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Hi Everyone, Iam Bhargavi, think most of you know me, I work for Elektra Team

And My Passion is Healing ,So what I do after office hour an Clinical Hypnotherapist and Energy
healer and Spiritual Guide

This is all about me.. let me not waste let me quickly jump in to todays topis

How Hypnosis can change your life

So Before going in to Topic of what is Hypnosis and what is Hypnotherapy and how it can help you to
over come stress, anxiety or any health issues by yourself using self Hypnosis

In todays world common issue we keep hearing is Stress and anxiety,lets know how stress ecounter

Your nervous system isn’t very good at distinguishing between emotional and
physical threats. For example

If you’re super stressed over an argument with a friend, or a work deadline,

your body can react just as strongly as if you’re facing a true life-or-death
situation. And the emergency stress system is activated, it is easier to trigger
when stressed but harder to shut off.

If you tend to get stressed out frequently, like many of us in today’s demanding
world, your body may exist in a heightened state of stress most of the time. And
that can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every
system in your body. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive
and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and
speed up the aging process. It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more
vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.

So now question is how to overcome stress, anxiety or any other physical

and here the solution is self Hypnosis.. and you may get question why only
Hypnosis when there are plenty of options like Meditation, Yoga

All these are definitely helpful and you come out of it for now and be happy.. But
when you face similar situations again Root cause will be triggered again and
issue regenerates and it creates stress and convert to different health issues

So Hypnosis can be helpful to eradicate issue completely

What self Hypnosis does is it rewrites the situation in your subconscious
mind .and by end of this webinar I will teach you how to rewire the situation
caused you to face health issue

So to learn this self Hypnosis.. its good to understand what is Hypnotherapy and
how body and mind works

Let me share my presentation

So what is Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is an Healing Modality where therapist and client work together on physical,
Psychological issues where in therapist takes client to Hypnosis and find root cause of issue and work
on it
Hypnotherapy help to make changes to the way you think and feel, and the way your body
responds in certain situations. De-stressing may, in itself, reduce or eliminate any stress related
ailments you may experience such as headaches, ulcers, and rashes.

Body and Mind Connection

The mind and the body are not two separate entities—although they are often
treated that way. Physical health and emotional health are intimately intertwined
The fight, flight or freeze response is an example of how the brain and the body are connected
If our bodies feel under attack could be anything like attack by wild animal or any threat from
someone, even without an immediate threat of danger, the brain turns on the fight, flight or
freeze response and the body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
These hormones automatically send a signal to our lungs to breathe faster and shallower, our
heart to beat faster, our skin to sweat and our muscles to tighten.
Blood pressure and blood sugar rise automatically too and the immune system is suppressed.
This is why some patients’ blood pressure can go up when they visit the doctor.
These physical reactions to emotional events constitute the mind-body connection, a powerful
physical trait residing in all of us.
This connection between the mind and body is so strong, that if biofeedback sensors were attached
to your body during such events, they would record immediate physical changes.

Hypnosis is a proven, non-chemical, effective tool for accessing the mind – body connection. It is
a therapeutic technique that helps you understand and gain more control over your behaviors,
emotions, and physical well-being. It is a natural process that creates a more balanced state of
mind and body

Body mind slide

Our days starts with thought, thinking . and end with thought hope everyone agree with it

Thought it can be positive thought or negative thought

over period of time thought starts creating emotion

If not expressed it starts settling as feeling in our body

Over period of time the stress starts and it leads to various issues and affects the Physical body

Being therapist we go for Root cause and try to understand when it started and in what age and what
was original thougth behind

For example somebody is having thyroid, thyrod is auto immune disease

Where harmone produed is more or less

I woud like to take them backk understand when started

Often we see most of them psyomsoamti in nature means it has started at thought level

These suppresses wanted to speak up which is theouhn thought, then we find

Very early in childhood has expression of throat has not expressed or scared to express

Thyroid is like auto immune gland of body , it helps you t kind of vodd of so many diseases and what
we do is take them back to childhood and undo that with process

It amazes me sometime, we create with mind and undo with the mind

Next Slide Conscious mind, subconscious mind

The conscious and unconscious (subsconscious) minds have two completely

different functions. While the conscious mind is the rational part and is the
seat of our wishes, desires and aspirations, the unconscious/subconscious
mind is full of wanted and unwanted programs from early life until now, that
play over and over again automatically. The subconscious mind represents
programming developed from our life experiences since childhood, what we
have learned, as well as other people’s experiences, and input from sources
such as family, teachers, friends, and the media. Habits kick in and we can
easily believe we are limited and victims of circumstance that can’t change.
Subconscious mind is 6000 times powerful than conscious mind

So you may ha question here will you take away control of my mind , absolutely not

But your conscious mind is kind of suspended but listening to my commands , but I have access to
subconscious pat of file of you which s corrupted which is virus which related disease in body

Subonous mnd is like data base it has past ,presenet, all the data

We just need to tap in correct file with help of client and work on that incident by recreating incident
again how client would prefer to. So when we change that.. shift starts in client and issue starts slowly
desending and disappear


Hypnosis is a purely natural state that allows direct access to the

subconscious mind with some suggestions wil enter to trance state .
Trance is nothing but deep relaxation state and will be in Full control of
your mind..
Self-hypnosis is not used to “cure” a problem. You do not treat yourself. If Diseases need to be cured
then Therapist help is required.

