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August 14, 2020

George Gilhooley

Times Union

87 Delaware Road - Hatfield, CA 08065

Dear Mr. Gilhooley,

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As
requested, I enclose a completed job application. The role is very appealing to me, and I
believe that my strong technical experience and education make me a highly
competitive candidate for this position. My key strengths that would support my success
in this position include :
 I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live-use applications.
 I strive continually for excellence.
 I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers.
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a comprehensive understanding of
the full lifecycle for software development projects. I also have experience in learning
and applying new technologies as appropriate. Please see my resume for additional
information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via email at or by cell
phone 909-555-5555.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about
this employment apportunity.

1. Based on the text above, decide the following statement whether TRUE or FALSE.
With high education and wide experience, the applicant promised that he will gain a
highly position in the company.
Reports about the easing of restrictions in other countries are ever so tempting.
Even in China where a second wave of COVID-19 infections is not ruled out,
kindergartens have opened; likewise, classes have started in Japan and Denmark
with school staff taking temperatures at the door and with desks set further apart
than usual.

In Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Friday a three-step plan

for restarting economic and social life with July set as the final “aspirational”
target. In the first phase to start “soon”, weddings can have a maximum of 10
guests, cafes and restaurants can have up to 10 patrons with at least 4 square meters
of space per person; but international travel is unlikely to resume in the near future.

Last Friday Malaysia announced most businesses would be allowed to resume

operations and childcare centres would open. However, parents remain fearful about
taking chances. Therefore, governments are assessing their own societies on when
and how to go about relaxing restrictions.

In Indonesia as millions become deeply fearful about how to feed their families
in the coming weeks, hopes are high that the economy can slowly resume. But
however closely we may try to imitate the disciplined measures in the above
countries, there are already too many holes in the enforcement of the large-scale
social restrictions (PSBB).

The national COVID-19 taskforce chief Doni Monardo said Wednesday that
essential travel was now allowed, such as for medical personnel but he also
described the presence of a military officer’s wife at his handover ceremony as
“important”. So, what other interpretations could there be of what is “essential”?
The world is affected by the burden of virus 19 in many sectors, one of them is
economy. Not only Indonesia is worried by the decrease of the economy situation
but also other countries, such as Malaysia and Australia, have tried to recover
economy crisis by running and opening some more businesses.
Adapted from big-a-
2. State whether the statement above is true or not!
Because of their colorful and unique display, rainbows have generated
countless legends and myths throughout history. Among the most popular is the
Irish folklore that Leprechauns store their pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. But
the truth is, rainbows can be seen only if you are in the right place at the right time.

Rainbows can be seen when light passes through raindrops, says Kristin
Calhoun, a research scientist at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), the scientific agency focusing in part on the conditions of

When a person sees a rainbow, it’s really an optical illusion created by the
refraction and reflection of light. An optical illusion is when you see something that
appears to be something other than what is really there. They’re not located at a specific
distance. The location is relative to the person.
When sunlight passes through raindrops, the light bends, or refracts, as it enters
the droplet, and then reflects off the inside of the raindrop. This happens because the
water is denser than the air that surrounds it. As it exits the droplet, the light separates
into wavelengths. Visible light is made up of various wavelengths, and each
wavelength appears as a different color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and
violet. Red light, for example, bends at a different angle than violet light.

This is why “the person on the ground sees each color at a different location and
why rainbows look like a bow or an arc. Sometimes, however, rainbows can actually
form an entire circle that you can see in a plane with the right conditions.

Because rainbows are created by light via raindrops, the best time to catch a
rainbow is when it’s sunny and raining. There is an even better chance when the sun
is at a lower angle, so early or later in the day. If you’re trying to spot one, the key is
to face the rain and have your back to the sun.

Adapted from

3. Based on paragraph 4, statement : Each color in rainbow bends at a similar angle”. Is
included TRUE or FALSE?
Fort Rotterdam was built on the location of an earlier Makassarese fort, called
Ujung Pandang. Although it has been claimed by some authors that this fort dates
back to 1545, there is no direct evidence for this. It seems more likely that the
fort was built in 1634, as part of a fortification programme that the Makassar
rulers undertook in response to a war with the Dutch East India Company
(VOC) which broke out in that year. The original fort, Jum Pandan (allegedly
named after the pandanus trees growing in the vicinity), gave its name to the city
Ujung Pandang, another name for the city of Makassar.

