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Media and Information

Quarter 4 - Module 2:
Week 3 to 4
Dimensions and Resources
of Media and Information
What I Need to Know
People use different media sources in order to gain information a media source is any
resource that serves as a means of communicating to a general public audience. These sources
are important because the standard in which we receive a message shapes the message.
Information is power and essential ingredients in decision making.
This module is expected to deepen your knowledge on different dimension and sources
of media and information their design principle and elements, and selection criteria. Also you
will produce a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia
showcasing their / his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources
of media and information.
To help you master the competency mentioned above, you will undergo:

Lesson 1: Text Information and Media Lesson 2: Visual Information and Media


1 Text and Information Media

Informative texts or media provide information about a topic or situation and can
include newspaper articles, manuals and handbooks, textbooks, brochures and menus or
recipes. The internet with websites presents a wide range of examples of informative texts
which give the reader information about particular subjects. Informative writing which provides
facts is often quite formal and will often use the passive voice.
In this lesson the learners are expected to demonstrate understanding of different
resources of media and information, their design principle and elements, and selection criteria
the advantage and limitations and its value.

What I Need to Know

Learning objectives
At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to:
1. describes the different dimensions of text information and media;
2. comprehends how text information and media is /are formally and informally
produced, organized and disseminated;
3. Evaluates the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/their
sources using selection criteria; and
4. Produces and evaluates a creative text-based presentation using design principle
and elements. (MIL11/12TIM-IVb-3 MIL11/12TIM-IVb-4-6)
What I Know
ACTIVITY 1. Below is an example of a fraudulent text message.
Answer the questions that follow on a your booklet.

Congrats! You’re the one selected postpaid Plan given P150 discount billing, to get your
P150 discount billing, just text 150 then send to 29056509391. Thank You Globe
Postpaid Subscriber!

Guide Questions:
1. What is the tone of this fraudulent message? (Enticing, scary, informative,
formal, encouraging)
2. Why do you think Filipinos fall for this kind of fraudulent or scam text message?
3. Do you think that text-based messages are powerful?
4. Why so many people fall in a text scam?
5. What do you do when you get a fraudulent or scam text message?

What’s New
ACTIVITY 2. Look at the pictures below. Then, describe each of them briefly.
Write your answer in your booklet.

Source: Source: top-40-most-funniest-text-ever/product/gym-quote-t-shirt/

1. 2.

Source: Source: 2010/06/bawal-tumawid-k.html/advertisments/

3. 4.

What is It
Text – a simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether
hand written, printed or displayed on screen.
a. Text is very powerful as well as disseminating information, providing and giving
b. Text is available in different sources whether it is formal (news articles, published books,
newspapers, magazines, advertisements, research works, etc.) or Informal (blogs, personal
e-mails, SMS or text messages, online messengers, social media platforms, etc).
• Formal text-based materials are created and distributed by established institutions
(such as publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and go through a rigorous process
of editing or evaluation and are usually governed by censorship of the state.
• Informal text-based materials, on the other hand, come from personal opinions or views
on different issues, processes, etc
c. Text can be as short such as a single sentence or phrase, or they can be as lengthy as news
articles or investigative reporting. No matter how brief or lengthy, however, a text is always
carefully written with the intent of sending a very specific message to the target audience.
d. In our exposure to text media and information, we can either be a consumer or a producer
of content. As a consumer, these are the questions that you need to ask with regards to
the content of text media and information:

• Who or what institution is sending this message?

• What techniques are used to attract & hold attention?
• What is the language used by the writer?
• What views are represented? Are they balanced?
• How might the message be interpreted in different
• What is omitted, slurred or added in the message?

e. As a producer of text media and information, we need to review the media and
information design framework: target audience, author or sender, key content,
purpose, form/style and format.
ACTIVITY 3: Question and Answer
Study the picture below. Then, answer the following questions beside.
Write your answer in your booklet.

Guide Questions:
1. Who or what institution is sending this message?
2. What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
3. What is the language used by the writer?
4. What views are represented? Are they balanced?
5. How might the message be interpreted in different ways?
6. What is omitted, slurred or added in the message?

