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Reflection Module 1 Activity 2.

The course "Readings in Philippine History" is captivating because it discusses information that is
relevant to today's generation. One example is discerning the credibility of sources, a topic covered in
the "Sources of History" module, which distinguishes primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. This
module proved helpful in determining which information is reliable, especially since there is an
abundance of fake news circulating online. Moreover, the course provides accurate and dependable
accounts of our past, which is truly fascinating to explore. It dawned on me that our history is the
foundation of everything we have today, including our freedom, rights, and independence. Its significant
contributions have left a lasting impression that will never be forgotten.

In addition, Primary Sources made an impression on me as I became fascinated with the sources that
preceded or were involved in history. Primary sources can be firsthand accounts from individuals who
witnessed or took part in an event. These include numerical records, oral statements, artifacts, and
images. Whenever I go to a museum, I am always captivated by the knowledge that certain images or
artifacts existed a hundred years ago and are considered primary sources because of the stories they
carry and the experiences they have undergone.

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