The stone for the construction of the fort was taken from the karst mountains in
Maros, the limestone from Selayar and the timber from Tanete and Bantaeng.
Following the Java War of 1825–1830, Javanese prince, and now national hero,
Diponegoro was imprisoned in the fort following his exile to Makassar in 1830 until
his death in 1855. It was also used as a Japanese prisoner of war camp in World War
(Source :

4. Decide whether this statement is true or false based on the text above
Fort Rotterdam was also used as a Dutch prisoner of war camp in the Second World

Geyser: How It Works

A geyser is a rare kind of hot spring that is under pressure and erupts, sending
jets of water and steam into the air.
Geysers are made from a tube-like hole in the Earth's surface that runs deep
into the crust. The tube is filled with water. Near the bottom of the tube is
molten rock called magma, which heats the water in the tube. Water in the lower
part of the tube, close to the magma, becomes superhot. Gradually, it begins to
boil. Some of the water is forced upward. The boiling water begins to steam, or
turn to gas. The steam jets toward the surface. Its powerful jet of steam ejects the
column of water above it. The water rushes through the tube and into the air.
The eruption will continue until all the water is forced out of the tube, or
until the temperature inside the geyser drops below boiling (100 degrees Celsius,
or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, at sea level).

(Adapted from: , retrieved on Dec 19th,

5. Based on paragraph 2, geyser activity is caused by surface water that is gradually
seeping down through the ground and meets magma. Is that statement true or false?

Attention, please.
To celebrate our school anniversary, there will be held a musical competition that
involve all the school members including teachers, students, and all the staff. The
musical competition will be divided into several categories: singing,drama, poem, and
many more.
Date : 1st – 4th of September 2019
Time : 08.30 a.m – midday
Venue : School Hall
Don’t miss the event. Make sure you are involved and well informed. There will be
prizes and certificates for the participants. For more info, please contact Adhelia
Evan Sanders
School Committee

After reading the announcement, what do the school members decide to participate the
6. Decide whether the statement above is true or false for each !
No Statements TRUE FALSE
1 The participants of musical competition have known the schedule of the
event on the spot.
2 School Committee invites the school members to join the competition
include the security.
3 The participants had better take a part the event and register to school

Built in lush, mountainous terrain high above the Urubamba River, Machu
Picchu lies in one of the most stunning settings of any archeological site in the
world. This ancient city of Incas cascades down steep walls on each side of the
mountain, with terraced steps that disappear over cliff edges into the valley below.
These incredible ruins have been restored and are well maintained, giving visitors a
good indication of what the city might have looked like when it was occupied
during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Many people come to Peru for the sole purpose of visiting Machu Picchu, and
the journey to the ruins can be an adventure in and of itself, depending on how
travelers choose to reach the site. Adventurous souls can opt for a guided, multi-
day hike and camping trip along the famous Inca Trail to reach the site, or
choose the easier option of accessing the ruins by bus from the small town of Aguas
Calientes at the base of the hill, which most visitors get to by train from Cusco or the
Sacred Valley.

(Source :
7. Read again the text carefully! State these following statements in TRUE or FALSE!
No Statements TRUE FALSE
The visitors have to hike and camp to reach the Machu Picchu
2 It is an adventurous journey to reach the site of Machu Picchu
3 Machu Picchu is one of the most stunning settings of any

archeological site in the world in 15th and 16th centuries

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test
weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start studying
weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the material in the
last hour or minute, it is not good for you. This is called cramming.
Cramming is when students stay up all night until morning to study before a test or
finish an assignment. This habit can lead to negative impacts, the first being that
disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For most
students, less sleep can make them could not focus on the class. Additionally, cramming
can leave us with memory lapses as well.

Each person has a different sleeping schedule, so some of them often use a
stimulant for cramming. An example stimulant, and the most common, is coffee. While
delicious and beneficial, it causes many problems in the long-term such as Caffeine
Intoxication Syndrome, anxiety, panic, and headaches.
To sum up, cramming is not recommended because it disturbs a person’s sleep cycle
which causes temporary intellectual lapses, and using stimulants for cramming gives them
a bad effect on their health.

