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Nowadays, we often meet many authors of deep scientific works
the writing does not pay attention to ethics in scientific work, namely imitating or taking
the work of others without mentioning the source. Even though we know that a
In addition, the author must be able to present his scientific work with good methodology and
true, the author is also required to comply with the ethics of the scientific work. This matter
intended as an effort to prevent a writer from taking action
In addition, in making scientific work there is a section of the bibliography that must be included
There is. The bibliography serves as a source or reference by an author in compiling
a new scientific paper. Writing a bibliography generally consists of names
author, year of publication, title of article, identity of publisher and location of publisher written
alphabetically from top to bottom.
Bibliography is generally used in all types of scientific writing such as books,
theses, papers, reports, articles and so on. If you make scientific writing but
the reference source (bibliography) is incorrect or even non-existent, then scientific writing
is said to be unreliable alias hoax.
Therefore, the discussion of this paper will focus on Ethics
Writing Scientific Papers and Guidelines for Writing Bibliography.

Nowadays, we often meet many authors of deep scientific works
the writing does not pay attention to ethics in scientific work, namely imitating or taking
the work of others without mentioning the source. Even though we know that a
In addition, the author must be able to present his scientific work with good methodology and
true, the author is also required to comply with the ethics of the scientific work. This matter
intended as an effort to prevent a writer from taking action
In addition, in making scientific work there is a section of the bibliography that must be included
There is. The bibliography serves as a source or reference by an author in compiling
a new scientific paper. Writing a bibliography generally consists of names
author, year of publication, title of article, identity of publisher and location of publisher written
alphabetically from top to bottom.
Bibliography is generally used in all types of scientific writing such as books,
theses, papers, reports, articles and so on. If you make scientific writing but
the reference source (bibliography) is incorrect or even non-existent, then scientific writing
is said to be unreliable alias hoax.
Therefore, the discussion of this paper will focus on Ethics
Writing Scientific Papers and Guidelines for Writing Bibliography

Ghita Hasna Thayyiba (20129286)
Diamond Dwi Puspita (20129296)

dr. Rifda Eliyasni, M.Pd


Padang State University

1. Diagnostic Assessment (Pre-assessment)

Before compiling learning instructions, it is important to know the nature and character of
students. The purpose of Mr and Mrs teachers in this assessment is to find out the strengths,
weaknesses as well as the skills and knowledge possessed by students before starting learning.
After Mr. and Mrs. teachers have this information, then learning instructions can be compiled.
Here's what you and your teacher can do in this assessment:

 Quick quiz
 Student interview
 Student reflection
 Class discussion
 Learning graphs (mind maps, flow charts, KWL charts)

Tip: Do this assessment at the beginning of the academic year, at the start of the semester,
at the start of a course, etc. It is better if you also give the same assessment at the end of each
academic year or end of the semester to find out how far students have progressed.

2. Formative Assessment

This assessment is used as the first attempt to develop learning instructions. The aim is to
monitor student learning so that Mr. and Mrs. teachers and get feedback. This is useful to find
out what can still be improved in the instructions of Mr. and Mrs. teacher. Based on this
feedback, Mr and Mrs teachers can know where to focus better to develop learning instructions.
Here are some examples of formative assessments or assessments:

 Portfolio
 Group task
 Learning Progress Report
 Class discussion
 Quiz
 Virtual class teaching application
Tip: At the end of each class, you can also create an "exit ticket" digitally, which is a kind
of visualization in the form of a short discussion or question to conclude the discussion in class
that day. The point is that Mr. and Mrs. teachers can more easily find out the extent to which
students understand and encouragelearning reflection.

3. Summative Assessment

Summative assessment measures student progress as a learning assessment. Not only

that, this assessment also measures the effectiveness of learning and response to instructions.
Exams are actually also a type of summative assessment and provide data for teachers and school
leaders. Examination results can help represent student progress, but do not always provide clear
feedback about the learning process and may even create a habit of studying just to pass the test.
Apart from that, exams can also be a source of stress for teachers because they have to prepare
students to pass so that they also affect the direction of learning. But it turns out that Summative
Assessments can also be made fun, you know. Mr and Mrs teacher can do the following ways:

 Record podcasts
 Writing scripts for acting
 Put together a personal study project

Tip: Using measures of student performance, summative assessments can be useful for
teachers in improving lessons over time, because summative assessments are as much a
reflection of the quality of learning as they are of students.

4. Confirmative Assessment

When learning instructions have been carried out in class, assessment is still important to
do. The purpose of the confirmative assessment is to find out whether the learning instructions
are still effective within a certain period of time, for example one year. Through this assessment,
Mr and Mrs teachers can find out whether the teaching method used is still appropriate for
students. The confirmative assessment can be said to be an extension of the summative

5. Normative Reference Assessment

This assessment is designed to compare individual students against their peer groups.
Usually this assessment is based on national standards, or when it is based on average grades in
schools. The Normative Reference Assessment draws conclusions about student achievement
based on a wide variety of data points. Here are some examples of normative reference

 IQ test
 Physical test
 Higher Education Entrance Selection (SNMPTN, UTBK, etc.).

6. Criteria Reference Assessment

Simply put, this Assessment measures student performance against a particular goal or
objective. Within the classroom, this means measuring student performance against grade-level
standards and could include final exams to assess student understanding. Outside the classroom,
the Criteria Reference Assessment appears in exams such as for example, professional licensure
exams, earlier National Examinations, etc. where students must answer a certain percentage of
the questions correctly in order to pass. The difference with the Normative Assessment, the
Criteria Reference Assessment does not measure individuals against their peer group, but to
obtain scores that provide insight into strengths and areas that can still be improved.

7. Ipsative Assessment

How often do you find that there are students who get bad grades in exams and then they
give up? Ipsative assessment is a type of assessment as learning that compares previous results
with the second experiment, to motivate students to set goals to improve their abilities. This two-
stage assessment framework helps students to learn from their mistakes and motivates them to be
even better. Plus, students can also learn that learning something is a process and not trapped in
instant gratification. Mr and Mrs teachers can apply the Ipsatif Assessment in the following

 Portfolio assignment
 Project-based learning
 Remedial

Arifin, Zainal. (2013). Evaluation of Learning Principles, Techniques, Procedures. Bandung:

Youth PT Rosdakarya.

Nasution, Noehi and Adi Suryanto. (2008). Teaching Evaluation . Jakarta: Open University

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