Typeface font, font type, or

type) is the representation or style
of a text. A typeface is usually
composed of alphabets, numbers,
punctuation marks, symbols and
other special characters. Fonts in
digital format are installed in forms
such as True Type Font (.ttf), Open
Type Font (.otf), etc. Fonts convey
different emotions and meaning, and
you must be very careful in choosing
the right font for your content. The
table below presents the different
types of fonts, their implications,
uses, and examples.

Design Principles and Elements

The principles in designing text

elements are emphasis,
appropriateness, proximity, alignment, organization, repetition and contrast. Observe how these
elements are presented in each text frame

What’s More
ACTIVITY 4: Study the picture below. Then, check the word/s in the Word Bank
on what design elements and principles are being applied in the image.
Write your answer in your booklet.

Word Bank

Emphasis Appropriateness Proximity Alignment

Organization Repetition Contrast


What Can I Do
ACTVITY 5: You need to create a Poster for a client with specific needs. You need to
identify the appropriate content for the Poster based on the Media and Information
Design framework. You will provide answer in the table in your booklet.
ACTIVITY 6: Then, create your own Poster based on your answers. You may use any
app, save it and send to me via messenger or you may create manually and paste it
in your booklet.

What I Have Learned

ACTIVITY 7: Complete the sentences below. Write your answers on your booklet.

1. As a producer of text media and information, we need

2. Text is very powerful in a wat that

LESSON Visual Information
2 and Media
Visual media are sources of information in the form of visual representations. These
can be abstractions, analogues, rough illustrations, or digital reproductions of the objects.
Visual message design is a symbol with meaning.
In this lesson the learners are expected to understands the similarities and differences
of the different types of visual media and information and gain comprehensive knowledge how
to analyze, design, develop, implement (utilize) and evaluate them.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
1. describe the different dimensions of visual information and media;
2. comprehend how visual information and media is/are formally and informally
produced, organized, and disseminated;
3. evaluate the reliability and validity of visual information and media its/their
sources using selection criteria; and
4. produce and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design
principle and elements. (MIL11/12VIM-IVc-7-10).

What’s In
In the previous lesson you have learned that text is very powerful as well in
disseminating information, providing direction and giving suggestions. As a producer of
text media and information, you need to review the media and information design
framework: target audience, author or sender, key content, purpose, form/style and
format. You also knew how to evaluate the reliability and validity of text information and
media and their source using selection criteria.

What’s New
ACTIVITY 1: Observe the picture and answer the guide question. Write your
answer in your booklet.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the important of visual content based on
the survey result?
2. Do you think the infographic was a better way of
presenting results of the survey?
3. Do you have any other ways of presenting the same

What Is It
Visual media and information materials, programs, applications and like the
teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid learning through the
use, analysis, evaluation and production of visual images.
Types of Visual Media

 Photography, video, screenshots, infographics, data visualization

(charts and graphs) comic strips/cartoons, memes, visual note-taking, etc


1. JPEG (also known as JPG), file types ending in .jpg
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created this standard for
this type of image formatting. JPEG files are images that have been compressed to store
a lot of information in a small-size file.
2. TIFF (also known as TIF), file types ending in .tif
TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. Images create very large file sizes and are
uncompressed thus contain a lot of detailed image data which is why the files are so big.
3. GIF, file types ending in .gif
GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. This format compresses images but, as
different from JPEG, the compression is lossless (no detail is lost in the compression,
but the file can’t be made as small as a JPEG).GIFs also have an extremely limited color
range suitable for the web but not for printing.
4. PNG, file types ending in .png
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It’s used almost exclusively for web images,
never for print images. For photographs, PNG is not as good as JPEG, because it creates
a larger file. But for images with some text, or line art, it’s better, because the images
look less “bitmappy.”
5. BMP. Short for "Bitmap." It can be pronounced as "bump," "B-M-P," or simply a "bitmap
image." The BMP format is a commonly used raster graphic format for saving image
files. It was introduced on the Windows platform, but is now recognized by many
programs on both Macs and PCs.
Formally and informally produced visual media
 Visual media produced by formal organizations such as schools, government and
established media/publishing outfits are considered formally produced. Other visual
media are considered informally produced
Purpose of visual information
 is to gain attention, create meaning, and facilitate retention
Visual Design Elements
 The building blocks or basic units in the construction of a visual image.
Below are the elements of design:
a. Line - describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick or thin.
Lines may be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines.
b. Shape - usually a geometric area that stands out from the space next to or around
it, or because of differences in value, color, or texture. Shape may also be organic.
c. Value - the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between black
and white and all the tones in between. Value can be used with color as well as
black and white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values.
d. Texture - the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture can be added to
attract or repel interest to a visual element. Visual texture is the illusion of the
surfaces peaks and valleys, resulting in a feeling of smoothness or roughness in
e. Color - determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of the hue), and
value (lightness or darkness of hue). Color and color combination can play a large
role in the design. Color may be used for emphasis, or may elicit emotions from
viewers. Color maybe warm, cool, or neutral. It plays a major role in our visual
perception, as it influences our reactions about the world around us. It is
therefore important to create color palettes that evoke the appropriate audience
reactions. Color has three properties.
f. Form - a figure having volume and thickness. An illusion of a 3-dimensional
object can be implied with the use of light and shading. Form can be viewed
from many angles.

