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Self - Learning
Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Cookery G9 QUARTER 2 WEEK 1

TOPIC Tools, Equipment, and utensils needed in preparing salad and dressing

COMPETENCY Perform Mise’n Place

At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:

LEARNING 1. identify tools, equipment’s, and utensils needed in preparing salad and dressing;
OBJECTIVES 2. Differentiate cleaning and sanitizing
3. Identify proper ways on how to care cooking ware, kitchen tools and equipment
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and assessment
sheets provided separately.

Tools, Equipment and Utensils Needed in preparing Salads

Mise’ En Place is a French term which means setting everything in place and organizing all the
materials and ingredients before preparing foods.
1. Knife – good quality knives with 6. Cutting Boards – choices of cutting boards are
sharp, sturdy stainless steel blades and the wooden or blocks and acrylic cutting
with handles that securely attached boards when preparing a recipe that
and that comfortable in your hand. contains both meat and vegetables
requiring cutting, use one board
exclusively for vegetable and the other
for raw meat.
2. Peeler - is a kitchen tool consisting of a 7. Citrus Zester – a kitchen zester is
slotted metal blade attached to a handle. approximately four inches long, with a
That is used to remove the outer skin or handle and a curved metal end, the top of
peel of certain vegetables, frequently which is perforated with a row of round
potatoes and carrots and fruits such as holes with sharpened rims. to operate, the
apples and pears zester is pressed with moderate force
against the fruit and drawn across the peel.

3. Grater – A grater (also known as a 8. Salad Servers – “Salad sets” with big salad
shredder) is a kitchen utensil bowls, serving bowls and servers.
used to grate foods into fine Select materials having enough
pieces. It was invented by surfaces to really grasp the ingredients
Francois Boullier in 1540’s. of salad no matter how slippery and
Ll thus making tossing easier.
4. Salad Spinner – used to hold just washed salad 9. Mixing Bowls – used to mix dressings, marinate
leave in a slotted basket easier. ingredients, hold separate elements
that is made to spin by hand and of a salad before assembling and
thus fling all the water off the used to toss and mix all the
leaves into the outer container ingredients. Used bowls made of
sturdy, heavy glass wares or ceramic
so as not to react with acidic
5. Grill Pan – used for salad toppings to 10. Chiller – for keeping cold foods chilled for
be broiled or grilled service

2|P a g e
Cleaning and Sanitizing

Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen tools and equipment must be part of the standard operating procedures that
make up your food safety program. Improper cleaning and sanitizing kitchen surfaces allow harmful
microorganisms to be transferred from one food to another

Care of the Cooking Ware

After using any cookware, they must be allowed to cool before washing and soaking to prevent accidental
burns from handling and to prevent damage. They should be free from all grease, food, etc. by washing them
using warm soapy water and rubbing them with a steel wool cleaner and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Drying them using a cloth after washing may preserve its appearance. If food or grease is badly burned on the
surface of a utensil, the pan should be filled with water and allowed to boil hard for five minutes. This will
loosen the burned food and the pan may be clean in the usual manner.

Care of Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Any kitchen tools and equipment will last long if given proper care. The stove, sink and cabinets should be
cleaned and sanitized regularly. The garbage can should be kept covered, cleaned and emptied often. Small
tools and equipment such as paring and butcher knives, kettles, pots and other tools should receive regular
care by cleaning and sanitizing them after using. Warm water will facilitate removing of grease. The use of
vinegar added to water is very good disinfectant and stain/grease remover. Be sure to air dry them before
storing because moist utensils will attract cockroaches and wet shelves can develop disagreeable odor.

SAQ-1: why do we need to do the Mise’n Place

SAQ-2: What is the purpose of keeping the utensils and equipment’s cleaned and sanitize d?

SAQ-2 :
Let’s Practice!

Directions: Identify the utensils and equipment. Write your answer on the space provided for.

. . . .

1. ____________ 2. ___________ 3._____________ 4.___________ 5. ____________


Key Points

Tools: peeler, mixing bowl, zester, salad bowl, salad spinner, chopping/cutting board, knife

Equipment: oven, chiller, refrigerator, blender, pressure cooker or any complicated device that operate
with electricity

Cleaning - is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface, such as a dish, glass, or
cutting board. Cleaning is done with a cleaning agent that removes food, soil, or other substances.

