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Available in: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA,

Prior to your training session:

1. Be sure that the session time and topic are posted on the training schedule. It
should show the following:

Training Topic
Who Will Attend
Trainer’s Name
Preparation Required

2. Prepare a packet of material to give to each Agent one week in advance. Instruct
the Agents to read the material prior to next week’s session and bring the material
to the training session.

a. SelectLife 20 Brochure, R-2467 (Your State’s Version)

b. Application A-250 (Your State’s Version)
c. Rate Sheet, R-2467U
d. Marketplace Bulletin F6740
e. Proposals

3. Prepare yourself for the training session:

a. Gather materials needed in #2 a-e above.
b. Sample Policy (Branch Manager Only)
c. Read all of the material
d. Review the Training Outline
e. Prepare the objectives and follow-up section of the Training Outline

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1. This week we are training on the SelectLife 20.

2. Let’s review some of the key features of SelectLife 20.

(Read each of the following questions out loud. After each question, call on
someone to answer it. Then ask them to tell everyone where they found the
answer. If they give an incorrect answer, ask them to tell where they got the
answer. If this does not identify the correct answer, ask someone else for the
correct answer. Continue this process until all questions have been answered

a. What are the issue ages for the SelectLife 20/ALS product?

0 through 59 Where did you find that answer?

b. What is the Bank Budget (BB) premium for a 5-year old child on a
$10,000 SelectLife 20/ALS policy?

$12.50 Where did you find that answer?

c. Karen Fowler, age 0, is issued a $15,000 SelectLife 20 policy on a BB

premium basis. What is the total amount of premiums that have been paid
when the policy is paid in full?

$3,792 Where did you find that answer?

d. What is the premium on a prospect, age 30, who wants to buy a $5,000
SelectLife 20 policy and pay premiums on a quarterly basis?

$37.10 Where did you find that answer?

e. A policyholder owns a $15,000 SelectLife 20 policy. He is killed when

the taxi he is riding in is involved in an accident. What would be the
amount of the death benefit to his beneficiary?

$75,000 Where did you find that answer? (Brochure and Policy)

Questions “f – h” are to be answered True or False

f. Premiums are payable for a period of 20 years or until the insured’s death
on a SelectLife 20/ALS policy.

True Where did you find that answer?

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g. The SelectLife 20 benefit for natural death of a child under age 2 months
is one-fourth the face amount.

True Where did you find that answer?

h. SelectLife 20 includes a benefit for Premium Waiver. Premiums will be

waived if the insured becomes totally disabled for six months or more
between ages 1 and 60.

False (between ages 5 and 60) Where did you find that answer?

3. What are some reasons that people need SelectLife 20 insurance?

(List responses on the board. They should include the following:)

They need Final Expenses coverage

They want a limited payment period

4. What are some ways you can identify prospects for SelectLife 20?

(List responses on the board. They should include the following:)

Customers without life insurance


5. What approaches will you use when contacting these prospects?

(ChildSafe ID, MedFacts, $3,000 Accident)

6. Do a demonstration of how to present the features and benefits of the SelectLife

20 using the product brochure or product illustration (proposal).

7. Next week’s training session will be on ______________________ at ___________.

(day) (time)
We will be covering the ___________________.

Be sure to pass out materials needed for next week’s training session.

Instruct the Agents to look at the training schedule to determine what they will
need to do to prepare for that session as well as what materials they will need to
bring with them.

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