8. Based on the text, please decide whether these statements are true or false
No Statements TRUE FALSE
Consuming caffeine in a controlled amount will help us to avoid
2 Over time, cramming can result to death if its not treated well
3 Not to be someone who postpone things we should do will help us to
avoid cramming

Are you tired of traveling every day to and from office? Have you been thinking
that the 8-5 system is not your thing? Are you tired of the huge traffic jams? If yes is the
answer to all the above questions, online jobs are what you are lacking. You have
probably heard people talk about online jobs and their advantages but never given it a
try. Due to the amazing benefits, the number of people working online has been
increasing day by day. Changes in the economy and working patterns have made online
jobs common. People of different expertise and skills are doing online jobs. Below are
some of the advantages of working online.

One of the biggest advantages of working online is that there is no work pressure.
Compared to office work, online jobs are less stressful, and no one will be following or
supervising you all the time. You will plan yourself freely.

In respect to time, online jobs offer huge flexibility. You have the power to
schedule your working hours. You will not be tied in an office from 9-6 even when you
have already finished the day’s duty. Such gives you a chance to work on other personal
obligations as well or on what you are best at.

Working without someone over you is a fantasy to many people. With online jobs,
you will be your boss. What else are you looking for in a job? You will not be shouted at
from time to time nor will anyone scold you even for the smallest mistakes.

With online jobs, you will be able to work for different clients. This means more
work and gives you the opportunity to choose the one with the best rates. The more
clients you have, the better you will be earning. Some online workers earn more than
office workers.

Another reason why people are opting for online jobs is that they can experiment
on different jobs. For example, if you feel that whatever you have been doing is
becoming monotonous, you can switch to another job. Such freedoms make the work
very interesting.

9. Below are some statements dealing with the reasons. Choose True if it is correct and false if
it is incorrect!
No Statements TRUE FALSE
People like better running jobs due to its flexibility
2 Running online jobs gives us more chance to get more clients
3 Online jobs is easier to hold compare with off line one

The conquest of Constantinople began on April 6, 1453 AD. The Ottoman army
under the leadership of Al-Fatih numbered 150,000 troops with giant weapons such as
the Basilica cannons made with the latest technology at that time. Sultan Mehmed II or
commonly known as Muhammad Al Fatih has many good reasons to conquer
Constantinople. The following is the background of the conquest of Constantinople,
namely: The Ottoman dynasty wanted to control international trade activities in the
Constantinople area, Muhammad Al Fatih wanted to overthrow the domination of
Byzantium by East Rome in the Middle East, Affirming the power of Islamic influence
in the international world. The Battle of Constantinople 1453 took place on land, sea and
underground. The peak moment of the conquest of Constantinople occurred when Al-
Fatih decided to move the Ottoman warships overland to avoid the underwater chains
installed by Roman Byzantium. In just one night, about 70 ships were able to enter the
area of the Golden Horn strait and carry out a total attack on the heart of the defense of
Constantinople. On May 29, 1453, Al-Fatih with the Ottoman troops were able to
conquer Constantinople as a whole.

10. Read text carefully then read the statement below and state whether the statement is
true or false!
No Statements TRUE FALSE
Muhammad Al Fatih has a number of strong reasons to conquer
2 Constantinople is located between the continents of Asia and
Europe and is divided by the Bosporus Strait.
3 The conquest of Constantinople never showed positive results.

Ms. Aesha Chivukula

Tara Crescent, New Delhi – 110 016

March 6, 2022

Mr. Rebanta Giridhar

Human Resources Officer

Delhi Weekly
Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi

Dear Mr. Giridhar,

I was informed by one of your reporters that you are currently looking for another
reporter. I would like to apply for the said position and I have attached my resume for
your review.

I am a graduate of a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from a good school and I

graduated with excellent grades. I was a staff member of our school paper for two years
before I graduated and I was also an officer of the school’s Journalism society. I have
earned several writing awards from groups that have sponsored writing contests while I
was in school. After graduating, I volunteered as a staff at a local newspaper where I
learned about the daily rigors of newspaper work. I believe that my experience and
educational background fits the position you are hoping to fill.

