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1) Đại từ nhân xưng (ĐTNX)

ĐTNX to be ĐTNX to be not

I am (…’m) I am not (I’m not)
He/She/It is (…’s) He/She/It is not (isn’t)
We/You/They are (…’re) We/You/They are not (aren’t)
(Khẳng định) (Phủ định)
Cấu trúc: S + to be (+ not) + …
Ex.: I am a student. / She isn’t well. / We are angry …
To be + S (+ not) + … ?
Ex.: Are you a student? / Is she well? / Are you not angry?
2) this/these và this/those
Cấu trúc: This/That + is + danh từ số ít (singular noun)
These/Those + are + danh từ số nhiều (plural noun)
Ex.: This is a pen, and that is a book.
These are my brothers, and those are my sisters.
Khác nhau: “this” và “these” dù ng cho nhữ ng đồ vậ t hay con ngườ i ở gần, cò n “that” và “those”
dù ng cho đồ vậ t hay con ngườ i ở xa.
1) Present continuous: happening NOW + quy tắ c spelling
(double consonants or not, V-inf to V-ing)
2) Present simple: fact, reoccurring, schedule, habit, hobbies
A. Multiple choice, can have multiple correct answers
1. She’s … University student.
A. a B. an C. the D. one

2. I like … small animals

A. the B. x (nothing) C. every D. all

3. Is this coat …?
A. yours B. your C. the yours D. me

4. Is Diana …?
A. a friend of yours B. a your friend C. your friend D. friend

5. Who are … people over there?

A. that B. the C. these D. those

6. … is your phone number?

A. Which B. What C. How D. Who

7. Could I have … drink?

A. other B. an other C. another

8. There aren’t … for everybody

A. chairs enough B. enough chairs C. enough of chairs

9. They’re … young to get married.

A. too much B. too C. very

10. It’s … weather

A. bad B. a bad C. the bad

11. Who … the window?

A. open B. opened C. did opened

12. I went to London … clothes

A. for buy B. for to buy C. for buying D. to buy

13. I … she … you.

A. think/likes B. am thinking/is liking
C. think/is liking D. am thinking/likes

14. This picture … by my mother’s friend.

A. is painting B. was painted C. was painting D. is painted

15. We have a meeting … Tuesday afternoon.

A. at B. on C. in

16. I … smoke
A. x (nothing) B. use to C. used to
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs
Present tense
1. There ……………………… (be) an old woman there. She …………………………… (give) hot
tea to everyone.

2. The weather …………………… (get) cold in October every year in Hanoi.

3. “You speak English very well. How long ………………………………… (you/study)

– “Thank you. I ………………………………… (study) it since elementary school.”

4. You ………………………………… (be) quiet for an hour. What’s wrong?

5. Hurry up! The bus …………………………… (come)!

6. The weather …………………………… (get) colder in Hanoi.

7. ………………………………… (you/print) the contracts for today yet?

Past tense
1. Jim ………………………… (leave) this early morning.

2. “What was Andrew talking about?”

– “I don’t know. I ……………………………… (not/listen) to him”

3. “What ………………………………… (you/do) last night?”

– “I ……………………………… (watch) TV and ………………………………… (read) a

4. I’m sorry, I was hungry. I ………………………………… (eat) anything since morning.

5. Denise and Danny ………………………………… (leave) school early because they …………
……………… (have) a doctor’s appointment.

6. “What ………………………………… (you/do) last night at 8PM last night?”

– “We ………………………………… (cook) at 8PM.”

7. Carrie didn’t want to go to the cinema because she …………………………………

(already/see) the movies.

Future tense
1. Lucy ………………………………… (not/be) there at the party. She has been very busy lately.
2. “Your room is so dirty Adrian!” – “I ………………………………… (clean) it later”
3. We made plans to travel a long time ago. We ………………………………… (visit) Bali this
4. They hope Lucy ………………………………… (not/be) there at the party.
5. I ………………………………… (write) you an e-mail soon.
6. “Do you think we ………………………………… (pass) the exam?” – “Of course! We worked
very hard.”
7. Definitely, Joe ………………………………… (be) here tomorrow. But we think Jason

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the given word
1. SHOP My sister enjoys going …………………………………
2. COLLECT Joe has a stamp …………………………………
3. NATION What’s your …………………………………?
4. SUCCESS He is a ………………………………… man
5. FORTUNE …………………………………, I can’t give it to you.

D. Rewrite the sentences using the given words

1. Jane worked out everyday. Now, she doesn’t. (USED)
2. It was raining 2 hours ago. It is still raining. (RAINED)
It ……………………………………………………………………………. for 2 hours.
3. We have learnt English for four years. (AGO)
We ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. She paints the picture. (BY)
The picture is ……………………………………………………………………………
5. Ozzy didn’t go to school. She broke her leg. (BECAUSE)
Ozzy ……………………………………………………………………………………

E. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take
many weeks. Filming the story, or shooting the film, often takes at least six months. Actors and
cameramen work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene had to be acted
and reacted, filmed and refilmed, until it is just right. Sometimes the same scene has to be acted
twenty or thirty times.
The film studio is like a large factory and the indoor stages are very big indeed. Scenery of all
kinds is made in the studio; churches, castles and forests are all built of wood and cupboard.
Several hundred people work together to make one film. Some of these people are actors and
actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a studio. He
decides how the scene should be filmed and how the actors should act.
Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars in it. Sometimes the film may be
very poor. It is best to choose a film made by a good director. Some famous directors make their
film very real. People feel that they themselves are among the people in the film.

1. Shooting a film often takes …

A. less than six month B. at least six months
C. many weeks D. from early in the morning until late at night

2. Some scenes have to be filmed many times because …

A. it takes a long time to make a film B. it is often difficult to make them just right
C. many people work together D. the film is poor

3. Which of the following is compared to a factory?

A. The film studio B. The indoor stage
C. The scene D. A poor film

4. The director of a film …

A. is always an actor B. makes the scenery
C. is a film star D. says how each scene should be filmed

5. We should choose a film which …

A. has actors we know B. seems very real
C. takes a long time to make D. is made by a good director

F. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning
with the given words or using suggestions
1. Running is more difficult than walking.
 Walking is ……………………………………………………………………………

2. Young people move faster than old people.

 Old people move ……………………………………………………………………………

3. "Let's organize a sponsored cycling race." said the children.

 The children suggested ……………………………………………………………………

4. Mary speaks English better than her sister.

 Mary’s sister speaks …………………………………………………………………………

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