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As A future Educators in multilingual and multicultural classrooms we have an opportunity to

discover neew infomatiom about and with our students adaptibility builds on Openness and
knowledge and turns our sites to positive action , being able to adapt our actions can be
challenging it requires fkexibility, communicative awareness and positive risk-taking as models
of language and behavior for our kearners we can intentionally foster respectful relationship and
a sense of community, so how can we support openess knowledg and adaptability in our
classrooms .

The fist thing to keep in mind is that all of us want to be accepted .

Developing intercultural competencies allows us to foster inclusive classroom community , here
are a few actions we might consider in our multicultural environments , First we must get to
know our students and their families , we all know how important it is , but sometimes extra
effort maybe needed to learn about the experiences of diverse learners by inviting leaders and
representatives from a variety of cultural communities into the classroom and engaging with
communities beyond the school we demonstrate a genuine interest in the lives of our students.
Second let's not understimate the power of muli-language school welcome signs and invitations
to events taking it further engage learners and their families by providing opportunities to include
home languages in school projects recognize and integrate the various languages and prior
knowledge students bring with them to school.
Third while keeping high expectations for all language learners let's remember that students
preferred ways of learning may differ from our own for example : Cooperative groupings ,
projects based learning and self and peer assessment activities may be unfamiliar or
uncomfortable for sone students , when angaging in these types of learning activities model the
process and provide opportunities for practice in order to fcilitate new when of participating for
all students . it is also important to provide a variety of modes of engagements representation
and expression whenever possible .
Finally because our classrooms are inclusive and interactive spaces we must communicate
clear expectations for respect and model behaviors that create a safe climate , As teacher we
also model skills in mediation and cross-cultural communication .
To conclude tge intercultural confidence journey begins with self-awerness if we want
empathetic curious and engaged citizens we need to acknowledged that although real
differences exist they are not obstacles but rather opportunities.

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