Thank you and I hope for your kind reply

Ms. Aesha Chivukula
(taken from

11. Decide whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE!

No Statements TRUE FALSE
1 The job applicant mentions why she is so excited in the position of the
company she applies.
2 The job applicant explains why hiring her will benefit the company.
3 The job applicant reiterates why she is the perfect candidate for the

Consumer Behavior : How People Make Buying Decisions

Consumer behaviour is the study of knowing how individual customers, groups or
organisations select, buy, use and dispose of ideas, goods and services to satisfy their
needs and desires. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the
underlying motives for those actions. Let’s take a look at the stages of the consumer
buying journey.
Often the first step of the buying journey involves identifying a problem or a need.
Sometimes, your customers need might be as simple as wanting to be an early adopter,
someone who enjoys being ‘first’ to have or use a particular product.

The next step is searching for a solution on how to solve the problem. Let’s take
that new mobile phone you are thinking of buying. If your old phone has broken
down, you can either research repair shops or you can start looking at new models.
Consumers conduct searches internally or externally. An internal search means that
the consumer falls back on their personal experiences (I’m an Apple fan) while
external search relies on anecdotes from friends and family and probably the internet
(your mum tells you to buy an android because they are better).

The third step in the consumer buying journey is all about comparing different
brands and products, evaluating alternatives. After researching a product and building
knowledge your customer may decide to research alternative products available in the
Then comes “the actual purchase decision”. At this stage, the buyer has finished
evaluating the alternatives and is ready to make a decision. This is the magical
moment of truth when the consumer selects a brand to purchase. In the evaluation
phase, purchase intentions are developed after the buyer ranks the brand according to
all options available to them.

(Adapted from: ,

retrieved on Dec 19th, 2020)

12. Based on the above text, write the truth value (true/false) on each of the following

No Statements TRUE FALSE

1 After evaluating a product, costumer decides a product to
2 Need recognition is the very first step in the consumer buying
3 Customer decides to buy a product without comparing different

Too Big A Risk

Reports about the easing of restrictions in other countries are ever so tempting.
Even in China where a second wave of COVID-19 infections is not ruled out,
kindergartens have opened; likewise, classes have started in Japan and Denmark with
school staff taking temperatures at the door and with desks set further apart than usual.

In Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Friday a three-step plan for
restarting economic and social life with July set as the final “aspirational” target. In the
first phase to start “soon”, weddings can have a maximum of 10 guests, cafes and
restaurants can have up to 10 patrons with at least 4 square meters of space per person;
but international travel is unlikely to resume in the near future.

Last Friday Malaysia announced most businesses would be allowed to resume

operations and childcare centres would open. However, parents remain fearful about
taking chances. Therefore, governments are assessing their own societies on when and
how to go about relaxing restrictions.

In Indonesia as millions become deeply fearful about how to feed their families in
the coming weeks, hopes are high that the economy can slowly resume. But however
closely we may try to imitate the disciplined measures in the above countries, there are
already too many holes in the enforcement of the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB).

The national COVID-19 taskforce chief Doni Monardo said Wednesday that
essential travel was now allowed, such as for medical personnel but he also described the
presence of a military officer’s wife at his handover ceremony as “important”. So,
what other interpretations could there be of what is “essential”?

Adapted from: big-a-


13. Based on the text, state whether the following statements are true or false.

No Statements TRUE FALSE

Study has reported that some countries have the difficulty to face the
spreading of virus 19
2 Some businesses in other countries have re-opened to restore the
growth of economy without disobedience the rule of protocols.
3 Unlike Denmark, Malaysia hasn’t opened public service and tourism

How Social Media Affects the Brain

Due to the effect that it has on the brain, social media is addictive both physically
and psychologically. According to a new study by Harvard University, self-disclosure on
social networking sites lights up the same part of the brain that also ignites when
taking an addictive substance. The reward area in the brain and its chemical
messenger pathways affect decisions and sensations.

This is observable in social media usage; when an individual gets a notification,

such as a like or mention, the brain receives a rush of dopamine and sends it along
reward pathways, causing him or her to feel pleasure. Social media provides an endless
number of immediate rewards in the form of attention from others for relatively minimal
effort. Therefore, the brain rewires itself through this positive reinforcement, making
people desire likes, retweets, and emoticon reactions.

