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1. Reflect on what they know -
 a strategy that encourages students to think about their thinking. Reflective thinking
helps students figure out what they know and do not know and connects their learning to
other experiences and information in their world.
 Reflection captures the conceptualization of knowledge, thoughts, and feelings that are
undetected in normal class routine. Assessing students' reflective thinking could reveal
learning outcomes. ( what the students already know )
 reflect on what they know, understand, and can do.

2.Assess the student’s progression/development

- Kristel
 Teachers receive useful data on the development and accomplishments of their pupils via frequent
formal and informal evaluations. In addition to this, keeping track of students' development
enables teachers to evaluate their instruction and the results of their chosen instructional tactics.
 To be a successful teacher, you must keep track of your student's development. Student
engagement is increased when they can assess their progress and how it ties to larger objectives.
Furthermore, by seeing trends in student data, monitoring aids you as the instructor in maintaining
engagement and enhancing efficacy OR continue to increase your effectiveness by seeing trends in
student data.

3.Provide feedback to the students to make them motivated

 Curriculum changes occur because societies have new needs and issues. These changes
may be in response to curriculum evaluations or reviews, or the culture. Curriculum may
also change in response to economic, social, and political issues as well as access to
technology and curricular innovation
 Providing feedbacks to the learner helps them to reflect if they are improving or need to
improve. Feedbacks are essential to give more motivation for the students to enhance and
encourage them to accept more new knowledge. In the use of feedbacks, student may
reflect on their capabilities as learners, and what aspect they need to be develop in
teaching and learning process.

4.Identify the student's needs


 Students centered learning important In order to ensure that they are actively engaged
in their learning, student-centered evaluations enable students to evaluate their own work
and indicate areas of improvement and areas needing development. And also students
have the choice of what they learn and how they learn it.
 Some examples of these activities include open debates, writing of newspaper articles,
field trips, student-chosen projects, presentations, and written reflections on learning.
These types of activities centralize learners and give them choices, fostering interest and
passion in the subject.
1. More on pen and paper test
 High costs for printing and possibly dispatch
 Large amount of work involved in transcribing the data (especially handwritten free
 The process of administering paper-based assessments is a lengthy one. It can take
several months to complete the cycle from administering the forms to collecting and
analyzing the results, to sharing reports and acting on the feedback obtained. As
instructors do not receive results quickly, valuable time is lost in responding to student
concerns and implementing possible course changes.

2.Time consuming

3.Increase pressure

4.Overload information

5.Show changes in the curriculum


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