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Name _______________________________

Ideas for title: baby, sun, light, exciting, friend, hungry, love, fire, city, pretty, dirty, careful...

Antonyms (opposites) of title: adult, moon, dark, boring, enemy, full, hate, water, country…

-ing words: Running, playing, talking, moving, burning, loving, exciting, surprising, swimming….

Adjectives: Words that describe nouns. For example; beautiful, funny, yellow, dirty, angry,

Noun: Any person, place, idea, or thing.

Title (Do last line next)

_______________ ________________
2 words (Adjectives describing Title)

____________ _____________ _____________

3 - ing words describing line 1

___________ _____________ ____________ _____________

2 nouns related to the title 2 nouns related to line 7 (antonym)

__________ ______________ ____________

3 - ing words describing line 7

_____________ _____________
2 words Adjectives describing line 7

Antonym of title
Draw picture of title

Title (Do last line next)

_______________ ________________
2 words (Adjectives describing Title)

____________ _____________ _____________

3 - ing words describing line 1

___________ _____________ ____________ _____________

2 nouns related to the title 2 nouns related to line 7 (antonym)

__________ ______________ ____________

3 - ing words describing line 7 (antonym)

_____________ _____________
2 words Adjectives describing line 7 (antonym)

Antonym of title

Draw picture of antonym of title

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