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1. 1, Briefly explainthe ANSI-SPARC Architecture?

ANSI-SPARC Architecture
First proposed in 1975,but never became a Formal standared.
is an abstract design standared for database management
system (DBMS).
Is characterized by its three –layer design , such as external ,conceptual ,
and internal .
The three –layers are
1. External level (user view):describes a part of database that
is relevant to particular user .
-it exclude irrelevant data as well as data which the user is not
External level
to access.
-is highest level of data abstraction.
-it describes all part of the entire database that end user concern.
-end user need to access only part of the database rather than entire database .
-different user need different views of database ,and so there can be many view level
abstractions of the same database.
2.Conceptual level
-it is the next higher level than internal level of data abstraction .
-it is describes what data are stored in database and what relationship exist among those data.
-also known as logical level.
-it hides low level complexities of physical storage .
-database administrator and design works at this level to determine what data to keep in
database .
-application developer also work on this level .
3.Internal level
-is the lowest level of data abstraction .
-it describes how the data are actually stored on storage device.
-also known as physical level.
-it provide internal view of physical storage of data’
-it deal with complex low level data structure ,file structure and access methods in
-also deals with data compression and encryption techniques ,if used.
Advantage of three level architecture
-The main objective of it is to provied data abstraction.
-same data can be accessed by different users with different
coustomized views.
-The user is not concrend about the physical data storage detail.
-physical storage structure can be changed with out requiring
chages in internal sructure of the database as well as users
- Conceptual structure of database can be change with out
affecting end users
2.distinction between data definition language (DDL) and
data manipulation language (DML).
Data definiton language(DDL)
• it is a computer language used to create and modfiy
the structure ofvdatabase objects in database ,which
include views,schemas,tables.indexes.etc.
• Also known as data description language ,which
describe the fields and records in the datbase table .
• Used to define ech data element required by
•It is statementes operate entire table ,which used to
builed and modify the structure of your tabe and other
object in the database.
•commandes that are used in SQL are create,drop,alter,
truncate .
-The create command : is used create a table or view
of table and also used to create other object of database
like index ,store, procedure,triggers.
-The alter command : is used to modify the existing
table structure (database object).
_The drop command : is used to delete of view of the
tabe or other database object .
-This will remove the data as well as the table definition.
-The truncate command :is used to the data from the table but
the structure of the table remain with this
command the data get deleted only ,not the table.
Data Manipulation Language
• It is a computer language ,which used to
manipulate the data which already exists in the database .
•Command that are used in SQL are insert,update delete ,
selecte etc.
_The insert command :is used to insert the data in to the
table .
_The update command :is used to update the existing
data in the table .
_ The delete command :is used to delete record from
the table .
-The select command :is used to retrieve data from
the table in the databse.

Compiled by : Birara Sisay ------------------Ru4569/13

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