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Colegio Santo Tomás Puerto Montt

“Aprendemos con excelencia en la confianza y el afecto”

PROGRESS CHECK - Autoevaluación Formativa 1

English – 7º Grade

Nombre: ____________________________________________Curso: 7ºBásico _______

Docente: Mariela Wegner Fecha: ____________

1. Read and write the correct word for each definition.


2. Complete the message using a, an, the, - or the plural of the noun in brackets.


3. Complete the description with this, that, these or those.

Colegio Santo Tomás Puerto Montt
“Aprendemos con excelencia en la confianza y el afecto”

4. Write the singular or plural form of each 5. Complete the message using a, an, the, or -
SINGULAR PLURAL 1. Are you coming to __________ party next Saturday?
man 2. I bought __________ new TV set yesterday.
glasses 3. I watched __________ video you sent me.

child 4. I am crazy about reading __________ history books.

box 5. She is _______ nice girl.

matches 6. He is ________engineer.


6. Identify and correct the mistakes.

1. Last Sunday, my friend took me to the good restaurant.

2. I live in the small apartment in the city.
3. There is the park near my school. There are some beautiful paths in a park.
4. Remember a movie we watched last week?

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