Sanitizing - is done using heat, radiation, or chemicals. Heat and chemicals are commonly used as a method
for sanitizing in a restaurant

3|P a g e
A. Directions: Multiple Choice: Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

____________1. A salad tool used to remove excess water from the salad greens.
a) mixing bowl c) salad spinner
b) salad server d) cutting boards
______________2. Used to hold salad ingredients for mixing, or for tossing.
a) knives c) mixing bowls
b) cutting boards d) salad server
______________3. Which of the following process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface?
a) cleaning c) sanitizing
b) rinsing d) washing
______________4. Any kitchen tools and equipment will last long if given proper __________.
a) display c) care
b) clean d) storage
______________5. Used for salad toppings to be broiled or grilled
a) baking pan c) mixing bowl
b) grilled pan d) colander

Learning Module for Cookery Grade 9 p. 62 – 65 ,98- 104


This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has
not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this
learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning resources
available for the learners in reference to the learning continuity plan of this division
in this time of pandemic.
This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource.

Developed by:
Teacher I
Bunguiao National High School

4|P a g e
Let”s Practice

1. Salad server
2. Salad Spinner
3. Chopping board
4. Chiller
5. Peeler


1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B

5|P a g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Learning Area: COOKERY Grade Level: 9

Quarter: 2nd
Week: 1
Learning Competency: Perform Mise’n Place


1. Read carefully the learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for compliance to standards
indicated in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite
specific page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached
Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.

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Factor I. Intellectual Property Rights Compliance
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Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) intended for
the learning area and grade level.
2. The MELC is sub tasked into learning objectives based
on the Compressed Curriculum Guide Syllabus (CCGS)
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Factor III. Instructional Design and Organization
1. The LR contributes to the achievement of specific /
objectives of the learning area and grade level for which
it is intended.
2. Sequencing of contents and activities from /
6|P a g e
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4. Content reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the /
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5. The LR develops higher cognitive skills (e.g., critical /
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Factor IV. Instructional Quality
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3. The LR is free from any social content violations. /
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Note: At least 6 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
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Factor V. Assessment
1. The LR provides useful measures and information that /
help the teacher evaluate learner’s progress in mastering
the target competencies.
2. Assessment aligns with the learning competency/ies. /

3. Assessment provides clear instructions in the TRY /

4. Assessment provides correct answer/s. /
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied
Factor VI. Readability
1. Vocabulary level is adapted to target users’ experience /
and understanding.
2. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level /
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3. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and /
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4. Lessons, instructions, exercises, questions, and activities /
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5. The LR provides appropriate mother tongue for the /
target user.
7|P a g e
Note: At least 4 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor Complied
Factor I. Physical Attributes
1. All necessary elements are complete. /
2. Cover elements are correct and complete. (i.e., w/ grade /
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3. The capSLET follows the prescribed learning area color. /
4. The LR observes correct pagination. /
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Factor III. Typographical Organization

1. The LR uses appropriate font size (12 or 14) and styles /
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2. The LR follows the rules in the use of boldface and /
Note: All criterion items must be YES to indicate compliance Complied Not
to this factor. Complied
Factor IV. Visuals
1. It contains visuals that illustrate and clarify the concept. /
2. It has images that are easily recognizable. /
3. Layout is appropriate to the child. /
4. Text and visuals are properly placed. /
Note: All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied

Recommendation: (Please put a check mark (/) in the appropriate box.)

Minor revision. This material is found compliant to the minimum requirements in all six factors. Revision
based on the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes
must be implemented.
Major revision. This material is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more factors. Revision based on
the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be
For field validation. This material is found compliant to all factors with NO corrections.
I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been
made without any undue influence from others.

Name/s Signature/s
Evaluator/s: ANALIZA P. GREGORIO ________________________

RODEL C. MANLANGIT ________________________

JOEFFREY B. TEVES ________________________

8|P a g e
Date accomplished: ___________________________

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed CapSLET

Title of the CapSLET: TECHNICAL DRAFTING Grade Level: 7/8

Quarter: 4th
Week: 5
Part of the Brief Specific Put a check mark
CapSLET/ description recommendatio
Paragraph / of Errors/ ns for
Line / Page Findings/ improving the
number (in Observatio identified Not
chronologic ns criterion Implemente
al order) d

Legend: (Type of Error) C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not captured

in the evaluation tools used.

Prepared by: Date accomplished:


(Signature Over Printed Name)

9|P a g e
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