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2022 Trends to Watch:

Smart Home

Mariana Zamoszczyk
Principal Analyst, Smart Home Services © 2021 Omdia Brought to you by Informa Tech
“New value-added smart
home subscription
services will reinforce
the importance of the
smart home.” Mariana Zamoszczyk
Principal Analyst,
Smart Home Services

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021


• Omdia view
• Key messages
• Recommendations
– Recommendations for service providers
– Recommendations for vendors

• Smart home vendors will push a greener agenda to win differentiation

• The convergence of physical and cybersecurity will be key for modern homes
• Elder care subscription services will gain importance among consumers
• Appendix

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Information Classification: General
2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Omdia view: The smartest homes will The impact of COVID-19 on the global smart home market
has been minimal

be restricted to those willing to pay for

subscription services 248.5m
• While smart home penetration rates accelerate, key smart home vendors Global smart home
such as Amazon and Google are focusing more on the development of new households by 2022
subscription services designed to tie their respective smart home products to
new monthly revenue streams.
• Meanwhile, the increasing sophistication of cybersecurity threats at home is
pushing service providers to work more on the integration between home
security and network security to improve the smart home experience,
creating a more differentiated digital portfolio for the home as a result. 25.7%
• Omdia believes that the launch of new value-added smart home subscription Global smart home
services will strengthen the importance of the smart home but will also penetration rate in 2022
promote new levels of customer captivity. This means full access to advanced
smart home functionality will be limited to subscribers.
• This Trends to Watch report offers strategic insight for vendors and service
providers interested in taking advantage of the upcoming market The global smart home market is projected to exceed $178.5bn
transformations that will develop in the smart home industry next year. in 2025, at a CAGR of 24.1% from 2020 to 2025

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Key messages

1 2 3
Smart home vendors will push a greener The convergence of physical security and Elder care subscription services will gain
agenda to win differentiation cybersecurity will be key for modern importance among consumers
The need for competitors to differentiate In 2022, consumers will increase
will promote the development of new The need to ensure consumers are better investment in technologies designed to
energy management tools and features prepared to handle modern threats will help them monitor the well-being of
designed to improve energy efficiency at gain importance during 2022. As a result, loved ones aging at home. The
home. All vendors will have to push the a tighter integration between home development of new AI-enabled elder
envelop in terms of innovation and security and network security will help care subscription services will significantly
functionality but remain affordable to win vendors and service providers to improve boost the market potential of assisted
the battle for supremacy. the smart home experience. living.

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Key recommendations

Service providers Vendors

• Expand the smart home energy product portfolio. Offer customers • Develop a far-reaching energy management strategy. Expand beyond
choice in terms of brands. Partner with renowned smart home energy smart thermostats, helping customers to monitor energy usage and
device manufacturers offering advanced energy management potential heating/cooling problems, while saving power across a wide
functionality via products and services. Develop attractive bundle deals range of smart home devices. Also, design an attractive entry-level
with installation services. product proposition with access to free basic functionality as well as
premium subscription services.
• Develop attractive cyber-physical home security bundles. Partner with
trusted cyber and physical security providers with a track record in the • Create an integrated cyber-physical security proposition for whole-
smart home space. Promote differentiated cybersecurity services for home protection. Cover the entire spectrum of cyber-physical risks at
smart home devices, going beyond traditional solutions that focus on home via multiple network and physical security devices and services.
smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Promote a unified mobile app approach, offering all network and
physical security features in one single app.
• Look at elder care as a key element of the smart home. Partner with
trusted device makers and healthcare service providers, while taking • Leverage the alert capabilities of smart home devices and voice
advantage of existing relationships in the B2B segment to create assistants for elder care. Develop multiple use case scenarios but
compelling services for consumers. Adopt a consultative sales highlight existing product limitations to clearly set customer
approach, offering demos and expert advice for buyers and users. expectations.

