Communication Skills Intro, Obj, Types Lectur 2

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Communication Skills and it’s Types

Course: Communication Skills

Course Code: 1119
Instructor: Ms. Samea Saeed
Communication skills
• It is the process by which we exchange information ,ideas ,facts
,opinions etc.
• Word Communicate is derived from a Latin word ‘Communico’ or
• It is an essential activity of life
• Natural activity of all human beings
Importance of communication skills
• It enhances public image .
• Important in career progression.
• Demand of business.
• Makes personal relations strong.
• Also important for government.
• Proper functioning of business organization.
• Planning and controlling of matters.
• Decision making.
Objectives of communication
• To give and receive information
• To persuade
• To build and maintain human relationship
• To issue orders and instructions
• To solve problems
• To coordinate efforts
• To receive suggestions
• to impart education and training
• To issue orders
• To improve morale and to motivate
Types of Communication
There are two types of communication
• Verbal communication
• Oral Communication
• Written communication
• Non Verbal communication
Verbal communication
• Communication with the help of words
• Words may be oral or written
• Further divided in oral and written communication.
Oral communication
• Sending and receiving of spoken messages.
• Soul of personal and business matters
Characteristics of oral communication
• simple and easy construction
• Conversational in tone
• Less complex and technical
• No permanent record
• Flexible in nature
• Less formal
Methods of oral communication

• Face to face
• Telephone
• Video conferences
Advantages of oral communication
• Immediate ,saves time
• Possible to get quick feedback
• Flexible
• Saves money spent on paper.
Disadvantages of oral communication
• Risk of message distortion
• No permanent record
• Less concise
• confusion
Written communication
• Sending and receiving of message through written words
• An organization depends on the exchange of letters, reports, memos
Characteristics of written communication
• Has permanent record
• More formal
• feedback is delayed
• Uses long and complex sentences
Methods of written communication
• Reports
• Memos
• E mails
• Fax
• Notices
• Charts
• News letters
• Brochures
Advantages of written communication
• Permanent record
• Well planned and well prepared
• Used to convey long sentences
• May be sent to various people at the same time
• Disadvantages of written communication
• Time consuming
• Use of paper
• Message may be misunderstood
Non-verbal Communication
• Non-verbal communication is defined as “the process of using wordless
• messages to generate meaning”.
• The use of non-verbal communication can create a whole new meaning to
a message.
• Non-verbal communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages,
both intentional and unintentional.
• The usage of non-verbal communication can clarify even the toughest
message to understand.
• Sometimes, non-verbal cues can be more meaningful than the words
Non verbal communication
As important as verbal communication…contributes almost 55% in conveying
• Appearance
• posture
• Expressions
• Body movements
• Eye contact
• Smell and touch
• Coughing
• Blush of cheeks
• Distance between receiver and sender
Verbal & Non-verbal Communication:
• Although verbal communication is easier to understand,
non-verbal communication is essential to understand not
only a message, but more importantly, the feelings behind
the message.

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