Personal Timeline Reflection

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Activity: My Personal Timeline with Reflection

Write about your Personal Timeline which you made in class. Answer the following questions:

1. Is there a ‘center’ or a central theme in your timeline and life? If you will give a title for your
timeline, what would it be and why?
- Yes, there’s a central theme in my life and if I would give it a title it must be “The roller
coaster ride” because like of the roller coaster my life had up and down moments and as
roller coaster if it will done to rotate it will be worth it.
2. Identify the turning points in your timeline. What were the thoughts, feelings and actions that
you experienced?
- The turning points in my life is being a way with my mother it so sad being a way to my
mother but I will aways think that everything that she does is for me to give me a good
future ahead.
3. Who are/were the most significant people in your life? How did they influence you?
- My mother she influences me to be good daughter. She always makes sure that I will be
finish my school and she will do everything to give me support of what I want to be.
4. What would you change or add, if you could? How would each of these changes or additions
affect your life, or even change its present course?
- There’s nothing I will change or add because If who and where I am today it’s the cause of
happened in the past.
5. Where do you want to be in a year, 5 years, and 10 years? What do you expect your future
timeline will be?
- Maybe 5 or 10 years from now I finish my school and getting a job that I always dream
and living the life that I dream of and doing things that will make me happy.

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