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Elcano, Jason Val B.

2402_ CFE102_ SEA

Missionary Response 

1. Name three actions that you have done that alienated you from God, others, and yourself, and
describe their effects on you and others as a person (10 points).

Committing sins, being selfish, and being violent are three actions that have alienated me from
God, others, and myself. Previously, I preferred to hang out rather than attend Sunday services,
which caused me to lose interest in church. Recently, I was doing inappropriate things despite
knowing they were wrong. I used to be unconcerned about other people, preferring to leave rather
than help. Also, I do not obey my parents; I make my own decisions and treat them disrespectfully.
This caused me to lose my self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. This also caused me to become
estranged from God, have only a few friends, and remain silent. The only effect I can think of in
these three actions on other people is that they are dismayed at me. Despite my past behavior, some
people, particularly my friends and family, encourage me to live a fulfilling life. They did not
abandon me, and they guided me to where I am now.

1. Module 1: Quiz

A. Write True or False on the space provided.

True 1. Freedom refers to our capacity to make our choices as regards our actions and
how we face our lives.

True 2. We should be willing and ready to experience hardships and sufferings to

achieve the goals of freedom.

True 3. We are never totally free because there are limits to freedom.

False 4. Real freedom is actually doing whatever we want to do without any limitations
at all.

True 5. The proper use of freedom relates to the attainment of the good.

False 6. We do not enjoy freedom if we use it with due regard for the effect of our
actions on others.

True 7. Freedom from passions means controlling our inner drives to prevent these from
ruling our lives.

True 8. We should always follow our conscience to avoid sin.

True 9. From a Christian perspective, God will still love us even if we sin.

False 10. Our commission of sin affects only ourselves and does not harm others.

B. Write your answer below. 10 points each.

1. As a staff member of your school paper, you are free to write your ideas in your column. You dislike
one of your teachers. Are you free to write unfavorable things about him/her? Why or why not?

We should not write negative things about the teacher regardless of we you hate the teacher.
Because even if we are free to write our thoughts and opinions, we don’t have the right to write and
say something about that person no matter how much we dislike them. There may be chances that
we students may dislike one of our teachers, but we can’t disrespect them since they are also our
second parents. I have encountered a terror teacher in my life and sometimes that teacher just
humiliated and embarrassed me in the class, but I did not show anger to that person, but instead, I
prayed for her because I believe that the actions that I am showing reflect who I am as a person and
a student.

2. As a resident in an upscale subdivision, you have plenty of water because your subdivision has a deep
well. The fee for water consumption is incorporated in your monthly subdivision maintenance dues. If
you use the water wastefully, are you exercising true freedom? Justify your answer.

True freedom isn't simply just doing what we please but also doing what we ought to. It shouldn't
be just for ourselves but also with commitment to others. To use the water wastefully as a resident
in an upscale subdivision is not an exercise of true freedom. It is merely seeking my own self-
interest without regard to the effect of my actions on others. In fact, every choice has consequences
and we can't escape these. We must consider the responsibility that is attached to our ability and
willingness to choose. We must use freedom wisely, letting it be our guide in doing the right choices
in life.


Description Value

Well written and comprehensive. 10

Clear connection between topic and the life.

Concise in understanding and presentation of the topic.

Writes fairly clear. 8

Good presentation and organization

Sufficient effort and detail.

Minimal effort. 6

Fair presentation.

Few supporting details.

Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. 4

Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.

No organization of thoughts.

Lacking effort. 2

Very unclear and limited attempt in presentation.

Does not address topic or question.

No answer. 0

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