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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Zambales


February 07, 2017

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
 Identify the different weather conditions
 Aware in things that we can wear in certain kinds of weather
 Participate actively in group activity

Value: Protecting One’s Self

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Weather Conditions

A. Science Concepts

Weather is how much sunshine or rain you have in your place each day.

Kinds of weather: Sunny Day, Cloudy Day, Rainy Day, Windy Day,
Stormy Day

There are things that we can wear or use in different kinds of weather.

B. Science Processes
Describing, Identifying, Observing

C. References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide in Science 3-S3ES-IVe-f-3

K to 12 Teacher’s Guide in Science 3 pp. 180-182
K to 12 Learner’s Material in Science 3 pp. 156-157
Growing with Science and Health 3 pp. 206-208
My World of Science and Health 3 pp. 224
Materials: Pictures, LCD projector, laptop
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Prayer:
Let’s start our day with a prayer, let’s - Classmates, let us bow our head
all stand up. and pray…
Samantha will you please come forward
and lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good Morning class! - Good Morning teacher!

- Good Morning visitors!
- Good Morning classmates!

You may now take your seat. - Magandang Buhay!

3. Checking of Attendance - Thank you teacher.

Let us check your attendance, who are
absent today?
- No one is absent in the class today.
(The class secretary will report who is

Very good!

4. Warm up Activity:
Class, before we go to our lesson. Let’s
have a warm up.

5. Checking of Assignment

6. Review
Do you still remember our lesson
- Yes, teacher. It’s all about the
Again, what is weather? weather.

- Weather is how much sunshine or

B. Developmental Activities rain you have in your place each
1. Motivation
(weather song/video) “The Weather”
What is the video all about?

What does it shows?

- It’s about weather teacher.

- Different kinds of weather.

Very Good!
2. Presentation/Discussion
Class, according to the video that you have - The four weather conditions are
watched, what do you think are the different sunny day, rainy day, windy day,
weather conditions? stormy day and cloudy day.
a. Let’s have a group activity.

(teacher sets the standard in doing the

I have here 5 envelopes; inside the
envelopes are puzzle pictures.
Materials specialists please come forward
and get the envelopes.
Direction: Solve the puzzle, paste it on
cartolina and then post it on the board.
Now look at the first puzzle you have
What weather condition does it show?

- Sunny day.

What do you observe if it is sunny day? - The sun is shining brightly.

Yes. If it is a sunny day, the sun is

shining brightly and the sky is clear. We
usually wear fine clothes.

Why do you think people wear fine - People use these because
clothes during this day? the weather is very hot.
Very Good. Give ____ an Aling
Dionisia clap.
On our second picture. Can you identify - It is rainy day.
what weather condition is it?

Very Good! Can you describe the - The sun cannot be seen, the
weather condition during rainy day? clouds are dark, and the rain is
That’s right! Another Aling Dionisia falling.
clap for _____.
On a rainy day, people stay inside the
house and children cannot play outside.
Take a look in our third illustration.

What do you see in the picture? - The boy and girl are flying their
On what weather condition do you fly - During windy day.
your kites?
Yes, again how do you describe windy
- The air is blowing hard.
That’s right! If the sun is shining,
clouds are slightly dark or clear and the
air is blowing hard, then it is a windy

Who can describe cloudy day?

- The sun cannot be seen and there
are plenty of slightly dark clouds
yet the rain is not falling.

Yes. Our fourth illustration is a cloudy

day. On a cloudy weather, we can see
thick clouds in the sky. It is a cold and
fine weather.
How about our last picture? Who can - There is a heavy rain.

Very Good. So what weather condition - Stormy Day.

is it?
Exactly! Give ____ 2 padyak and 3
During a Stormy Weather, the wind is
very strong and heavy. It is very
dangerous to go out on this day. So,
people stay inside the house and
children do not have classes.

Show the slide presentation of things

b. used in some types of weather.
Ok class, what can us wear on a sunny
day? - We usually wear fine clothes like
sando, thin shirts and shorts.
(Show things that can wear during
stormy/rainy days.)
And when do we use these things?
- We use these things during
rainy/stormy day.

Yes. That’s right.

Again. Let us give ourselves 2 padyak

and 3 palakpak.
Do we need to be aware with the things
- Yes teacher.
that we can use in certain kinds of

- Because it helps in protecting
Group Activities
1. Group the pupils into three.
2. Choose the leader/reporter for each
3. Setting of Standards
You are going to perform an activity,
Are you excited? - Yes teacher.
But before that, what are the things we
 Read and understand the direction
need to remember?
in the activity.

 Work quietly and cooperate with
the members of the group.
You have 5 minutes to finish you work. 
Keep your working area clean after
Once you are done. Clap your hands 5 the activity.

Is everything clear with our group


- Yes teacher.

4. Activity Proper
(Each group will be given sheet to guide
them in performing the activity)

Materials specialist, come forward and

get your materials.
(Teacher will signal the pupils when to
Group 1
Find the words that describe the weather
conditions. Some are written from left
to right and from top to down.

Group 2
Use weather symbols in telling the
following weather situations.

1. There are plenty of clouds and the

rain is falling.
2. The sun is shining brightly.
3. The sun is shining and the wind is
blowing strongly.
4. The sun cannot be seen and the sky
is covered with big clouds.
5. The sky is covered with dark clouds
and there are strong rain and wind.

Group 3
Write the type of weather when it is
appropriate to use the items on the left.
5. Post-Activities
Pupils will report their output.

C. Generalization:

Kinds of Weather





Rainy Cloudy

Day Day


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

(Concept Mapping)

Did you understand our lesson? - Yes teacher.

Is there any question? - None teacher.

Again, what are the different weather - The different weather conditions are
conditions? Sunny day, Windy day, Cloudy Day,
Very Good! Give _____ 3 claps, 3 Rainy Day, Stormy Day
padyak and say ikaw na!
D. Application
Choose the things inside the box
appropriate to use in different weather
conditions below.






IV. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the different
weather conditions based on the
given characteristics. Write S if it is
Sunny Day, C if it is a Cloudy day.

W if it is a windy day, R if it is

Rainy Day and ST if it is a stormy

day. Write your answer before the

1. The sun is shining brightly and
the sky is clear. We usually
wear fine clothes.
2. We can see thick clouds in the
sky. It is a cold and fine weather
so we need to wear jackets to
keep our body warm.
3. The wind is blowing too hard
and fast. It is the best time to fly
kites outside.
4. The rain is falling. People stay
inside the house and children
cannot play outside. We use
jackets and umbrellas on this
5. The wind is very strong and
heavy. It is very dangerous to
go out on this day. So, people
stay inside the house. Children
do not have classes.
V. Make a record of the kind of
weather in your place for five days.
Check if it is Sunny, Cloudy,
Windy, Rainy, or Stormy weather
to fill the Weather Chart below.
Prepared by: Checked by:

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Recommending Approval:

Head Teacher II



District Supervisor

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