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Mod 3.

Vocabulary :  Write the meaning of these words.

1. BIOS Basic Input and Output system

2. Card Reader

3. Computer Case

4. CD Burner

5. CD ROM drive

6. Cooler

7. CPU Central Processing Unit

8. CPU fan

9. Expansion card

10. Expansion Slots

11. Graphic card

12. Hard Disk

13. Hard Drive

14. Headphones

15. Key

16. Keyboard
17. Memory reader

18. Monitor 

19. Motherboard

20. Main board

21. Network card

22. Parallel Port

23. Power Button

24. Power Cord

25. Power Supply

26. Power Source

27. Printer

28. Processor

29. RAM (Random Access Memory)

30. ROM (Read Only memory)

31. Reset Button

32. Scanner

33. Screen

34. Socket 

35. Slots

36. Sound Card

37. Speakers

38. Surge protector

39. Switch

40. USB cord

41. USB Port

42. Video Card

      44.. WEb Camera

45. Wireless router

46. Wires


1. Up, down, left, right arrows

2. Page up key (PgUp)

3. Page down key (PgDn)

4. Home key

5. End key



1. Escape key (Esc)

2. Control key (Ctrl)

3. Alternate key (Alt)

4. Windows key

5. Insert key (Ins)

6. Delete key (Del)

7. Pause/Break key

8. Num Lock key

9. Function keys (Fn)

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