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You have seen how 3D printing is making technological advances in the field of medicine. In the
future, the possibility exists to use cells from a patient (or cells from another person) to replicate
body parts, such as the liver and kidney. Maybe even a 3D printed heart is in the near future.

Write two to three paragraphs describing this new technology, how you feel about using 3D
printing in the field of medicine, and defend your position.

Your argumentative writing piece should be about 300 words or about one page.
Bioprinting: the Future of Medicine and Healthcare

Technology and medicine are two complementary things. They work hand in hand to
make our life easier and at the same time healthier. This means that as technology advances,
the field of medicine also progresses and takes big steps towards innovation. From diagnosis,
treatment, and recuperation in hospitals and medical facilities, modern devices and equipment
are widely utilized to bring on-point information about the patients. In addition, according to the
Medical Futurist (2020), these gadgets could provide cheaper, faster as well as more effective
solutions for diseases. And in the future, these innovations could help medical practitioners to
cure cancer, create artificial organs, or simply lead every individual to a healthier life. Some of
these medical milestones in relation to technology are artificial intelligence, virtual reality,
augmented reality, healthcare trackers, medical tricorder, genome sequencing, nanotechnology,
and robotics. The 3-D bioprinting methods are also one of these and are being implemented in
the field of medicine. This type of printing is continuously improved and enhanced since it could
solve numerous problems in healthcare services.

3d printing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. 3d

printing itself is already advantageous to the field of medicine for it helps to the development of
different prosthetics like artificial hands, arms, legs, and feet. These are widely used since it
produces prosthetics with precise measurements and high-caliber quality. But as the
21st-century approaches, 3d printing is not only limited to physical objects. Now, there is what
we call “bioprinting.” Based on the article published in Allevi blog (2020), 3D bioprinting is a form
of additive manufacturing that uses cells and other biocompatible materials known as bio-inks,
to print living structures layer-by-layer which mimic the behavior of natural living systems. As of
today, the advances brought by bioprinting in the world of medicines are bio-printed tissues, skin
with blood vessels, and some parts of the heart. Researchers and scientists are consistently
developing this technology due to the fact that in the future, there is a possibility of printed bone
grafts, implants, and even full organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Aside from these,
another major milestone caused by bioprinting is that it has assisted in pharmaceutical
development and drug validation. In the drug industry, they test drugs on animals before they go
to expensive clinical trials. However, the human body is very different from what an animal has.
So this means that what works in an animal will not necessarily be effective in a person. This
issue was already solved by bioprinting since it has the capability of printing human tissues. It
can already identify ineffective or harmful drugs for humans without the need for animal drug
testing. Hence, these all show how powerful and efficient 3d printing is not only in the creation of
prosthetics but also in tissues and drugs.

Due to the capabilities of 3D printing in medicine, my viewpoint of this is extremely

positive. This is because it has the potential of solving many health-related problems in our
world. One of these is the issue of organ transplantation. As we all know, millions of people are
on the waiting list for organ donors. This is not waiting for days or months, but for a year or
several. This long waiting time has brought many patients to death just before the organs
become available. Thus, in the future, bioprinting can potentially avoid these unfortunate events
since the process of printing organs is just short. Moreover, it offers a means of testing drugs
and creating tissues faster, at a lower price, but with better biological relevance to humans than
traditional animal testing. Aside from this, it can also aid in performing surgery like joining veins
and tissues with fewer complications. All in all, 3D printing technology has already offered
significant innovation in the healthcare field. And in the future, it can bring thousands more.

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