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Name of the Project : Shelter for the Homeless .

Receipts and Payment Accounts (2nd year)
Preiod :- 01-12-2004 to 30-11-2005

Cr. Dr.
S.L. Particular's Amount S.L. Particular's Amount
No No

1 Opening balance 1 PRE - PRIMARY EDUCATION.

a) Cash at Bank 5457.6 " Education Materials 8297

b) Cash in Hand 0 2 Salary 324000

2 Donation A 1353975 3 Training

a) Trade
ning /Job
For 30
( Thirty )
Boys &
Girls ( 10
For each
3 Loan A/C ( 0 Year )
4 Loan A/C ( 450230 " Food Tk.15 P/day×10×300 Days
5 TFR A/C ( 5580.95 " Training Fee Tk. 100 Per Month×10×12 Months
6 Local Dona 0 " Tools & Equipment’s Tk. 1000 P/Person×10
7 Bank intare 1027.4
8 Loan A/C ( 30000 b) Sewing Training For 4 AG.s.

9 Loan A/C 0 ( 20 Women for each Year )

10 Loan A/C ( 238820 " Sewing Machines ( 7 piece. P/Year × 3 = 21piece.)

11 Prepaid Ex 9696 " Sewing Machine Maint. Cost 0
0 0 " Tools & Equipements 4006
0 0 " Raw Materials 28282
0 0 " Trainees Allowance For ( Fooding )
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total :- ### Total :- 620957

Cr. Dr.
S.L. Particular's Amount S.L. Particular's Amount
No No
B/F ### B/F 620957
4 Office Accomodation

" House rent Tk.4000 P/Month 21600

5 Vehicles

6 Travelling Allowance and Daily Conveyance

"" Conveyance
(For Consultant & Project Personnel)

on this
7 Project :

" Audit Fee 5000

" Miscellaneous Expenditure 10685
" Stationeries 2856
" Computer Maint. 1245
" Telephone Bill 13143
" E-Mail Bill
" Electrical Bill & Goods 11564

8 Others

" Cloths Tk. 175 × 3pieces ( Shari ) × 12 Person

" Food Tk. 20 × 365 Days × 12 Person
" Medical Emergines 0
" Barials 1723
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Total :- 2094787 Total :- 812070

Cr. Dr.
S.L. Particular's Amount S.L. Particular's Amount
No No
B/F 2094787 B/F 812070

a) Health hygiene/ Child & Adult Education

" Adult Education ( Health hygiene Materials )

" Child Education ( Education Materials )
" Playing Materials ( Child ) 526

b) Shelter Establishment Cost :

" Land Lease 3052

" Water Sealed Latrines 7008
" Water Pumps ( 2 ) 4345
" Construction Materials 29340

" Straw for Bedding 2000

" Bamboo for Bedding 3395
" Jute Cloth for Bedding 2550
" Labour for Construction 10080
" Electrical Goods & Bill 12668
" Water Reservoir 1000
" Materials Trans Port 1300
" Bamboo Mats 5988

c) Running Cost :

" Meal Cost Tk.12 × 125 Persons 2 Time×90 Days


d) Medical Service

" Medicines 10180

" Reserve for Possible Operation 0
" Hospital Impatients Care 2729
" Laboratory Test & X-Ray etc. 0

e) Winter Night Shelter ( Casual Sttaf )

" Salary 62475

TOTAL = 2094787 TOTAL = 1241494

Cr. Dr.
S.L. Particular's Amount S.L. Particular's Amount
No No
B/F 2094787 B/F 1241494

(AG-1,2,3, & 4 (60 Dwelling )

a) Repairs and Maintenance

" Tubewell Repairs 565

" Wood for roofing and repairing 0
" Plastic/Polithin Sheets for repairing
" Steel wire , nails, screws 2209
" Jute Rope 2833
" Thatch for Roofing 7980
" Bamboo for Housing , Shads , Walls etc.
" Labour for Bamboo Processing and weaving
" Bamboo Mats 21397
" Carpenter for roof Construction 0
" Materials Transport 3150
" Latrines repairing 0
" Bank Charge 531
Prepaid Exp. 9696
Loan A/C (Poul van Gol) 30000
Loan A/C (E.D) 450230
Loan A/C (H.Crafts) 238820
0 0
0 0

11 a) Cash at Bank 11884.95

b) Cash in Hand 0

TOTAL = 2094787 TOTAL = 2094787

0 0
Senpara, Rangpur.
Financial Statement for the period of December-2004 to November-2005.

