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KYS Department of English

Quarter II Examination
Student’s name:........................... Teacher’s name: ...............................
Sex: Male Female Date: ................/............./..............
Class:............../Grade:......5.EF......... 100 Time allowance: 60mn

I. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
What colour are our dreams?
0_____Do____we ____dream_____ (dream) in colour or in black and white? People argued for many
years about this question and scientists 1 __________________ (do) a lot of research into this question. One
of these scientists is a psychologist who 2 __________________ (work) at Dundee University. Her name is
Eva Murzyn, and right now she 3 __________________ (study) the effect of television on our dreams.
Eva 4_________________Just __________________ (publish) the results of her latest study.
Sixty people 5 __________________ (help) Eva with her research. They completed a questionnaire and
kept a diary of their dreams. She 6 __________________ (choose) people who were either under 25 or over
55. When Eva analyzed their diaries, she 7__________________ (discover) that the younger people usually
dreamt in colour, whereas the older group often 8 ________________ (have) black and white dreams. Eva
thinks that this is because the older group 9_______________ (see) programmes in black and white when
they were young. She believes that something happened to their brains while they10 __________________
(watch) TV at that time.

II. Complete the email. Put the verb in brackets in the present perfect or past simple.

Hi Craig

I’ve just received (just / receive) your email. Sorry to hear you aren’t well. I hope you feel better soon. You
11_______________ (be) really busy recently!

12_______________ (you / plan) your holiday yet? In June, I 13_______________ (go) to Canada with my family
again. We 14_______________ (go) there three times now! But this time, we 15_______________ (not stay) with
my uncle in Toronto. Instead, we 16_______________ (hire) a car so we could visit different places. Then in
August, Tanya and I 17_______________ (travel) around Morocco. 18_______________ (you / ever / go) there?
It’s a really interesting country.

Write soon!


English Department 1|4

III. Complete the sentences with a few, a little, much, many or a lot of.
19. She's quite overweight because she eats____________ sweets.
20. Can I ask you____________ questions about your diet? It won't take long.
21. Her children don't have a healthy diet - they don't eat ________________ vegetables.
22. How________________ sugar do you have in your coffee?
23. Could I have ______________ more tea, please?
24. I don't drink _______________ water. I need to drink more.
25. How _______________ hours do you spend in front of the TV every day?
26. _______________ time in the sun is good for you, but no more than 15 minutes.
27. He's in his last year at school, so he gets _______________ homework.
28. I only drink ______________ cups of coffee a day – maybe two or three.
29. Do your children eat ________________ sweets?
30. There’s too ________________salt in this soup.

IV. Select the correct answer A/ or B/.
31. We didn't do A. anything / B. nothing special last weekend.

32. Do you know A. anything / B. anyone about the meeting today?

33. There isn't A. anywhere / B. nowhere to go in the evenings.

34. He couldn't find his keys A. nowhere / B. anywhere.

35. We didn't know A. someone / B. anyone at the party.

36. Daniel has A. something / B. anything to tell you.

37. I phoned twice, but A. anybody / B. nobody answered.

38. We need to find A. somewhere / B. anywhere to stay in Dublin.

39. Listen! I think A. somebody / B. anybody is upstairs.

40. It was a very clear day. We could see A. everything / B. anybody.

V. Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of the adjective / adverb.
41. My new boss is _______________than the old one. (patient)
42. Pollution is _______________ in cities than it is in the country. (bad)
43. We aren't in a hurry. You can _______________ drive. (slowly)
44. The summers here are _______________ than they were in the past. (hot)
45. I failed the test. I'll work _______________ next time, (hard)
46. It's _______________ to my parents' house than it is to my boyfriend's. (far)
47. You can make the dinner tonight. You cook _______________ than me. (good)
48. The Japanese diet is _______________ than the American diet. (healthy)
49. A motorbike is _______________ than a car. (dangerous)
50. Heathrow airport is _______________ than Manchester airport. (busy)


English Department 2|4

VI. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.
51. She_________________________(run) because she's late for her lesson.
52. Our teacher always_________________________ (give) us lots of homework.
53. We_________________________ (not want) to go to the concert.
54. What time_________________________ (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
55. I_________________________ (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
56. People_________________________ (speak) English in Jamaica.
57. Archie_________________________ (not use) his computer at the moment.
58. _________________________ (Tony / live) near the park?
59. This weekend, I ___________________________(visit) my friends in Brighton.
60. The train to Brighton ________________________(leave) London at 6.45 in the morning.

VII. Circle A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
61. You’re _____ at work than I am. A busy B busier C more busy

62. I’m not very hungry, so I don’t want to eat __food. A too much B too many C too

63. My new boss isn’t _____ nice as my old one. A more B as C the

64. This is the _____ summer we’ve ever had! A worse B baddest C worst

65. I need to go to the gym. I don’t _____ exercise. A do enough B too much do C enough do

66. Do you play tennis as _____ as your sister? A best B better C well

67. We don’t enjoy swimming in the sea. It’s_____ cold. A too much B a few C too

68. Barcelona is _____ exciting city I’ve been to. A most B the most C more

69. He plays computer games _____. A lot B a lot C a lot of

70. It’s the _____ city in the world. A crowded B most crowded

C more crowded

VIII. Complete the sentences with do or make.
71. He never forgets to ____________ his homework after school.
72. I try not to ____________ a noise when I get up early.
73. My husband doesn't often ____________ lunch.
74. I'm going to ____________ a course in Portuguese before I go to Brazil.
75. We always ____________ housework on Saturday morning.
76. Some children ____________ friends easily when they go to school.
77. When do you have time to ____________ sport?
78. Sorry, I need to ____________ a phone call.

English Department 3|4

IX. Complete the sentences with words in the box.
A/ anxious B/ bones C/ brain D/ faces E/ illness F/ prevent G/ skin

79. I'm ________________about my uncle's health because he's been ill for a long time.
80. People suffering from a serious ________________ often stay in hospital for a long time.
81. You need to cover your ________________with sunscreen when you sunbathe.
82. You can tell they've been in the sun - their ________________are very red.
83. When you're old, your ________________can break more easily.
84. Coffee can sometimes ________________you from sleeping.
85. My grandmother can't walk very well, but her ________________ is still active.

X. Circle A, B, or C to complete the sentences with the correct health and body word.
86. A lot of people don’t have a _____ lifestyle. A health B healthy C healthful

87. There are too many sweets and snacks in your _____. A date B diet C eating

88. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables can _____ many illnesses. A prevent B proceed C protect

89. Don’t forget to wear _____ when you go on the beach. A sunbathe B glasses C sunscreen

90. Be careful not to have too much _____ food. A quick B fat C fast

XI. Write the opposite verb in each space. Be careful - use the correct verb form.
91. arrive You won't ________________ on time.
92. teach We're going to________________ English in Canada.
93. fail I don't think he__________________ all of his exams.
94. Push ____________________ the door to open it.
95. mend I've ___________________ my glasses.
96. lend Can I ____________________ a pen, please?
97. win I think he's going to __________________ the race.
98. turn off Can you __________________ the light, please?
99. get I___________________ more than 50 emails yesterday.
100. lose I've _______________________ some money!


Good Luck!

English Department 4|4

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