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“Taking Depression Seriously”

I would like to talk about depression in our society nowadays especially at this
age. I want to raise awareness because of everything is going on and I’m here to
talk about how important it is to listen in this topic to be discussed in school even
at home.

Therefore, it is time to speak Depression is common mental illness where it

affects our ability to think, our ability to function and our ability to think, our
ability to function and our ability to feel. It can also result to more serious
problems physically and emotionally. According to World Health Organization,
more than 264 million people of all ages suffer from depression, globally.
Research proves that mental stress has the same affects on the brain as physical

Every human being is prone to having a depression. All ages group are often to
depression but teenagers are the most common to be heard of being affected by
this disease. The reason is probably because of peer pressure and the change in
their life such as hitting puberty. When we are becoming older as a years goes by,
we change physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. There are visible
changes especially on the physical appearance of a person when they are in the
stage of adolescence or puberty. Some adolescents are not happy with their
appearance. This can highly cause lack of self-esteem.

Eventually, this can also be a possible cause of having depression in teenagers.

Depression is a psychological state that is hard to cure, hard to live with, and hard
to endure. A depressed person lives in a nightmarish world, darkened by
pessimism and dulled by unwillingness to act. This devastating and destructive
state has a negative impact on the individual. It drains energy, evaporates
optimism and enthusiasm, and paralyzes hope. It distorts the world and
substantially reduces the pleasure of living. It may lead to repetitive suicidal
thoughts that can end in self-destruction. I have consulted psychological literature
to give you some tips how develop a step-by-step program to overcome
depression. People suffer from depression for many reasons. They become
depressed when all they do seems to become a failure.
They get worried about their inability to realize their plans. They get shelled in
loneliness. They get nervous and easily irritated. They find their lives unstable and
hopeless. They lack safety and become vulnerable to outside influences.
Depression is a hazardous state, especially when you allow it to invade your body
and mind. As soon as you realize that something is wrong with your state of mind,
turn to help without hesitation.

Now, I will give you some anti-depression tips. First of all, stay focused on what
you are doing. Start with a small goal and fulfill it: go to shop, take a short walk, or
make a telephone call. Just start taking action and stick to doing it. Second,
develop supportive relationship, turning to people who love you and whom you
love. Refrain from retreating into yourself, sharing a meal, emailing,
accompanying your friend to the movies, confide in a counselor or clergy
member. Third, get interested in your own life. For this, have eight hours of sleep,
practice relaxation techniques, and go easy on yourself.

Why not to introduce a meditative element to your life? Fourth, get regular
exercise. Fifth, eat healthy food. Sixth, avoid negative thinking and negative
emotions. Finally, ask for help if you cannot overcome your depression without
outside aid.

Now, you must embark on the road to depression recovery. Remember: action is
the best anti-depressant for you. Look at the world from a new perspective:
integrate into it on equal terms. Life is given only once, and you have no time to
waste it. Not a single moment to spare! As soon as the world starts changing, you
will keep a stronger touch with it. You will realize that inward problems are
mainly our own creations, our own illusions, our own misunderstandings. Share
your doubts with the world, and you be understood in return. It is easiest to shut
your heart and pretend that loneliness is desirable. A white lie! Out of depression-
to communicate with people-to establish relationships-and depression will quietly
go away! I do not think it will be welcomed again!

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