Name of the Project :- Shelter For The Homeless 2004-2005 Project Number : 342/8011 B

S.L. Monthly Expenditure

Particular's Budget Balance
No Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Total
" Education Materials 8000 3480 675 885 682 660 250 504 495 666 8297 -297

2 Salary 386475 47825 47825 47825 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 27000 386475 0

3 Training
a) Trade ApprenticeshipTraining
/Job Placement Pilot project For
30 ( Thirty ) Homeless Boys &
Girls ( 10 For each Year )
" Training Allowance (Food) 45000 5050 5170 4970 4818 4970 4634 4970 5170 5130 5250 5314 5630 61076 -16076
" Training Fee 12000 2000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 12000 0
" Tools & Equipment’s 10000 2080 1380 548 4008 5992

b) Sewing Training
( 20 Women for each Year )
" Sewing Machines 24500 0 24500
" Sewing Machine Maint. Cost 1600 0 1600
" Tools & Equipements 4000 2614 1150 0 242 4006 -6
" Raw Materials 25000 2452 2801 1435 1301 3570 2775 4005 1398 2730 1905 1150 2760 28282 -3282
" Trainees Allowance (Food) 120000 14500 14960 14340 14036 14340 13888 14340 14960 15360 15780 15992 16792 179288 -59288

4 Office Accomodation
" House rent Tk.4000 P/Month 48000 3600 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 21600 26400

5 Vehicles
" Fuel and maintenance and Insurance 8000 1723 1499 1328 2260 6810 1190

6 Travelling Allowance and Daily

" Conveyance 2000 10 214 180 170 143 120 160 160 160 160 160 1637 363
" Travelling 6000 519 0 519 5481

Total :- 700575 71560 78588 78438 53060 53565 54536 53895 54268 53684 53632 53082 55690 713998 -13423
Name of the Project :- Shelter For The Homeless 2004-2005 Project Number : 342/8011 B

S.L. Particular's Monthly Expenditure

Budget Balance
No Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Total
Head office and Branch office 700575 71560 78588 78438 53060 53565 54536 53895 54268 53684 53632 53082 55690 713998 -13423
7 Expenses Charged on this Project :
" Audit Fee 5000 5000 0 5000 0
" Miscellaneous Expenditure 14000 2700 2810 567 1869 434 368 423 354 360 400 400 10685 3315
" Stationeries 6000 537 142 319 66 409 164 340 132 236 402 109 2856 3144
" Computer Maint. 5000 215 1030 0 1245 3755
" Telephone Bill 12000 1076 64 2430 1573 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 13143 -1143
" E-Mail Bill 2400 0 2400
" Electrical Bill & Goods 12000 986 2578 0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 11564 436

8 Others
" Cloths Tk. 175 × 3pieces ( Shari ) × 1 6300 0 6300
" Food Tk. 20 × 365 Days × 12 Person 87600 9288 9600 9192 9010 9192 8765 9192 9600 9726 10008 10116 10642 114331 -26731
" Medical Emergines 10000 0 10000
" Barials 5000 110 440 422 417 167 167 1723 3277


a) Health hygiene/ Child & Adult Education
" Adult Education ( Health hygiene Materials ) 1000 332 276 608 392
" Child Education ( Education Materials ) 800 267 267 533
" Playing Materials ( Child ) 800 268 258 526 274

b) Shelter Establishment Cost :

" Land Lease 3000 3052 3052 -52
" Water Sealed Latrines 7000 7008 7008 -8
" Water Pumps ( 2 ) 4500 4345 4345 155
" Construction Materials 20000 29340 29340 -9340
" Straw for Bedding 2000 2000 2000 0
" Bamboo for Bedding 3500 3395 3395 105
" Jute Cloth for Bedding 2500 2550 2550 -50
" Labour for Construction 10000 10080 10080 -80
" Electrical Goods & Bill 10000 12668 12668 -2668
" Water Reservoir 1000 1000 1000 0
" Materials Trans Port 2500 1300 1300 1200
" Bamboo Mats 6000 5988 5988 12

Total :- 940475 169955 99922 91920 66000 66017 66000 66017 66000 66000 66000 66000 68841 958672 -18197
Name of the Project :- Shelter For The Homeless 2004-2005 Project Number : 342/8011 B

S.L. Particular's Monthly Expenditure

Budget Balance
No Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Total
B/F 940475 169955 99922 91920 66000 66017 66000 66017 66000 66000 66000 66000 68841 958672 -18197
c) Running Cost :
" Meal Cost 270000 92589 91636 85688 269913 87

d) Medical Service
" Medicines 25000 3896 3766 2518 10180 14820
" Reserve for Possible Operation 5000 0 5000
" Hospital Impatients Care 2000 1505 368 856 2729 -729
" Laboratory Test & X-Ray etc. 1500 0 1500

(AG-1,2,3, & 4 (60 Dwelling )
a) Repairs and Maintenance
" Tubewell Repairs 2000 565 565 1435
" Wood for roofing and repairing 2000 0 2000
" Plastic/Polithin Sheets for repairing 3000 2939 2939 61
" Steel wire , nails, screws 3500 2209 2209 1291
" Jute Rope 2000 1978 855 2833 -833
" Thatch for Roofing 8000 7980 7980 20
" Bamboo for Housing , Shads , Walls etc. 40000 42612 4496 47108 -7108
" Labour for Bamboo Processing and weaving 22000 23950 23950 -1950
" Bamboo Mats 20000 10710 10687 21397 -1397
" Carpenter for roof Construction 1500 0 1500
" Materials Transport 4000 1950 1200 3150 850
" Latrines repairing 2000 0 2000

Total :- 1353975 323245 251323 182182 66000 66017 66000 66017 66000 66000 66000 66000 68841 1353625 350
Senpara, Rangpur.
Financial Statement for the period of March-2005 to February-2006.