ACTIVITY 2: Evaluate the magazine visual
appearance by filling up the media and information
design framework worksheet. Copy the worksheet
and write your answers in your booklet.


Design Principles and Elements

The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of
art. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing,
design etc. Good or bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of
design. The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How
we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art.
Visual Design Principles
Below are the guiding principles in visual designs:
1. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide
presentations or documents that are more than one page.
2. Center of interest an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This area is more
important when compared to the other objects or elements in a composition. This can be by
contrast of values, more colors, and placement in the format.
3. Balance a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. Balance can be
symmetrical and evenly balanced, or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced. Objects, values,
colors, textures, shapes, forms, etc. can be used in creating balance in a composition.
4. Harmony brings together a composition with similar units. If for example your composition
was using wavy lines and organic shapes, you would stay with those types of lines and not
put in just one geometric shape.
5. Contrast offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition. Contrast
shows the difference between shapes and can be used as a background to bring objects out
and forward in a design. It can also be used to create an area of emphasis.
6. Directional Movement a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of
motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position.
Directional movement can be created with a value pattern. It is with the placement of dark
and light areas that you can move your attention through the format.
7. Rhythm a movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, it will have a
flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music.
8. Perspective created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look
like they appear in real life. Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between
different objects seen in space.

What’s More

➢ Information Graphics or Infographics are graphic visual representations of ininformation,

data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

ACTIVITY 3: Here is an example of visual-based
presentation (Infographics). Identify at least 5 design
elements and 5 design principle being used. Write your
answer in your FB page or in your booklet.


What I Have Learned

Complete the sentences below. Write your answers on your booklet.
1. Information graphic or infographics are

2. The elements and principles of design are

What Can I Do
ACTIVITY 4: Create text and visual media composed of
digital poster informing people of valuable
information that they need to know.
(Example “Safety tips during rainy season”).
Use any type of app available (Example:
PowerPoint presentation or Canva).
➢ Please avoid submitting ready made poster.
It should be original. Create your own.
Make sure to apply the principles you have
learned in our lesson. You can do this
online and send to my messenger or you
can create manually and paste it in your



Design a statement t-shirt with the topic “We heal as one” be sure that you
promote Media and Information Literacy skills.

Quarter 4 - Summative Assessment
for Module 2 Lesson 1 and 2
S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________ Date: ____________ Score: ______
Use this Test Paper as your answer sheet. WRITE YOUR ANSWERS HERE.

