Past Continuous - Sentences

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Past continuous

1. Kettőkor olvastam. I was reading at two

2. Olvastam, amikor I was reading when my
megérkeztek a szüleim. parents arrived.
3. Olvastam, miközben a I was reading while my
bátyám tévézett. elder brother was
watching TV.
4. Sétált, amikor eleredt He was walking when it
az eső. (hn) started to rain.
5. Zenét hallgatott, amikor She was listening to music
valaki kopogott az ajtón. when someone knocked
(nn) on the door.
6. Főzött, miközben zenét She was cooking while she
hallgatott. (nn) was listening to music.
7. Esett az eső délután It was raining at three
háromkor. o’clock in the afternoon.
8. Fociztunk, amikor We were playing football
elkezdett havazni. when it started to snow.
9. Teniszeztünk, amikor We were playing tennis
elkezdett fújni a szél. when the wind started to
10. Beszélgettünk, amíg a We were talking while our
barátaink táncoltak. friends were dancing.
11. Levelet írtam, amikor I was writing a letter when
kialudtak a fények. the lights went out.
12. Tanultál, amikor Were you learning when
megszólalt a telefon? the phone rang?
13. Kosaraztak, amikor Were they playing
elkezdett fújni a szél? basketball when the wind
started to blow?
14. A kutyát sétáltatta, Was he walking the dog
amikor megláttad őt? (hn) when you saw him?
15. Mit csináltál, amikor a What were you doing
baleset történt? when the accident
16. Hova mentek, amikor Where were they going
találkoztál velük? when you met them?
17. Miről beszélgettetek, What were you talking
miközben sétáltatok? about while you were

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