Another perpetuating factor of social media addiction is the fact that the reward
centers of the brain are most active when people are talking about themselves. In real
life, it’s estimated that people talk about themselves around 30 to 40% of the time;
however, social media is all about showing off one’s life and accomplishments, so
people talk about themselves a staggering 80% of the time. When a person posts a
picture and gets positive social feedback, it stimulates the brain to release dopamine,
which again rewards that behavior and perpetuates the social media habit.
Social media use becomes problematic when someone views social networking
sites as an important coping mechanism to relieve stress, loneliness, or depression. For
these people, social media use provides continuous rewards that they’re not receiving in
real life, and end up engaging in the activity more and more. This continuous use
eventually leads to multiple interpersonal problems, such as ignoring real life
relationships, work or school responsibilities, and physical health, which may then
exacerbate an individual’s undesirable moods. This then causes people to engage in the
social networking behavior even more as a way of relieving dysphoric mood states.
Consequently, when social network users repeat this cyclical pattern of relieving
undesirable moods with social media use, the level of psychological dependency on
social media increases.


14. Based on the text above, please decide whether these three statements are TRUE or
No Statements TRUE FALSE
Excessive use of social is as harmful as consuming drugs
2 Excessive use of social causes undesirable mood change.
3 Excessive use of social is dangerous for human

Oniomania (compulsive shopping, or what's more commonly referred to as

shopping addiction) is perhaps the most socially acceptable addiction. Think about it.
We are surrounded by advertising that tells us that buying will make us happy. We are
encouraged by politicians to spend as a way of boosting the economy. And, for some of
us, there is an allure of wanting what everyone else seems to have. Consumerism, by our
own intentions or not (or some combination), has become a measure of social worth.
Shopping addiction is a behavioral addiction that involves compulsive buying as a
way to feel good and avoid negative feelings, such as anxiety and depression. Like other
behavioral addictions, shopping addiction can take over as a preoccupation that leads to
problems in other areas of your life. Usually beginning in one's late teens and early
adulthood, shopping addiction often co- occurs with other disorders, including mood and
anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, other impulse control
disorders, and personality disorders.
So, what is the difference between normal shopping, occasional splurges, and
shopping addiction? As with all addictions, what sets shopping addiction apart from
other types of shopping is that the behavior becomes the person’s main way of coping
with stress, to the point where they continue to shop excessively even when it is clearly
having a negative impact on other areas of their life.

As with other addictions, money problems can develop and relationships can
become damaged, yet people with shopping addiction (sometimes called "shopaholics")
feel unable to stop or even control their spending. People with shopping addiction tend
to be more materialistic than other shoppers and try to prop themselves up by seeking
status through material objects and seeking approval from others. They engage in fantasy
more than other people, and—as with other people with addictions—have a hard time
resisting their impulses.
As a result, they are more susceptible to marketing and advertising messages that
surround us on a daily basis.

15. What can we infer from the text? you can pick more than one option.

A. Despite the feeling it brings, shopping addiction brings more disorders to life.
B. Consumerism contribute positively to the number of shopping addicts.
C. Many of shopping addicts are actually use shopping to entertain themselves.
D. Being a shopping addicts is really okay as long as someone can afford it.
E. Shopping addiction offers bad impacts for both physically and psychologically.

Oniomania (compulsive shopping, or what's more commonly referred to as

shopping addiction) is perhaps the most socially acceptable addiction. Think about it.
We are surrounded by advertising that tells us that buying will make us happy. We are
encouraged by politicians to spend as a way of boosting the economy. And, for some of
us, there is an allure of wanting what everyone else seems to have. Consumerism, by our
own intentions or not (or some combination), has become a measure of social worth.
Shopping addiction is a behavioral addiction that involves compulsive buying as a
way to feel good and avoid negative feelings, such as anxiety and depression. Like other
behavioral addictions, shopping addiction can take over as a preoccupation that leads to
problems in other areas of your life. Usually beginning in one's late teens and early
adulthood, shopping addiction often co- occurs with other disorders, including mood and
anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, eating disorders, other impulse control
disorders, and personality disorders.