Test I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write a happy emoji if the statement is true; otherwise, write sad emoji if the statement is false.
____ 1. Text is a simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand written, printed
or displayed on screen.
____ 2. As a producer of text media and information, we need to review the media and information design framework:
target audience, author or sender, key content, purpose, form/style and format.
____ 3. Fonts convey different emotions and meaning. You must be careful in choosing the right font for your content.
____ 4. The principles in designing text elements are emphasis,
8 appropriateness, proximity, alignment, organization,
repetition and contrast.
____ 5. A typeface is usually composed of alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, symbols and other special characters.
Test II. Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_____ 6. Created through the arrangement of objects in two-Dimensional space to look like they appear in real life
A. Perspective B. Balance C. Rhythm D. Harmony
_____ 7. It brings together a composition with similar units
A. Harmony B. Perspective C. Balance D. Rhythm
_____ 8. It offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition.
A. Rhythm B. Harmony C. Perspective D. Contrast
_____ 9. It is an area that first attracts attention in a composition
A. Perspective B. Contrast C. Center of Interest D. Harmony
_____ 10. The degree of light and dark in a design.
A. Value B. Texture C. Shape D. Color
Test III. Application: Please read and understand the instruction.
DIY Brand
Do you dream of starting your own business? Perhaps you can introduce it as early as now! Create your own
trademark design to be used in posters, flyers or web pages of your dream business. This may be an online clothing store,
computer shop, hardware, garden shop, salon or spa, bakery, restaurant, automotive shop, travel and tours, manpower
services, security agency, architectural firm, medical clinic, school, etc. Make sure to include the most appropriate visuals
and text in your brand design. Also, incorporate your name in your brand name for a more personal feel. Here is an example
for my dream café. Create your trademark design and make a short description. You may do this online and send to me via
messenger or you may create this manually in your booklet. Output should be like this:

If I have my own café, I would want my clients to

experience coffee the way I want to: plain,
simple and homey, sipped while
listening to soothing music.
The visuals I used speak of that dream.
I offer nothing fancy but comfortable,
with music blending with the aroma of
freshly brewed coffee. Please answer all the activities and summative test. Thank You!
9 ~ Maam Rain ~
Rubric for Visual Display
Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Marginal Unacceptable

 Appropriate details  Most details  Few details support  No details to

support main idea support main idea main idea support main idea
 Accurate and  Accurate  Lacking accurate  Information is not
detailed information for information accurate
information almost all subject  Inadequate  Information does
Content 50%
 Information matter information is not not support the
adequately supports  Information is clearly supportive visual’s purpose
purpose of visual mostly adequate of visual’s purpose
and supportive of
visual’s purpose
 Topic and title clear  Topic and title are  Topic and title  Topic and title are
and easily mostly clear and difficult to identify not clearly
identified easily identified  Main idea not identified
 Main idea is clearly  Main idea is clearly stated  No main idea
Focus 20%
appropriate to topic appropriate to topic  Few illustrations  Illustrations do not
 All illustrations  Most illustrations complement complement
complement complement purpose of visual purpose of visual
purpose of visual purpose of visual
 Outstanding use of  Adequate use of  Inappropriate use of  Little attempt to use
color, design, and color, design, and color, design, and color, design and
space space space space appropriately
Visual  Original and  Design is adequate  Design lacks  Design is dull
Appeal creative design  Overall design is creativity  Project has sloppy
 Overall design is mostly pleasing and  Lack of harmonious appearance
pleasing and harmonious design in
harmonious presentation


• Module 1 is intended for 2 weeks May 27 – June 10.
• Accomplish Lesson 1 on the 1st Week May 27–June 3.
• Proceed to Lesson 2 on the 2nd Week June 3-10.
• Answer your Summative Test attached. Write your
name and section.
• Please return this with your answered Summative
Test on June 3, 2021. Thank You! Stay Safe!
~ Maam Rain~


Benefits of Media and Information Literacy

1. It teaches you how to verify the information and acknowledge others’ perspectives.
2. It encourages audiences to think critically.
3. It promotes responsible information sharing and dissemination.
4. It helps you identify and understand the media’s role in our culture.
5. It teaches you to think and decide objectively, factually, and reasonably.
6. It encourages you to participate in public affairs as a citizen actively.
7. It teaches you to create your own content responsibly
8. It makes you better appreciate media products

Impact of Media and Information Literacy to Society

What I Know
Activity 1: True or False. Determine whether the statements are true or
Write your answer in your booklet.