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Information Classification: General
Smart home vendors
will push a greener
agenda to win

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Offering proactive energy efficiency monitoring will be key to

standing out in the smart home energy market
• Consumers are increasingly seeking new ways to make their homes more
energy efficient, especially if it helps them to cut down on their heating
and electricity bills. With the price of gas and electricity on the rise,
solutions such as smart thermostats and lights have gained a key role at
home as they help reduce energy usage. Omdia estimates that more than
360 million households worldwide will use these smart solutions by 2022.
• Amazon’s decision to enter the smart thermostat market to compete with
Google will heat up the competitive landscape. The new Amazon Smart
Thermostat is affordable at $60, but not self-learning as Google Nest
thermostats, relying instead on Alexa Hunches to control the heating
whether the user is at home or not. Amazon’s success in this market will
depend on its ability to develop a robust smart energy proposition and
provide real energy savings, while competing with Google’s Nest Renew
program for clean energy.
• In 2022, Omdia expects the need for competitors to stand out will promote
the development of new energy management tools designed to improve
energy efficiency at home via free functionality (i.e., Nest HVAC
monitoring)/subscription services (i.e., Nest Renew Premium, Hive Heating Air condi oners ans linds shades Air uality
Plus). The next step in market evolution will be to create a more holistic Radiator valves hermostats igh ng lugs switches
ource mdia mdia
approach to smart home energy, instead of focusing on smart thermostats.

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Smart thermostat vendors will need to push the envelop in terms of

innovation and functionality, but remain affordable to win the battle
Player What will the impact be? Impact rating How should players respond?

Service Smart energy is a popular use case among proactive telcos in Expand the smart energy product portfolio beyond smart
providers the smart home space. 79% currently offer solutions such as thermostats, plugs, and lights, including other popular
smart thermostats and smart plugs as part of their smart solutions such as air purifiers and radiator valves. Offer
home product portfolio. However, advances in product and customers choice in terms of brands, partnering with vendors
service functionality won’t have any significant impact for offering advanced energy management functionality. Develop
service providers as resell margins remain low. attractive bundle deals with installation services.
Vendors The high costs of products and services will remain a major Develop a far-reaching approach to energy management,
challenge for market growth. Furthermore, the competitive helping customers to monitor energy usage and save power
pressure will intensify, making it harder for companies to win across a wide range of smart home devices, not just smart
differentiation. Offering energy-tracking capabilities in thermostats. Create an attractive entry-level product
addition to potential savings won’t be enough to stand out in proposition and make access to free basic functionality
the crowded market. Vendors’ pledge to climate change and worthwhile to reduce entry barriers. Promote commercial and
ability to work with energy companies to promote the use of contractual flexibility for premium subscription services.
clean energy will also be important to attract customers.

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Information Classification: General
The convergence of physical
and cybersecurity will be key
for modern homes

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Physical and cybersecurity at home must converge to better mitigate

hybrid threats
• Increasingly, consumers are facing physical and digital threats at home. As Q: Which of the following smart home services do you currently use
a result, home security services have become a key investment driver for and pay a monthly subscription fee for?
the smart home, according to mdia’s Digital Consumer Insights 2020:
Smart Home survey. 24/7 professional security and video storage currently
24/7 professional home security monitoring
lead in terms of investment, but consumers have also placed more value services (e.g., ADT)
16% 36% 48%
on cybersecurity as the threat of being targeted by hackers intensifies.
Home security camera recording and storage
• Few telcos with physical and cybersecurity smart home propositions are
subscription services (e.g., Nest Aware, Ring 15% 34% 51%
currently going to market with a unified offering (i.e., Xfinity Home with Protect Plans)
Advanced Security). This disconnection is present even when being a
broadband customer is a prerequisite for smart home services. Cybersecurity for all connected devices 14% 44% 41%
• Amazon has recently launched the Ring Alarm Pro, a home security system
with an Eero Wi-Fi 6 mesh router built in that provides physical home Home insurance tied to use of smart devices (e.g.,
14% 40% 46%
security as well as whole-home Wi-Fi and network security. More vendors water leak detector, smoke alarm)
in the smart home industry are expected to follow this approach next year.
Premium technical support service (e.g. technical
• Omdia believes physical and cybersecurity can no longer operate in silos. In support service for all connected devices)
12% 38% 49%
2022, the need to ensure consumers are better prepared to handle
modern threats will accentuate, pushing all market participants to rethink
Already have Don't use but would be interested Don't use and am not interested
their current strategies for the smart home and create a more unified
approach. n=12,226
Source: Omdia © 2021 Omdia

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Tighter integration between home security and network security will

help improve the smart home experience
Player What will the impact be? Impact rating How should players respond?

