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One quiet and cool evening, Fidel with his cat felt sleeping early

Fidel: what a fun to sleep on a mat!

Cat: meow !!!
He exclaimed, Fidel fell asleep early and have a dream, he felt his mat moving up, and they
flew over the church. The church is made of wood that is built in the middle of the village and it
was huge.
Fidel: wow! This church is big it’s bigger than the church that me and mother went to.
Cat: meow!!!
Fidel said with amusement. They then flew over the city lights. Its dark, and the street lights
can’t properly light every part of it. There is little traffic, and most cars speed away a bit over
the limits. Only a few windows appear lighted from inside.
Fidel: with the cool breeze of air under the moonlight it’s strange that I felt relax even
when were up here in the sky looking over this city lights.
Cat: meowwww!!
Fidel said with his eyes closed feeling the cool breeze up in the sky.
When Fidel open his eyes suddenly they were under the sea. The sea underneath is a bit of scary
it is slightly dark but still you could see the big creatures swimming gracefully and corals that
you could only see under the sea.
Fidel: Were beneath the sea !! wow! What a big fishes was that and so are the coral. It is
so beautiful beneath here. I wish I could stay here longer.
Cat: meowwww!!!
Fidel said with his eyes shining with amusement in what he is seeing.
The next place that they flew in is the jungle. The very green forest with big trees and
surrounded with animals.
Fidel: Now were in the middle of a jungle were. With the air blowing I can strongly smell
the smell of mad and trees. That giraffe is so tall it is almost as tall as some of the tree
Cat: meowwwww!
Fidel was so amaze of what is looking at the different kinds of animal, animals that he sees for
the first time, and there are animal that he only see in the books, and he couldn’t believe that he
saw it for real.
The next thing Fidel knew they were already in the middle of a vast ice riding on a sleigh.
Fidel: woahhh, ooohhhhhoooo,

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