag This is dependent as to where the vessel is currently located when
state rule or passive personality principle (a principle that allows the offense was committed. If the attack or the seizing of the vessel
states in limited cases to claim jurisdiction to try foreign nationals or its cargos happened in the high seas and was committed by the
for offenses committed abroad that affects its own nationals) members of the vessel’s complement or passengers, the offense
committed would then be theft or robbery which is cognizable in
Jurisdiction Over Piracy Cases the Philippine courts should the crime be committed inside a
Philippine Ship, pursuant to paragraph 1 Article 2 of the Revised
Criminal Laws are territorial in nature hence the venue of the Penal Code.
commission of the crime matters in determining which court shall
have jurisdiction of the criminal case.  However, Piracy cases are
deviant to the territorial principle of criminal law.

Pirates are in law hostes humani generis which means enemy to Can a member of the complement or passenger commit a
mankind.  This nature of piracy leads to its deviance to crime of piracy inside the vessel?
the territoriality principle of penal laws.
In relation to the preceding paragraph, the answer, as well,
Piracy is a crime not against any particular state but against all depends on the location of the vessel when the offense was
mankind. It may be punished in the competent tribunal of any committed. The general rule, as one of the elements of Piracy, is
country where the offender may be found or into which he may be that the offenders are strangers and must not be members of the
carried. The jurisdiction of piracy unlike all other crimes has no complement or passenger of the vessel.
territorial limits.
Yet, with the promulgation of PD No. 532, it provides that the
Piracy is a Crime against Law of Nation. Based in the nature of offense of Piracy can be committed by any person, including the
this crime, the people indicted with the crimes of Piracy in the vessel’s complement or passengers. Nonetheless, the ultimate
High seas can be tried and punished under International Law or element, so that even a member of the complement or passenger
under the laws of the particular nation where the pirates had been can perpetrate the felony of piracy, should be that the vessel is
within Philippine waters.
Ø Section 2.Definition of Terms. The following terms
shall mean and be understood, as follows:  In Piracy, the act is done with animo furandi to steal
                   x x x x . . . . or an intent to gain in the spirit of universal hostility.

1. Piracy. Any attack upon or seizure of any vessel, In Mutiny, the purpose is against the authority of the
or the taking away of the whole or part thereof or ship and the offenders only intend to ignore the
its cargo, equipment, or the personal belongings authority of the ship’s officer.
of its complement or passengers, irrespective of
the value thereof, by means of violence against or We have Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code, which provides
intimidation of persons or force upon things, for the crime of piracy in general, and Presidential Decree No.
committed by any person, including a passenger 532, which includes passengers and members of the vessel as
or member of the complement of said vessel, in possible offenders of the crime of piracy, and Article 123 of the
Philippine waters, shall be considered as piracy. Revised Penal Code, which provides qualifying circumstances for
The offenders shall be considered as pirates and qualifies piracy.
punished as hereinafter provided.
As a summary to which law shall govern, we must look into the
Therefore, any complement or passenger who attacks or seizes the following:
vessel or seizes the whole or part of the cargo on where they are in,
as well as its equipment or personal belonging of the other crews 1. If all the elements of piracy are present and it
or passenger, will be held liable for the crime of Piracy not under happens EITHER in the Philippine waters or
Article 122 of the Revised Penal Code but of PD 532, if the same in the High Seas, commenced by offenders NOT
transpired within Philippine Waters. part or member of the vessel nor a passenger of
the same, and there are no qualifying
circumstances as indicated in the Article 123 of
MUTINY the RPC the law which shall apply is the Article
122 of the Revised Penal Code.

Mutiny is the unlawful resistance to a superior officer, or the

raising of commotions and disturbances aboard a ship 2. If all the elements of piracy are present and it
against the authority of its commander. happens in the Philippine waters ONLY and the
offenders are part of the vessel or a passenger of
Elements of mutiny: the same, and there are NO qualifying
 The vessel is on the high seas or Philippine waters; circumstances as above indicated in the Article
123 of the RPC the law which shall apply is the
 Offenders: either members of its complement or
Presidential Decree No. 532.
passengers of the vessel;
 Offenders either:
o attack or seize a vessel; 3. If all the elements of piracy are present and it
o seize the whole or part of the cargo, its happens either in the Philippine waters or in
equipment or personal belongings of the the High Seas, commenced by offenders which
crew or passengers. are NOT members of the vessel nor a
Distinguish Piracy from Mutiny passenger, and there is at least one of the
Piracy and Mutiny though provided in the same article of the qualifying circumstances as above indicated they
Revised Penal Code, the two concepts are distinct from each other. are liable for Qualified Piracy under Article 123
The following are the distinction between Piracy and Mutiny: of the RPC in relation to Article 122.

4. If all the elements of piracy are present and it

 With regard to the perpetrators/offenders;
happens only in the Philippine waters,
commenced by offenders which are members of
In Piracy, offenders are generally strangers to the
the vessel or a passenger, and there is at least
vessels, hence these offenders are neither passengers
one of the qualifying circumstances as above
nor crew members, with the exception of Piracy as
indicated they are liable for Qualified Piracy
defined under PD 532 wherein it can be committed by
under Article 123 of the RPC in relation to
any persons including the vessel’s complement or the
Presidential Decree No. 532.
passengers of the vessel only if the offense was
committed inside Philippine Waters.

While for Mutiny, the offenders are members of the

complement or the passenger of the vessel.

 With regard to the purpose;

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