Daoist Secret To Longevity Eye Health

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Daoist Secret to Longevity Eye Health - Exercise

Master Da Liu, a Tai-Chi Master from China, now living in New York, practices and teaches a variation of
this exercise to his many students. Da Liu is 95 years of age and still sees perfectly! Daoists are
renowned for having good eyesight. Do these exercises daily to improve your own.

Beginning: Sit with your back straight.

Close your eyes.

With your first two finger pads, press lightly on the closed eyelids.

Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes up and down three times.

Exhale, making a gentle "sssshhhhh" sound as you breath out.

Take a deep breath and relax!

Repeat the exercise.

Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes from side to side three times.

Exhale, making a gentle "sssshhhhh" sound as you breath out.

Take a deep breath and relax!

Repeat the exercise.

Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes in clockwise

circles three times.

Exhale, making a gentle "sssshhhhh" sound as you breath out.

Take a deep breath and relax!

Repeat the exercise.

Breathe in deeply but gently, hold your breath and move your eyes in counter-

clockwise circles three times.

Exhale, making a gentle "sssshhhhh" sound as you breath out.

Take a deep breath and relax!

Repeat the exercise.


Remember, whilst you‟re doing the eye movements, to gently press your fingers on your closed eyelids.

The value of this special eye exercise lies in combining massage, breathing and eye movement
simultaneously. You can also press the heel of your palm on your closed eyelids while doing this

The "ssshhh‟ sound is the Daoist healing sound for the liver, don‟t leave it out, it makes a huge difference
- see the previous exercise for details about this...

Daoist Secret Yang Eye Candle Gazing Exercise

This technique is said to bring magnetism to one’s eyes and even improve it.

1. Light a candle, sit in front of it, and place it at arms length and at eye level.

2. Gaze steadily at it without blinking.

3. Breathe naturally, stay relaxed, and continue gazing at the candle for five minutes without moving your


4. Try not to blink or move your eyelids at all.

According to the Daoist Masters, less movement brings more magnetic power and control into the eyes
and the entire nervous system.

After a short time, your eyes may start to water - this is GOOD! Keep your eyes open and allow the tears
to flow down your cheeks. If you can, open your eyes wider as the tears flow.

Every minute or so, close your eyes and count to ten, then open them and gaze again at the candle,
without blinking.

Finish by closing your eyes and palming for a couple of minutes.

Daoist Liver Sound and the Eyes

Daoist masters were renowned for their incredible health (and eyesight). They believed that the eyes
were connected to the liver, so any healing work on the liver, also helps the eyes.

You‟ll read more about this in the diet section, but here‟s an exercise using the liver "healing sound‟,
which is used to cleanse and calm the liver.

1. Open your eyes Wide

2. Breathe in slowly and gradually squeezing your eyes tightly shut for 10 to 15 seconds. Slowly exhale,

making the sound "ssshhh" while opening your eyes widely.

3. Repeat 3-6 times.


Don‟t underestimate the simplicity of this exercise, it's incredibly powerful.

You don‟t have to believe in this for it to work. If you find it embarrassing to say "ssshhhh" whilst
breathing out, then make the sound silently to yourself, or do this exercise when no-one else is around!

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