With out Therapist need will teach you self Hypnosis which can be used effectively for relaxation,
stress control, anxiety and other non-therapeutic reasons such as general self-improvement or sports
Lets do technique together so you can understand better

Sit in an comfortable Position and slowly close your eyes

Take three Deep breaths

Breathe in through the nose- inhale positive energy, • Breathe out through the mouth- exhale negative

with the eyes comfortably closed focus attention and feel your breath going in and out

I am going to guide you through a mental scan of the physical feelings in the body. These feelings may
be: heaviness, lightness, tingling, warm, cold or any other sensations that you may feel, whenever you
feel any of them, you should make a mental note of it.

Now Focus your attention on the soles if both feet

TELL: Starting from there, mentally scan your legs, all the way up to your knees and continue further up
the thighs, now all the way up to your hips. (Give time, and pause

TELL: Starting from there, mentally scan your legs, all the way up to your knees and continue further up
the thighs, now all the way up to your hips. (Give time, and pause

TELL: Starting from there, mentally scan your legs, all the way up to your knees and continue further up
the thighs, now all the way up to your hips. (Give time, and pause

TELL: Starting from there, mentally scan your legs, all the way up to your knees and continue further up
the thighs, now all the way up to your hips. (Give time, and pause

TELL: Starting from there, mentally scan your legs, all the way up to your knees and continue further up
the thighs, now all the way up to your hips. (Give time, and pause

Continue down the cheeks and feel the jaw muscles relaxing (Wait for 5-10 seconds)

Now scan both the shoulders and continue down both the arms, all the way to your elbows and all the
way to the wrists of your both hands. (Wait/pause for about 30 seconds

Focus all your attention on both the hands, feel whatever sensations are most prominent in the hands.
You may be able to feel the texture of your clothing on your hands, with your hands

As you continue to focus on the sensations on your hand- pick the one key word that best describes the
most prominent sensation in your hands. Physical key words are: 1. Floating, 2. Heavy, 3. Lightness 4.
Limp, 5. Loose, 6. Relaxation, or 7. Tingling

: I am going to repeat the key words again. Try to identify the most suitable key word which best
describes your sensation

Now that you have selected one physical key word for yourself, make a mental note of it. You do not
have to reveal it to anyone, and this key word will remain with you for the rest of your life. At this point
repeat your physical key word to yourself mentally 7 times. (Wait for about 30 seconds
: Now focus your attention again on your breath going in and out. Try to feel the emotion that is most

As I repeat the seven emotional key words, identify the one that you can best relate to. The emotional
key words are: 1. Calmness, 2. Confidence, 3. Contentment, 4. Happy, 5. Joy, 6. Peace, or 7. Success

Now that you have picked your own emotional key word, make a mental note of it. You do not have to
reveal it to anyone. It will stay with you for the rest of your life

At this point repeat your emotional key word to yourself mentally 7 times. (Wait for about 30 seconds)

Once again focus on your breathing. (Let them breathe for 30 seconds, +ve in and -ve out

Now the intellectual key word for everyone is ‘Deep sleep’. Repeat ‘Deep sleep’ to yourself mentally 7
times. (Wait for 30 seconds.

: I am going to count you up from 1 to 5, at 5 you will be fully awake, feeling really good about yourself.
Say loudly: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Eyes open wide-awake. Repeat: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Eyes open wide-awake.
(Ensure all have opened their eyes and are looking comfortable and present there

Throughout your life these key words should not change, all we are doing is making a mental
association of the key words and the state of selfhypnosis. -Whenever you do self-hypnosis, you should
always count yourself out. -If you forget to count yourself out, get back into self-hypnosis and again
come out

For your life keep physical and emotional keywords

How to practice self Hypnosis Every day until your issue is resolved

Sit in comfortable position and in calm place

Take 3 deep breaths

Repea physical keyword 7 times

Get in touch with the feeling of the physical key word, get in touch with yourself).

Fous on breathe and take 3 deep breaths

Repeat emotonal keyword 7 times

And feel it mentally

Now take 3 deep breaths again and give suggestion and repeat 21 times that you want to rewrite in ur

Concentrate on the breath -feel your breath coming in and going out, After sometime, whenever you
feel comfortable • Tell yourself you are going to bring yourself out of hypnosis on the count of 1-5

Suggestion should be always in positive

For example If you are stressed at work

Suggestion would be im relaxed at work

Say you have any addiction like smoking…and want to over come suggestion would be im non

 To help reduce your nervousness before a public speaking event you may
choose: 'I am a confident speaker'
Based on your issue you need to overcome, write suggestion for yourself and say it 21 times in self
hypnosis process

You will be seeing change in 21 days.. Hope it make sense

It may look simple but its very efectice, because you are planting suggestion in subconcious mind

Let me know if any questions

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