Service Many broadband service providers have developed their Partner with cybersecurity solution providers that have a track
providers cybersecurity capabilities over the past few years, but more record in the smart home space. Promote differentiated
focus is needed on consumer IoT devices. Investment in this cybersecurity services for smart home devices, going beyond
area will help telcos have better visibility of all devices at traditional solutions that focus on smartphones, laptops, and
home. When combined with self-monitoring and tablets. Develop attractive cyber-physical home security
professional security services, this approach will enable bundles. Via customer education, help users understand the
telcos to meet current security demands and offer a more value of cybersecurity.
comprehensive whole-home security proposition.
Vendors Many companies in the residential security market have Develop an integrated digital-physical home security product
focused on safeguarding the home from physical threats, not proposition. Focus on whole-home protection, covering the
paying enough attention to cybersecurity. Omdia expects entire spectrum of cyber-physical risks at home. Create a
this to change during 2022 as more smart home vendors unified mobile app approach, offering all network and physical
introduce new hybrid cyber-physical security solutions for security features in one single app. Also, include on-device
the home. storage capabilities (SD card) for backups as an extra security

Page 12 © 2021 Omdia

Information Classification: General
Elder care subscription
services will gain
importance among

Page 13 © 2021 Omdia

2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

Consumers will prioritize investment in technologies that can help

them monitor the well-being of loved ones aging at home
• As health-consciousness intensifies, consumers want smart home devices
to help them when they need it the most. According to mdia’s Digital
Consumer Insights 2020: Smart Home survey, 49% of consumers are
interested in smart solutions designed to monitor health emergencies,
while 48% want solutions to monitor the well-being of a family member.
• Similarly, many consumers value the support of AI assistants when there is
an emergency. At present, 47% of consumers want AI assistants to provide
emergency support (e.g., calling an ambulance), while 31% would like AI
assistants to monitor their health/fitness and provide advice.
• Amazon has begun to capitalize on this trend in the US market with the
new Alexa Together elder care subscription service ($20 a month) that
combines Amazon’s existing device portfolio with enhanced Alexa services
to provide support for aging family members living independently. The
service includes hands-free 24/7 access to a professional emergency
helpline and other alerts and monitoring tools for relatives and caregivers.
evice that evice that evice that evices to ompanionship evice that evice that helps
• In 2022, consumers will increase investment in smart devices and monitors your monitors monitors your monitor loca on devices e.g., monitors a you monitor
level of tness sleep helps you health and alerts or well being of a robo c animals speci c medical medica on
subscription services that can alert them in case of an emergency and help ac vity sleep be er for emergencies family member condi on e.g.,
them monitor the well-being of loved ones. Omdia expects consumers to e.g., heart diabetes
a ack
focus on easy-to-use solutions with varied functionality such as smart n , Already have on t have but would be interested
speakers/displays, rather than single-use solutions for elderly care. ource mdia mdia

Page 14 © 2021 Omdia

Information Classification: General
2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021

New AI-enabled elder care subscription services will boost the

market potential of assisted living
Player What will the impact be? Impact rating How should players respond?

Service Assisted living is a niche market that has been hard to crack. Look at assisted living as an integral part of the smart home
providers Only 14% of telcos currently offer emergency response proposition. Partner with trusted device makers and healthcare
services for seniors and disabled people as part of their service providers. Also, take advantage of the unique role of
smart home portfolio. However, growing consumer interest telcos in the delivery of GPS tracking services. Adopt a
will have a positive impact, especially for proactive telcos consultative sales approach, offering demos and expert advice
offering services directly or via partnerships with specialized for buyers and users. Provide full product details and
healthcare providers. Moreover, competition from large OTT specifications, focusing on sensitive device features such as
players is expected to remain limited to the US market. battery life and service reach.
Vendors Increasing health-consciousness among consumers and the Draw attention to the emergency alert capabilities of smart
threats COVID-19 poses on older generations will promote home devices and voice assistants. Develop multiple use case
the adoption of more advanced elder care solutions. Those scenarios but highlight existing product limitations to clearly
vendors that have the capacity to integrate multiple device set customer expectations. Mitigate all potential product
functionality, instead of promoting single-use products such vulnerabilities and promote data transparency from the start.
as panic buttons, will be better positioned to take advantage
of this trend.

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Information Classification: General

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2022 Trends to Watch: Smart Home | October 2021


This report is based on Omdia data, forecasts, surveys, and research reports about the smart home market and on input from the industry and general media.

Further reading
Smart Home Broadband Service Provider Benchmark: 2021 (September 2021)
Smart Home Device Penetration Report – 2021 (September 2021)
Digital Consumer Insights 2020: Smart Home (March 2021)

Mariana Zamoszczyk, Principal Analyst, Smart Home Services

Omdia Consulting
We hope that this analysis will help you make informed and imaginative business decisions. If you have further requirements, mdia’s consulting team may be able to help you. For more
information about mdia’s consulting capabilities, please contact us directly at

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