So, what is the difference between normal shopping, occasional splurges, and
shopping addiction? As with all addictions, what sets shopping addiction apart from
other types of shopping is that the behavior becomes the person’s main way of coping
with stress, to the point where they continue to shop excessively even when it is clearly
having a negative impact on other areas of their life.

As with other addictions, money problems can develop and relationships can
become damaged, yet people with shopping addiction (sometimes called "shopaholics")
feel unable to stop or even control their spending. People with shopping addiction tend
to be more materialistic than other shoppers and try to prop themselves up by seeking
status through material objects and seeking approval from others. They engage in fantasy
more than other people, and—as with other people with addictions—have a hard time
resisting their impulses.
As a result, they are more susceptible to marketing and advertising messages that
surround us on a daily basis.

16. What can we infer from the text? you can pick more than one option.

A. Despite the feeling it brings, shopping addiction brings more disorders to life.
B. Consumerism contribute positively to the number of shopping addicts.
C. Many of shopping addicts are actually use shopping to entertain themselves.
D. Being a shopping addicts is really okay as long as someone can afford it.
E. Shopping addiction offers bad impacts for both physically and psychologically.
(Adopted from:,
retrieved on Dec 19th, 2020)

17. Through the letter, Karine ... .

A. Knows Galina’s favorite activities very well
B. Offers Galina to join her doing ice skating
C. Explains what she loves to do the most
D. Feels Galina’s presence with her
E. Loves doing sport

The Trowulan Museum's history is intertwined with Trowulan archaeological site

itself. The ancient city ruins at Trowulan had been discovered by the 19th century. Sir
Thomas Stamford Raffles, governor of Java from 1811 until 1816 reported the existence
of ruins of temples scattered about the country for many miles. Much of the region was
blanketed with dense teak forest at that time, making detailed survey difficult.

The urgent need to prevent looting and stealing from Trowulan archaeological site
was one of the main reasons to build a simple archaeological storage building that
became the old Trowulan Museum. It was established by Henri Maclaine Pont, a Dutch
architect and archaeologist, and the Mojokerto regent Kanjeng Adipati Ario Kromodjojo

The new museum was officially opened in 1987. Covering a spacious area of
some 57,625 square metres, this new site accommodates the collection of the old
Trowulan Museum, as well as the bulk of the stone sculpture which used to be
housed in the museum of Mojokerto.

(Source :

18. Based on the collection of the museum, it can be concluded that the collection of
goods in museum can be divided into some parts. Those are …

A. Archaeological relics
B. Stone sculpture
C. Portrait statue
D. Temple
E. King Building

The conquest of Constantinople began on April 6, 1453 AD. The Ottoman army
under the leadership of Al-Fatih numbered 150,000 troops with giant weapons such as
the Basilica cannons made with the latest technology at that time. Sultan Mehmed II or
commonly known as Muhammad Al Fatih has many good reasons to conquer
Constantinople. The following is the background of the conquest of Constantinople,
namely: The Ottoman dynasty wanted to control international trade activities in the
Constantinople area, Muhammad Al Fatih wanted to overthrow the domination of
Byzantium by East Rome in the Middle East, Affirming the power of Islamic influence
in the international world.
The Battle of Constantinople 1453 took place on land, sea and underground.
The peak moment of the conquest of Constantinople occurred when Al-Fatih
decided to move the Ottoman warships overland to avoid the underwater chains
installed by Roman Byzantium. In just one night, about 70 ships were able to enter the
area of the Golden Horn strait and carry out a total attack on the heart of the defense
of Constantinople. On May 29, 1453, Al-Fatih with the Ottoman troops were able to
conquer Constantinople as a whole.

19. What are the reasons for Sultan Mehmed II or commonly known as Muhammad Al Fatih
to conquer Constantinople?
A. The Ottoman dynasty wanted to control international trade activities in the
Constantinople area
B. Muhammad Al Fatih wanted to overthrow the domination of Byzantium by East
Rome in the Middle East.
C. Currently Constantinople has a very strategic location in terms of world economy
and politics.
D. Affirming the power of Islamic influence in the international world.
E. Sultan Mehmed II failed in an attempt to conquer the city of Constantinople

Adapted from


20. What is the writer trying to express by sending this letter?

A. His assistance
B. His happiness
C. His encouragement
D. His support
E. His experience

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