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Assignment – 1

Does Twitter Have a Strategy?

Course Title: Strategic Management

Course Code: MBA 550

Submitted By:
Name: Fardim Rashid Prokriti
Section- 03

Submitted To:
Dr. Md. Nazmul Hossain
Adjunct Associate Professor of Independent University, Bangladesh
Question 1: Why Twitter is struggling? What role do industry and firms effects play here?

Answer: There are some reasons why Twitter is struggling. On Twitter, We all know we can write only 140
characters. So, it is exceptionally difficult for the individuals to precisely their considerations or opinion
appropriately. So, clients begin to move in a few other social sites. As a result, Twitter starts to lose its
customers day by day. For that reason, Twitter's revenue and share cost confronted a enormous drop down.

Secondly, Twitter failed to gather big number of customers data. We all know advertisement is the
enormous source of salary for social sites. As Twitter has a few deficiencies of information so that it cannot
reach to its appropriate client fragment So, its gaining from advertisement diminishing day by day. It
moreover has exceptionally destitute interaction with its clients. In case you'll be able to not hold your
clients your trade will consequently goes down.

Thirdly, Twitter has some difficulties in its management. Twitter has exceptionally unstable management
which changes regularly. As a result, administration don't get sufficient time to perform their best to attain
company's objective. When a new management comes it takes a few times to construct a solid
understanding with the company's environment. Governing board of Twitter always creates pressure on the
management. They want instant result from the management. When governing board makes weight on the
administration its exceptionally difficult for the management to apply any unused thought or technique.
Moreover, Twitter's worker turnover rate is exceptionally high. So, Twitter don't get maximum service from
its employees.

Twitter's fundamental competitors like Facebook, Google, YouTube they continuously offer unused products
or administrations to its clients which works as their competitive advantages. Twitter failed to make any
competitive advantages over its rivals. Moreover, Twitter isn't that much successful media for promotion. Its
industry rivals are much viable media for promotion since they have huge number of clients information. For
those reasons' clients move from Twitter to other social or online platform.

Twitter has very volatile management and management cannot work freely. which will create competitive
advantages. Its governing body puts intemperate weight on unused management. As a result, they cannot
work freely. So, its exceptionally difficult for them to apply any modern thought or technique. These a few
reasons lead the Twitter to straggle.
Question 2: What grade would you give Dick Costolo, Twitter's CEO from 2010 to 2015? Support your
decision with specifics. Also, list some of his leadership strengths and weaknesses. What
recommendations would you have for the new Twitter CEO to be a more effective strategic leader?

Answer: From my judgment, I will give Dick Costolo a grade of B for his performance in the period 2010 to
2015. In 2013 Twitter went public and after that, in 2015 its share cost was 50 percent less than some time
recently. It was an exceptionally heinous and disheartening performance by Dick Costolo. Twitter ought to
make an expansive client base so that it can gain more cash from advertisement. Dick Costolo had moreover
this sort of plan but he fizzled to form an enormous client base since year after year Twitter losing its clients
for not making any competitive advantages over its rivals. In Dick Costolo's period Twitter's obligation was
appraised "Junk" since it has higher hazard of default Dick Costolo had a issue that he changes his technique
habitually and quickly. This was very unexpected for the employees. His procedure was not clear to the
workers and management. So, workers and administration had to confront issue working with the

Dick Costolo is a co-founder of Twitter. So, I think he is exceptionally much competent to startup a new
trade. It can be characterized as his one of the qualities. He shifts or changes his strategy frequently. This
demonstrates that he has a few challenges to require decisions and challenges. These can be his weakness.

My Recommendation for the new CEO is that at to begin with, he must clear his procedure to the workers
and administration. As a result, they can get it the procedure and work based on that. He must take
challenges to overcome the terrible days of Twitter.
Question 3: Why is a good strategy so important, especially at high-tech startups like Twitter? Why is
crafting a good strategy at Twitter so difficult? What are some of the pitfalls that a CEO of a company such
as Twitter needs to watch out for when crafting and implementing a strategy?

Answer: The way how I will achieve my goal that is called strategy. In case I don't know how I will accomplish
my objective I will never reach to my objective. So, its very important to have a clear and effective strategy
to achieve goals. Good procedure is exceptionally critical for all sorts of trade particularly high-tech startup
like Twitter. To start and operate their business High-tech startups need huge amount of investment. So, in
the event that their procedure isn't clear an viable, it's very difficult for them to reach their crave objective
which is gaining profit.

Twitter has very volatile management. The administering board of Twitter changes the administration
habitually. As a result, management cannot make and apply appropriate technique which is able to take the
Twitter to its crave objective. The administering board makes and put over the top pressure on the
management. As a result, it's exceptionally difficult for the management to apply any great or new
technique. As well as Twitter's worker turnover rate is exceptionally lofty. So, best management should
confront enormous challenges to apply any procedure.

CEOs ought to be careful about a few pitfalls when making and executing strategies. At to begin with in case
a CEO is an incapable communicator its exceptionally hard for him/her to communicated appropriately with
his/her best administration as well as subordinates. Without appropriate communication it is very
incomprehensible to make and implement a strategy. So, CEO must be an viable communicator.

Secondly, in case a CEO is an Incapable group player its exceptionally troublesome for him/her to work with
a group. In corporate culture all the works are done by group. Tasks are divided into some team. Each team
is responsible for its duty. A CEO needs to work with all them groups. Essentially, making group is another
work for a CEO. So, he/she should create his group playing aptitude to make and implement a strategy.

On the off chance that CEOs failed to form right corporate culture for the workers it’s very difficult to bring
out the most extreme output from an worker. So, it's a work of a CEO to form right corporate culture.
Without right corporate culture its exceptionally difficult to make and execute a strategy. There are a few
other pitfalls that a CEO must be careful like, he/she ought to not be a narrow-minded person, he/she ought
to not be an unable individual to require challenges or risk.
Question 4: Apply the three-step process for developing a good strategy outlined above (diagnose the
competitive challenge, derive a guiding policy, and implement a set of coherent actions) to Twitter's
situation today. Which recommendations would you have for Twitter to outperform its competitors in the

Answer: In today's circumstance the enormous competitive challenge for Twitter is to form competitive
points of interest over its rivals.

• Diagnose the competitive challenge: We as of now know that Twitters clients are not filfilled what
Twitter is giving to them. On the other hand, an enormous competitor like Facebook or Google they
give what their clients need. For that reason, their customer base is expanding day by day. So,
making competitive advantage may be a huge challenge for Twitter presently days. Another
challenge is to make enormous client base. Necessity of enormous client base and client information
Twitter isn't a great platform for notice since they cannot reach to so numerous individuals. As a
result, companies move to Facebook or Google for promotion since they can reach to so various
• Derive a guiding policy: Twitter needs to collect big number of customer data so that it can reach to
many people. Adjacent to Twitter has to make its app and site user-friendly so that more people can
utilize it. Twitter ought to include stylish highlights to its app so that it can compete with Facebook
or Google. Twitter too ought to progress its customer-based information to reach numerous
• Implement a set of coherent actions: Administering board ought to not put intemperate pressure on
the administration or maybe they got to deliver best administration free space to work openly. As a
result, they can apply unused thoughts and procedures. Best administration ought to clear a
particular procedure to the workers so that workers won't be befuddled. Twitter ought to contribute
more cash in its improvement segment.

My recommendation is that Twitter ought to increment its client base information so that it can reach to
numerous individuals. Twitter should do parts of promoting for expanding its use or client. Twitter ought to
present modern highlights and administrations to its clients. As a result, it'll be more user-friendly.

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