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Dear Judges,

My name is Ahmed, and I would like to thank you for giving me the time to talk about my
senior project which is based on coding, a passion I have had for the past six years. My
senior project is about why everyone should learn how to code at a basic level and how
doing so has become increasingly important in today’s society. In fact, I believe that it
can positively affect one’s livelihood. As the world becomes increasingly steeped in
technology, I believe that it is becoming more important to know about how technology
works and learn how to edit and create using the technological advances that are at our
disposal. , I also think that programming can be more than just a job, something I
learned six years ago. I grew an interest in game development and ever since I’ve been
heavily invested in coding, gradually improving my knowledge and skills in the field.
Before this, I had no productive hobbies and I’ve never let go of programming since I
found it due to just how fun I had found it to be. I hope for others to take the chance to
learn basic programming so that they can take advantage of it earlier rather than later
just as I have, and in doing so perhaps they could find a new hobby or even a new

Thank you for taking the time to review my senior project and letting me talk about
something that I am passionate about. I am looking forward to presenting my project
and receiving your feedback



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