Name of the Project :- Adarsha Gram Repairing Programme.

S.L. Monthly Expenditure

Particular's Budget Balance
No Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Total

1 Travelling allowance and daily

( For Consultant & Project Personnel )
" Travelling and Conveyance 5000 0 5000
2 Head office & Branch office's

Charged on this Project

" Audit Fee 5000 5000 5000 0
" Stationary 2000 0 2000
" Bank Charge 0 0
" Printer Purchase (New) 22750 3100 25850 -25850
" Old Printer Purchase 5669 5669 -5669

3 Others
(AG-1,2,3 & 4)

a) Repairs and Maintenance

" Corrogated iron sheets 83000 15469 0 15469 67531
" Wood for roofing 30000 24736 0 24736 5264
" Polithin 15000 11151 0 11151 3849
" Steel wire 18000 6133 0 6133 11867
" Nails, screws 9000 0 9000
" Jute Rope 19000 2919 0 2919 16081
" Thatch or Polithin for Roofing 22000 5590 0 5590 16410
" Bamboo for Housing , Shads , Walls etc. 160000 67119 0 67119 92881
" Labour for Bamboo Processing and weaving 80000 50080 0 50080 29920
" Bamboo Mats 135000 74359 0 74359 60641
Carpenter for roof constrection 12000 0 12000
" Materials Transport 10000 1450 0 1450 8550
" Misc. Exp. 20000 30396 1760 0 0 32156 -12156

Total :- 625000 289402 1760 0 0 28419 3100 0 0 0 0 0 5000 327681 297319

Name of the Project :- Adarsha Gram Repairing Programme.

S.L. Particular's Monthly Expenditure

Budget Balance
No Dec-05 Jan-06 Feb-06 Mar-06 Apr-06 May-06 Jun-06 Jul-06 Aug-06 Sep-06 Oct-06 Nov-06 Total
B/F 625000 289402 1760 0 0 28419 3100 0 0 0 0 0 5000 327681 297319

b) Latrines Repairs & Setup

" Ring 30000 3700 0 3700 26300
" Slabe 10000 5815 0 5815 4185
" Syfone 5000 0 5000
" Gass Pipe, Bend etc. 8000 112 0 112 7888
" Cement 10000 0 10000
" Carring 15000 1310 0 1310 13690
" Bamboo Mats 15000 10420 0 10420 4580
" Bamboo 35000 23905 0 23905 11095
" Labour 10000 3300 0 3300 6700
c) Four AG's 15 Tubewell
" Pipe ( plastic and G.I. ) 10000 1370 0 1370 8630
" Filter 3500 180 0 180 3320
" Tubewell head 8500 123 150 273 8227
" Bricks 3500 280 0 280 3220
" Pikets 3500 364 0 364 3136
" Sand 1500 240 0 240 1260
" Cement 11000 276 825 1101 9899
" Borring 4500 310 450 760 3740
" Labour 6000 390 0 390 5610
d) Earth Filling
" Earth Works 200000 0 200000
" Fish Pond Development 100000 0 100000
e) Rehebilatation or Relif
" Goat And Chicken etc. 50000 0 50000
f) Crafts Shop Development
" Survey fee and others (VERC) 32100 32100 -32100
" Crafts Shop (Position Purchase) 751545 751545 -751545

Total :- 1165000 341497 3185 0 32100 28419 3100 0 0 0 751545 0 5000 1164846 154
Senpara, Rangpur.
Financial Statement for the period of March-2005 to February-2006.

Name of the Project :- T.B.A. Training Project.

S.L. Monthly Expenditure

Particular's Budget Balance
No Apr-05 May-05 Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Total

T.B.A. Training
a) For New Batch ( 20 Women )
" 6 Days Residential Course 37600 37000 37000 600
" Transportation Cost 4000 5100 5100 -1100
" Course Allowance 7000 7000 7000 0
" Delivary Kits 40000 39460 39460 540
" Misc. Exp. 6400 8250 8250 -1850

b) Refresher ( For old Batch)

" 6 Days Residential Course 31800 31800 31800 0
" Transportation Cost 4000 2600 2600 5200 -1200
" Course Allowance 7000 7000 7000 0
" Misc. Exp. 7200 8100 8100 -900

Overhead Expences
" Misc. Exp. 5000 649 436 20 1105 3895
" Audit fee 2000 2000 2000 0
" Stationaries 1000 862 862 138

Preparation Cost
" Baseline survay 5000 5000 5000 0

Bank Charge 100 100 -100

Total :- 158000 98321 8036 31800 17820 0 2000 157977 23

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