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Iriga City
School of Graduate Studies
A/Y 2022-2023





Instruction: Look for a sample simulation of the counseling theory assigned to you. Have a
copy of a Journal Article on the assigned counseling theory or approach. Make two pages
reflection of the counseling skills and process used in relation to the empirical study

Behavior modification covers a wide scope of theoretical framework considering

the three (3) well known theories being used up until this present particularly in the
educational field namely Operant Conditioning by BF Skinner, Classical Conditioning by
Ivan Pavlov, and the Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura whom famous of “Bobo
Doll Experiment” and the “Little Albert”. Behavior modification relies on the concept of
conditioning. Conditioning is a form of learning. Behavior modification was developed
from these theories because they supported the idea that just as behaviors can be learned,
they also can be unlearned. As a result, many different techniques were developed to
either assist in eliciting behavior or stooping it. These theories have set themselves in the
frontline of education to provide better understanding of human behaviors. During early
1900, behavior therapy took its emergence, until it became established as a psychological
approach in 1950. There are areas where this modification can be applied like parenting,
educational institution, clinical setting, self-management, medical and health care and
even business, government, and industry.
Behavior modification refers to the techniques used to try and decrease or increase
a particular type of behavior or reaction. This might sound very technical, but it is used
very frequently by all of us. Our parents use this to teach us what is right from wrong.
Therapists use it to promote healthy behavior in their patients. Animal trainers use it to
develop obedience between a pet and its owner. We even use it in our relationships with
friends and significant other. Our response to them teach them what we like and what we
The purpose behind this technique is to understand why or how a particular behavior
started. It also focuses on changing behavior using different methods that includes positive
and negative reinforcement, systematic desensitization, aversion, and extinction.
Decades ago, behavior modification has been included in the theories and
techniques of counseling process as it took part in transforming actions into a favorable
behavior. A role play on Behavioral Therapy Counseling to a Client with Symptoms of
Narcissistic Personality Disorder was produced by Dr. Todd Grande, a licensed professional
counselor of mental health, whereas he demonstrated how behavioral therapy counseling is
being done in actual situation based on his experience as an expert.
It highlights substantial role of how Dr. Grande was able not to address the
overbearing narcissistic personality itself and try to make the client change who they are but
instead were able to see the personality and creates an avenue where the client did not have
to change herself but provide ideas to take a step back to modify the personality a little. This
is exactly in line with the goals of behavior therapy, the counselor will target a behavior and
set goals the client can work towards. In this case the counselor gave the client the goal of
toning their comment down to regain the flow of the employees. Instead of telling her of
being too high – which became the cause of the problem among the employees, the counselor
stated a suggestion in such a way that enabled the client to feel at ease with the goal and
move forward with it. The counselor remained calm and neutral throughout the session. The
counselor was willing to provide an outlook on the antecedents and the consequences of the
client’s situation with her coworkers, and proceeded to try to encourage ways that the client
could better her relationship
It was also shown how compassion and harmony worked well in the counseling
process as it builds a solid connection between the counselor and the counselee. The
acknowledgement of Behavioral Therapy Counseling allows the client the point in time and
breathing space to convey themselves spontaneously without disruption or requiring beliefs
and resolutions by others.
Handling client with consistent Narcissistic Personality Disorder is bit different story
to tell with. A counselor must be consistent, patient, and calm towards the client. It was just
amazing how Dr. Grande managed the environment as he is dealing with this kinds of
personality. The counselor was able to stay focused on the underlying concern rather than the
presented matter. Dr. Grande portrayed a wonderful example of how a client should be
treated in a non-judgmental manner. It was also interesting to see how he was able to listen
to the client and undermine her perception of her experiences while also enlightening the
client on how others may view her.
To conclude, living in this present generation is really a great challenge to face with.
Emerging vices, immorality, inequities, and disvalue is a manifestation of how guidance and
counseling must be imperatively imposed to counterpart this evolving depravities. A
competent, effective, and efficient guidance counselor is being called upon this mission.
Handling Narcissist is just one of the many existing personality and behavioral disorders that
a counselor can encounter. Possessing to be competent, effective, and efficient counselor
could be a great foundation to combat the situation.

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