Panganiban Drive, Naga City Filipino 9 School ID: 403874 Nympha M. Dumdum Taong Panuruan: 2022-2023 Name: - Section: - Date: - Score

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那 牙 嘉 南 中 學


Panganiban Drive, Naga City Filipino 9
School ID: 403874 Nympha M. Dumdum
Taong Panuruan: 2022-2023

Name:______________________ Section: ______________Date:_____________Score:______

General Rule: READ and UNDERSTAND each question. Any type of erasure and fraud is
strictly prohibited. USE BLACK BALLPEN ONLY.

Test I. DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements carefully. CIRCLE the letter of the
correct answer.

1. What country is located in East Asia and is known as Chosen which means "Land of Peaceful
a. Korea c. China
b. Japan d. India

2. What do you call to those children who disobey their parents in Korea?
a. Reluctance c. Cheong
b. Cheong Kaeguli d. Anyeong Kaeguli

3. Based on the Fable "The Mother Frog and Son Frog Tree", how is the Mother Frog described?
a. Considerate and caring
b. Careless mother
c. Grumpy and always angry

4. Based on the Fable "The Mother Frog and Son Frog Tree”, how is the Frog Son described?
a. Obedient to parent. c. Dependable in everything.
b. Stubborn d. Not preparing for the future.

5. In your opinion, should the son be blamed for what happened to his mother?
a. No, because her mother was careless of herself.
b. Yes, because he is a reprimanded son who makes his mother feel bad.
c. No, because Mother Frog is really old.
d. Yes, because he has no other brother to blame.

6. Did the mother's condition change the child?

a. Yes, because the child is very sad.
b. Yes, because no one preaches to him
c. Yes, because he blames himself for what happened
d. Yes, because he remembers his mother.

7. What message does the fable want to convey to a children like you?
a. Obey the laws and parental advice.
b. The heavy will because of the scolding child is fatal.
c. Burial of the deceased in the river is not permitted.
d. A disobedient child will eventually become a frog.

8. “Because of her anger towards me, mother got sick and eventually died huh, huh. I never
listened to her orders.” What does the Son Frog feel at that time?
a. Repentant c. Satisfied
b. Confused d. sad
9. What kind of story that the essence of the story is about the love between the main character
and his partner?
a. Story of native color c. Horror story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

10. What kind of story in which strong emotions prevail and the feelings of fear and horror
created by the events in this fiction?
a. Story of native color c. Horror story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

11. What kind of story contains events that are hard to believe because they are contrary to the
laws of nature and rational thinking?
a. Horror story c. Funny story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

12. What kind of story where the movements of the events in this story are light, there are events
that are difficult, and the work has a funny tone?
a. Horror story c. Funny story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

13. What kind of story in which the dominant in this story is the description of a specific place;
form of nature; and the type of behavior, beliefs and lifestyle of the people living in said area?
a. Story of native color c. Horror story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

14. In what type of short story can the short story “Hashnu, The Stone Sculptor” be classified?
a. Story of native color c. Horror story
b. Love story d. A story of wonder

Test II. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Write the correct answer required by
each statement in the space provided before the number.

