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Name: Camille Rose E.

Agustin BSInT 1E-FBPSM

Learning Check 5
1.)   Wildlife found in Davao Region (both animal and plants)
 Cane Toad
 African Giant Snail
 Asian Painted Frog
 Black Soldier Fly
 Tropical Fire Ant
 Great Egg Fly
 Domestic Cat
 Greenhouse Frog
 Asian Honeybee
 Philippine Pied-Fantail
 Emerald Tree Skink

 Coromandel
 Jungle Flame
 Torch Ginger
 Coconut Palm
 Rockweed
 Crepe Jasmine
 White Lead tree
 Quail Grass
 Rouge plant
 Sea Almond
 Chamber bitter

2.) Two nabbed for illegally selling endangered turtles

July 9, 2020272

Two individuals were arrested for the illegal sale of endangered turtle species in
an entrapment operation of the NBI Environmental Crime Division in Tondo, Manila.
The value of 37 endangered turtles that were confiscated, including Hamiltoni,
Sherman, Red Foot, Sulcata, and Diamond Black could range up to Php 500,000. The
turtles were hidden under a Styrofoam box of fish when it was sold to an NBI agent. The
suspects denied the sale and claimed they only received the shipment this morning.
Authorities said they have strong pieces of evidence since one of the suspects posted
the sale of the said endangered species. The suspects will face charges on violation of
RA 9147 or Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act.
“Ang ginagawa nila they resort to some techniques. O-order sila isda, legal aquarium
fish pero sa ilalim ng lagayan nakatago ang turtles (They resort to techniques such as
buying fish, legal aquarium fish, but turtles are hidden under the containers),” DENR
Wildlife Resources Division Dr. Rogelio Demelletes exposed.
Since the start of the lockdown, almost Php 37 million worth of illegal wildlife trade has
been intercepted by the NBI and DENR.
“Ang isa pang setback natin masyadong mababa ang penalty sa wildlife trafficking. Sa
sobrang baba, hindi nagiging deterrent ito laban sa ating wildlife traffickers (One
setback is the low penalty for wildlife trafficking. It is so low to the point that it does not
becomes a deterrent against wildlife traffickers),” NBI Environmental Crimes Division
Atty. Czar Eric Nuqui said.
The confiscated animals will be transferred to DENR’s rescue center to undergo
– Report from Naomi Tiburcio

A. The violation of the person's in the news clip is that, they illegally sell endangered
B. The common reasons why they violate the law on wildlife resources protection, it is
because they can generate money or they can have high amount of money. Because
selling endangered species have higher cost which can be great tempt to the people.
C. Yes, they are doing their best to protect the wildlife resources. But the penalty is so
low, to the point that it cannot deterrent against the wildlife trafficking. That's why there
are still some people harm and sell endangered species for money. 
D. For me, the least that I can do is to not harm or catch an endangered species. Also,
help protect the  wildlife resources in order for them not to be bothered or not be ruined.

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