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Name : Mohamad Guntur Saputra

Student id : 2121020234
Class : HTN I

on vacation in Bandung.

I went on vacation to bandung in december 2017 with school friends, we went to

bandung using a very comfortable bus and we sang together in the bus, when we

arrived in bandung we stayed at the hotel located in lembang for four days, at our

hotel feel very comfortable. The next morning after eating we went to Tangkuban

Perahu tour there were a lot of tourists traveling and we smelled something smelly.

After we visited the Tangkuban ship we decided to return to the hotel, I saw many

birds flying along the way. The next day we went to Transmart Bandung, we really

enjoyed the rides at Transmart, after we finished we continued our journey to

Bandung Square. after arriving we saw a lot of people visiting and the place is very

beautiful and spacious.

And the next day we visited several places in Bandung, namely a farm house and a

new market. It was a very good story from my past, my friends and I were very happy

to be able to walk around the farmhouse which has lots of animals, then we went to

the new market to buy some food to take home. after shopping we took a short

break and we immediately got into the bus because we were getting ready to go

home, on the way we singing together to make it fun. That's my story while on

vacation to the city of Bandung. Bandung is very beautiful and see you bandung.

1.Noun:Bandung, hotel, shopping

• I went on vacation to Bandung in December 2017 with school friends

• we stayed at a hotel located in Lembang for four days

• after shopping we took a short break

2.Verb:Went, stayed, road

• I went on vacation to Bandung

• when we arrived in Bandung we stayed at a hotel located in Lembang for four days

• i saw many birds flying along the road

3.Adverb: comfortable, Tangkuban perahu, beautiful

• at the hotel we felt very comfortable

• we Went to Tangkuban perahu
• the place is very beautiful
4.Adjective: happy, beautiful, nice
• my friends and i were very happy
• the place is very beautiful
• it wa a very nice story’ from my past
5.Pronoun: i, we, my friend
• i went on vacation
• we Went to Bandung by bus
• my friend and i were very happy
6.Preposition: in, to, at
• when we arrived in bandung
• the next day we Went to Transmart bandung
• we stayed at a hotel
7.Conjunction: and, because, after
• namely a farm house and a new market
• into the bus because we were setting ready go to home
• the next morning after eating
• the hotel we velt very comfortable
• a very comfortable bus
• and see you bandung
B.Quantifier: a lot of, has lots, many
• a lot of people visiting
• has lots of animal
• i Saw many birds
C.Gerund: eating, arriving, traveling
• the next morning after eating
• after arriving we Saw a lot of people visiting
• were lots of tourits traveling
D.PresentParticiple: singing, something, flying
• we singing together make it fun
• we smelled something bad smell
• i saw many birds flying along the road
1. PastTense: i went vacation to Bandung
2.PresentTense: ready go to home

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