________________15. It is a type of fictional literature in which animals or inanimate objects

play the characters, such as the lion and the mouse, and the wolf and the goat.
________________16. It is a Greek word that comes from the word fable which means "myth".
________________17. He was a Greek and lived in the period of 620- 560 B.C., considered the
"Father of Ancient Fables" (Ancient Fables) and used animals that spoke like human as the main
________________18. He was a well-known first person who translated fables based on Aesop's
fables into Latin.
________________19. He is a writer of fables called "Ysopets" and is also a famous poet in
________________20. It is considered one of the famous fable written by Aesop.
________________21. He was a French poet in 1600, G.E. Lessing in 1700 and a writer who
imitated the style of Aesop.
________________22. He was a writer of a collection of fables written in Greek.
________________23. It is a piece of writing that usually contains the author's point of view.
________________24. These are essays that provide information about a person, thing, place,
animal or event. It contains important ideas and is in an effective order to be fully understood by
the reader.
________________25. This refers to the part of the essay that can be a question, a dialogue, an
interesting sentence, a passage, stating the main idea and correct explanation, presenting the
problem, and opening narrative. It should grab the reader's attention to read the rest of the essay.
________________26. This refers to the explanation of your essay.
________________27. It states and explains thoughts or ideas that support the main topic. This
is where your ideas and statements go.
________________28. This is a part of an essay where the thought is emphasized here,
providing a solution to the issue being discussed and in this part, the message of the entire essay
should be implanted in the mind of the reader, it should also fit the length of the entire paragraph
and should be able to leave an impression that will not be forgotten.
________________29. This is a type of essay that usually contains an author's opinion, and
description. This may come from his observation of his environment, issues involving himself or
things about his personality. It also contains thoughts and feelings about various things and
events that the author sees and experience.
________________30. This is a copy from another literary work such as a book, article, and
other essay. This is also one of the ways how to write the introductory part of your essay.
________________31. This is a book that says the duty of women in China was to stay at home
to cook, heat wine, take care of her mother-in-law, sew clothes, and that's it!
________________32. It is believed by the Chinese to be a guide to organize life in accordance
with the five elements of nature; wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
________________33. She is an ABC and was born and raised in Los Angeles, California but
both her parents are Chinese from Beijing, China. She experienced the culture of two countries-
China and America.
________________34. This refers to the number of dishes prepared by the Chinese family every
time there is a feast or special occasion such as Chinese New Year, wedding, graduation,
birthday or if they have guests.
________________35. It is the country with the largest population in the world. Based on the
last estimate of the United Nations on June 17. 2017, its population reaches 1.387, 993, 954.
________________36. This is the common term for people like Jia Li who have Chinese parents
but were born and raised in America.

Test III. INSTRUCTIONS: Provide the information requested in each number.

Give two types of speech according to purpose:
Give two forms of speech:
Give two qualities a speaker should have:


Test IV. DIRECTIONS: State your own opinion/perspective about the issue or topic found
below. Read the text carefully. (4 points)

Like Jia Li's parents in the essay "I am Jia Li, An ABC" more and more Filipinos are going abroad
to work there. Many children are left behind by parents who work abroad to prepare for their
future. What is your opinion or view on this trend? Do you agree or disagree? Express your
opinion or point of view in a paragraph consisting of at least four sentences.

Answer: (43-46)
Test V. DIRECTIONS: Analyze the statement for each number. Write the word I LOVE YOU
if the statement is true and the word WE CAN'T if the statement is false. Write your answer on
the line provided before the number.
__________________47. China is one of the largest countries in the world. It covers almost 90
percent of the land in East Asia.
__________________48. Tony Tan Caktiong is the owner of Megaworld Corporation,
Emperador Distillers, and McDonalds Philippines.
__________________49. Henry Sy is the owner of SM Malls and SM Prime Holdings.
__________________50. George Ty is the owner of Jolibee.
__________________51. One of the characteristics of the Chinese people is to be dreamy. This
is one of their good qualities that elevated their lives along with hard work.
__________________52. Lucio Tan is the owner of JG Summit Corporation and Metrobank.
Test VI. INSTRUCTIONS: Read and understand carefully the following issues related to the
story discussed and studied (Hashnu, The Stone Carver). Record your answer in the Read and
React graphic organizer. (2 points each)

(53-54) Read: Nowadays, many Asians are not satisfied with their brown color so they are looking for a
way to turn white. Others even take medicine and apply some kind of body cream to make their skin more


(55-56) Read: Many Filipinos today are not happy to live in our own country because they believed that
their lives will improve more if they stay in another country.


(57-58) Read: Currently, many young Asians, particularly Filipinos, value western thoughts, values, and
products more than values or products from our country or Asia.


(59-60) Read: Clinics that provide services to make a person more beautiful are now widespread. If the
patient wants to have a nose job, he can get it done at a low cost. Other surgeries such as liposuction and
tummy tuck are also affordable.


"You can achieve anything if you believe in your own abilities"


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