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Grammar Practice – Past Continuous

1. Mix and match

1. I was waiting for him for over e) a) we arrived.

2. They were talking on the d) b) went out.
3. It was still raining when I b) c) shouting?
4. I was trying to phone i) d) phone for thirty minutes.
5. Sorry, was I c) e) two hours.
6. She was living in Leeds in h) f) dinner when he called.
7. I was working on that g) g) report all night.
8. He was still cooking when a) h) 1999.
9. We were having f) i) you all morning.

2. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous.

Example: Eddie __________ a comic. (to read)

Answer: Eddie was reading a comic.

1. I ……………………………………………… to my friend. (talk)

2. The boys …………………………………………… the parrots. (feed)
3. We ……………………………………………………… breakfast at 6 this morning. (have)
4. She …………………………………………………………… a new skirt. (wear)
5. He ………………………………………………………… a letter (write)
6. Tom’s younger brother …………………………………. (cry)
7. You …………………………………….. photos with my new camera, weren’t you? (take)
8. My father …………………………………………… vegetables at the supermarket. (buy)
9. They ……………………………………………………… (sit) on the sofa.
10. Robert …………………………………………………… (lie) on the beach.

3. Put the words in the correct order.

1. yesterday was at listening to I music 5.
2. when was noise preparing his car he He heard a.
3. was was typing her the letter while boss dictating it She.
4. lying were in afternoon sun They all the.
5. was when friend going home I I met a.
6. walking Peter was in saw accident the when street he an.
7. coming As policeman we a stopped were here us.
8. were When I having they dinner arrived.
9. between What yesterday doing were you nine and ten?
10. home Were working you at?

4. Translate the sentences.

1. Bevásároltam tegnap délután 5-kor. 11. Láttam őt, amint a buszról szállt le.
2. Könyvet olvastam, amikor Pat bejött. 12. Tegnap 6-kor tanultam.
3. Egész nap utaztak. 13. Joe újságot olvasott, amikor
4. Amikor nem figyeltél, elvettem egy süteményt. megszólalt az ajtócsengő.
5. TV-t néztek, amikor hazaértünk. 14. Gyönyörű idő volt. Sütött a nap, és a
6. Jane egész délután vasalt. madarak énekeltek
7. Mit csináltál tegnap este 7-kor 15. Anya főzött, apa javította az autót, a
8. A konyhában ültem, és vacsoráztam. bátyám zenét hallgatott, amíg én a leckét
9. Éppen rólad beszéltünk. Csináltam.
10. Akkor éppen teát készített.

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