_____ 1. There has been a huge rise in creativity among the public since the advent of
social media.
_____ 2. E-mail is the most popular online communication technology.
_____ 3. There is growing evidence that heavy multitaskers—people who have
screens open at once and who are heavy users of social media—show
less ability
to concentrate and remember things than light multitaskers.
______4. The tools and technologies that are available to journalists today have
the basic principles of journalism.
______ 5. All news outlets need trained journalists with high standards.
______ 6. Technology makes it more difficult to keep up with news today than in
the past
because it is difficult to keep up with all the information.
______ 7. People usually stick to only one trusted news source to get all of
their news.
______ 8. Consumers turn to digital or printed newspapers more than any other
source for most news.
______9. An American Press Institute study found that tech-savvy people use
media far less than anyone else.
______ 10. The best storytellers are those who give audiences a unique

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best answer from the given choices.

5. People who are getting involved in their communities and democracy at all
levels from local to national and global are called ____________?
A. Activists B. Reformists C. Active Citizens D.

6. Which of the following statements is NOT exhibited by an information

literate individual?
7. Sharing unverified news on Facebook.
8. Cross checking on facts before sharing articles online.
9. Asking for permission from the original owner of a post before sharing it.
10. Giving the owner of a material the credit when sharing a post.

11. The ability to access, analyze, and respond to a range of media is known
as”Media Literacy.”
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither

12. Literacy is the ability to read and write.

A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither

13. It is the method or tool in which information can be exchanged and

communication can be facilitated.
A. Gadgets B. Modem C. Media D. Technology
Answer Keys

5. B 5. C
4. C 4. B
3. A 3. B
2. B 2. A
1. C 1. C

Student must mention translating the language into vernacular, and
larger texts.
2 Answers are varied; however, all boxes must be filled.
3 All four examples are FAKE.
4 1. TL 2.TL 3. IL 4. ML


LAS 5: Media and Information Literacy for Social Engagement

1. Who created the poster?
▪ Department of Health, Philippines
2. Was it attractive? What makes is attractive/not attractive?
▪ The student must mention about color, layout, graphics, the language used, font size, etc.
3. Is the language used helpful? Why?
▪ The student must recommend that it be written in the vernacular.
4. What is the message of the poster?
▪ Safety measures in preventing COVID -19 infection while working continues.
5. Did the poster persuade you to follow the instructions? Why?
▪ The student must explain the reasons why s/he will follow the instructions in the poster or

LAS 6: Differences among and between Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and


▪ Can communicate ▪ Can communicate in
in variety of formats ▪ Can communicate in variety of formats
▪ Can relay data to variety of formats ▪ Can relay data to
different people in ▪ Can relay data to different people in
different places in a different people in different places in a
short span of time different places in a short span of time
SIMILARITIES ▪ Can reproduce data short span of time ▪ Can reproduce data
information ▪ Technology is used information
▪ Technology is used ▪ Analyze and evaluate ▪ Technology is used
▪ Analyze and media and information ▪ Analyze and evaluate
evaluate media and media and information

▪ Uses digital texts,

▪ Aware of how media
tools and technologies
for inquiry learning ▪ Dependent available
DIFFERENCES representations of
▪ Gains competence technology
ideas, events and
and confidence with
people in ways that
digital technologies by
impact democratic practicing and self-
processes learning
▪ Understand media
systems and the
political economy of
the media
Note: the student can add statements not included here.



Zarate, Maria Jovita E. Media and Information Literacy. 2016. Manila,

Rex Bookstore


“How to Spot Fake News.” International Federation of Library Associations

and Institution (IFLA).

“Media, Information, Technology Literacy.” Group 2 Stem 5. Published on

13, 2016. YouTube video, 02:35,

“Mga Hakbang sa Tamang Pagsuot ng Medical/Surgical Mask.” Super Care


“Poepsel, Mark. Media, Society, Culture, and You. Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, 2018.

Staff Report. “Busted: Top fake news in the Philippines this week.” The
Times. March 9, 2018.
pick/2018/03/09/true- queen-elizabeth-ii-calls-pres-duterte-brave-

Travers, Mark. “Facebook Spreads Fake News Faster Than Any Other Social
Website, According to New Research.” Forbes. March 21,

UNESCO IITE. Educating for the Media ad the Digital Age. Austria. 1999.

“United Media Information Literacy for Teachers.” United Nations Alliance of

Civilizations (UNAOC)—United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Organization (UNESCO). 2020.

For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

DepEd Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro
Telefax: ((08822)855-0048
E-mail Address:

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