c360 Log

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--------- beginning of /dev/log/main

07-01 06:03:31.510 I/GPhoto ( 9380): GPhoto JNI_OnLoad!

07-01 06:03:31.613 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 480, h 800,
sample 1, bsLength 35669!!
07-01 06:03:31.964 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:03:33.100 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: www.umeng.com get result from
proxy >>
07-01 06:03:33.123 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 10d5!!
07-01 06:03:33.146 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2d51!!
07-01 06:03:33.151 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2b8f!!
07-01 06:03:33.156 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 230, h 230,
sample 1, bsLength 521c!!
07-01 06:03:33.161 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2885!!
07-01 06:03:33.164 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1803!!
07-01 06:03:33.180 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2d64!!
07-01 06:03:33.183 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 23ae!!
07-01 06:03:33.187 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 3f02!!
07-01 06:03:33.190 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 4acb!!
07-01 06:03:33.194 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 66b6!!
07-01 06:03:33.199 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 47dc!!
07-01 06:03:33.203 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 25e7!!
07-01 06:03:33.205 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 162b!!
07-01 06:03:33.219 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 331a!!
07-01 06:03:33.223 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 46a1!!
07-01 06:03:33.226 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 142, h 142,
sample 1, bsLength 27fe!!
07-01 06:03:33.230 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 287a!!
07-01 06:03:34.507 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: update.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:47.194 I/GPhoto ( 9380): free g_TemplateData
07-01 06:03:47.345 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:03:47.391 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:03:47.396 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:03:47.401 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:03:47.478 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:03:47.703 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:50.215 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:03:50.218 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:03:54.923 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:54.924 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:54.925 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:54.925 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:54.926 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:54.926 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:58.883 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:03:58.892 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:03:58.901 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:03:59.405 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:00.474 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:01.251 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:01.319 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:01.351 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:04.637 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:05.973 I/GPhoto ( 9380): free g_TemplateData
07-01 06:04:06.088 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:06.288 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.333 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.354 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.368 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.420 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.423 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.425 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:04:06.428 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.430 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.433 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.435 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.439 D/skia ( 9380): --- decoder->decode returned false
07-01 06:04:06.441 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20120727112347.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.442 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:06.442 D/skia ( 9380): --- decoder->decode returned false
07-01 06:04:06.444 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221164915.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.445 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165030.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.445 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165137.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.446 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165300.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.447 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165340.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.448 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165430.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.449 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221165502.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.450 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222093600.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.451 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094546.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.452 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094812.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.453 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094847.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.454 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094937.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.455 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20110111102908.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.456 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203170952.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.456 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171055.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.458 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171141.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.458 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171259.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.459 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171413.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.460 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101220144016.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.462 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20120222145629.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.463 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101220174745.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.464 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155201.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.465 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155251.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.466 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155331.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.467 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155402.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.468 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221164415.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.469 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221164536.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.470 E/BitmapFactory( 9380): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101129174038.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:06.481 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.496 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:06.743 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:09.043 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.046 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:04:09.062 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:09.069 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.072 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.075 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.076 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.632 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:09.653 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.655 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:09.707 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:09.712 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:10.512 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:10.536 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:10.538 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:10.541 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:13.044 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:13.052 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:13.525 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:13.655 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:15.074 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:15.120 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:15.238 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:15.323 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:17.082 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:17.096 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:18.713 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:20.828 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:20.863 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:20.934 D/libc-netbsd( 9380): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:21.536 D/skia ( 9380): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:21.678 I/GPhoto ( 9380): free g_TemplateData
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-10968
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Adapter is detached.
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:21.778 E/AndroidRuntime( 9380): at
07-01 06:04:25.615 I/GPhoto ( 9847): GPhoto JNI_OnLoad!
07-01 06:04:25.668 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 480, h 800,
sample 1, bsLength 35669!!
07-01 06:04:25.963 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:26.798 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 10d5!!
07-01 06:04:26.801 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2d51!!
07-01 06:04:26.806 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2b8f!!
07-01 06:04:26.809 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 230, h 230,
sample 1, bsLength 521c!!
07-01 06:04:26.836 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2885!!
07-01 06:04:26.841 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1803!!
07-01 06:04:26.844 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 2d64!!
07-01 06:04:26.847 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 23ae!!
07-01 06:04:26.851 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 3f02!!
07-01 06:04:26.855 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 4acb!!
07-01 06:04:26.859 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 66b6!!
07-01 06:04:26.865 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 47dc!!
07-01 06:04:26.881 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 25e7!!
07-01 06:04:26.884 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 162b!!
07-01 06:04:26.887 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 331a!!
07-01 06:04:26.891 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 46a1!!
07-01 06:04:26.895 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 142, h 142,
sample 1, bsLength 27fe!!
07-01 06:04:26.899 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 287a!!
07-01 06:04:33.645 I/GPhoto ( 9847): free g_TemplateData
07-01 06:04:33.860 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:33.919 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:33.924 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:33.936 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:33.951 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:34.020 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:34.218 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:34.228 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:34.242 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.244 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.269 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:04:34.271 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.273 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.276 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.278 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.283 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.285 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.286 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.288 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.290 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.299 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.319 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.320 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.322 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.325 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222093600.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.327 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094546.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.328 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094812.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.330 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094847.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.331 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101222094937.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.332 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20110111102908.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.332 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203170952.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.333 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171055.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.334 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171141.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.335 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171259.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.335 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101203171413.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.336 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101220144016.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.337 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20120222145629.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.338 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101220174745.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.339 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155201.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.340 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155251.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.341 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155331.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.343 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221155402.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.344 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221164415.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.345 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101221164536.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.347 E/BitmapFactory( 9847): Unable to decode stream:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sdcard/Camera360/Template/20101129174038.jpg: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
07-01 06:04:34.372 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:34.377 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:34.381 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:04:34.387 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.391 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.394 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.401 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.409 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.411 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.413 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.451 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.454 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.457 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.466 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.469 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:34.477 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:35.802 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:35.820 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:36.413 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:36.431 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:37.702 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:37.740 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:37.864 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:37.873 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:38.021 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:38.422 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:38.430 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:40.086 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:40.898 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:40.916 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:41.361 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:41.763 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:41.765 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:42.125 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:44.586 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:44.591 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:45.102 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:46.121 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:46.462 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:46.828 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:46.862 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:48.168 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:49.219 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:51.921 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:51.929 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:51.963 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:51.965 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:51.967 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 77!!
07-01 06:04:51.973 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:51.994 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.000 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.002 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.003 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.005 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.007 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.008 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.010 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.012 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.014 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.017 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.034 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.035 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.037 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.039 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.041 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.043 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.045 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.048 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.049 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.051 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.053 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:52.055 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:52.058 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 150, h 150,
sample 1, bsLength 1fc5!!
07-01 06:04:53.787 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: template.camera360.us get
result from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:55.983 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: scene.qiniudn.com get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:04:58.218 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:04:58.231 D/skia ( 9847): jpeg_decoder mode 1, config 6, w 120, h 120,
sample 1, bsLength 0!!
07-01 06:05:28.211 I/GPhoto ( 9847): ==== Create g preview effect class=====
07-01 06:05:52.401 I/GPhoto ( 9847): free g_TemplateData
07-01 06:05:56.620 D/libc-netbsd( 9847): getaddrinfo: push.camera360.us get result
from proxy >>
07-01 06:06:09.447 I/GPhoto (10562): GPhoto JNI_OnLoad!
07-01 19:14:41.602 I/GBugTracker(15267): <---
07-01 19:14:41.602 I/GBugTracker(15267): >> info: bug..

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