Midterm Activity 3

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AUREO, Rhea Joy M.

Prof Ed
A. Differentiate process-oriented from a product-oriented assessment using the template provided.


Process Product

Learning competencies is stated in direct Learning competencies associated with

observable behaviors of the students. products or outputs are linked with an
Competencies are defined as groups or assessment with three levels of performance
cluster of skills and abilities needed for a manifested by the product, namely: novice or
particular task. beginner’s level, skilled level, and expert

Learning tasks need to be carefully The design of the task depends on what the
planned. In particular, the teacher must teacher desires to observe as outputs of the
ensure that the particular learning process students:
to be observed contributes to the overall
understanding of the subject or course. 1. Complexity. It should be within the range
Some generally accepted standards for of the ability of the students;
designing a task include:
2. Appeal. The project should be appealing to
1. Identifying an activity that would students and should lead to self-discovery of
highlight the competencies to be evaluated; information by the students; and
Task Design
2. Identifying an activity that would entail 3. Creativity. It needs to encourage students
more or less the same sets of competencies. to exercise creativity and divergent thinking;
If an activity would result in too many 4. Goal-based. The project is produced to
possible competencies then the teacher attain a learning objective. Thus, reinforcing
would have difficulty assessing student’s learning.
competency on the task; and

3. Find a task that would be interesting and

enjoyable for the students.

Rubic is a scoring scale used to assess Scoring Rubrics Scoring rubrics are
student performance a long a task-specific descriptive scoring schemes that are
set of criteria and contains the essential developed by teachers or other evaluators to
criteria for the task and appropriate levels guide the analysis of the products or processes
of performance is typically created to of students’ efforts (Brookhart, 1999).
measure student’s performance. Scoring rubrics are typically employed when
a judgment of quality is required and may be
used to evaluate a broad range of subjects and
B. In your field of specialization, identify several learning outcomes which can be best measured with
performance-based assessment tasks. For each learning competency, formulate 3 tasks.
Field of Specialization

Learning Competencies Performance Tasks

Identify goals of the performance- This is to teach my student not to rely on my direction about how
based assessment. to complete each step of the assessment and t o challenge my
students to use critical thinking and problem -solving skills and
wanted them to exhibit less codependence and more individuality
while completing this assessment.
Select the appropriate course After identifying the goals, I will select the Common Core
standards. standards to be addressed with this performance assessment to
measure students' understanding of conditional probability and
rules of probability.
Review assessments and identify This was a very important step. I looked at the current worksheets
learning gaps. that students were completing for the unit. Two -way frequency
tables were a large part of the assignments. Next, I looked at what
was missing and noted that there was very little relevant real -
world application. As a result, I decided to create a performance-
based assessment that was also reality-based. Moreover, this task
would require students to analyze two-way frequency tables along
with other charts and graphs.

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