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PULL/PUSH/LEGS Set 1 2 3 4 5 6

Workout Plan - 6 Days on 1 Day Off Wt. Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps Reps

Week 1

Monday Pull
3x5+ Deadlifts
3x8-12 Lats Pulldowns (Wide/Close/Reverse
3x10-12 Machine High Row
3x8-12 Seated Cable Rows
3x12/12 Reverse Peck Deck Superset (Rear
Delt Dominated RF 12 reps/Trap Dominant
(squeeze scapula) RF 12 reps)
3x8-12 Hammer Curls
3x8-12 Spider DB/BB Curl SuperSet
Incline Bench DB Curl, 1 AMRAP set

Tuesday Push
3x5, 1x5+ Bench Press
3x8-10 Overhead DB Press
3x6-8 Weighted Dips
3x12-15 Cable Low to High Flyes
3x8-12 Triceps Pushdowns SuperSet
3x15-20 Lat Raises
3x8-12 DB Skull Crusher Superset 3x15-
20 Lat Raises
Wednesday Legs
3x5,1x5+ Squats
3x8-10 Hack Squats
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 Leg Press
3x8-12 Unilateral Leg Curl SuperSet
Standing Calve Raise
Thursday Pull
3x15 1 Arm Lat Pull In
4x12 Barbell rows
3x8-12 Chest Supported Rows (Variable Grip)
3x10-12 Kneeling straight arm cable pull over
SuperSet 2x12-15, 1x12-15(eyes pull) Face pull

3x10-12 Eccentric EZ Bar Curl

2x(12/10/8) Dumbbell Curls Tri Set (Reverse
grip,Hammer grip, Supinated grip)
Friday Push
3x8-10 Close Grip Bench Press
3x5 Military Press
3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press
3x12-15 Peck Deck SuperSet AMRAP
3x12-15 Cable Tricep Kickback SuperSet
3x10-12 Egyptian Lateral Raises
3x8-12 BB Skull-crusher Superset 3x10-
12 DB Lateral Raises
Saturday Legs

(Warmup:3x3, Main:3x5) Deadlift

3x8-12 Front Squat SuperSet Romanian
3 Sets 20 each Leg DB Walking Lunges

3x8-12 Unilatera Leg Extension SuperSet Sitting

Calf Raises
Sunday Rest
The Aesthetic Touch
3 X 8-15 reps of Forearm wrist extensions and wrist roller 3 Sets

2 X 12-20 reps of Neck curls and Neck Ext.

3 X 8-12 reps of Kneeling cable rope crunches and Hanging leg raises

3 X 8-15 reps of Forearm wrist extensions and wrist roller 3 Sets

2 sets of 12-20 reps of Neck curls and Neck Ext.

3 X 8-12 reps of Kneeling cable rope crunches and Hanging leg raises

Cardio 10k Steps

Streching Routine

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