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Learning Packet 4 : The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Name: Abarratigue,Charlyn G. BSED 3A MATHEMATICS

Instructor: Dr. Lourdes C. Delmont
Course: Prof.Ed 8
Aside from the teacher, think of five (5) different stakeholders of the school, describe
how each stakeholder be involve in curriculum evaluation.

Stakeholders Role/Function in curriculum Evaluation

Learners Role: Core of Curriculum
Everything in curriculum should revolve around the
learners’ interest, needs, abilities, and capabilities.

School Leaders Role : Curriculum Manager and Administrators

In a school organization there is always a school
administrator. The final decision making in terms of
school’s purpose rest on their shoulder.

Parents Role: Supporters to the Curriculum

Parents are best supporter of School as they give
parental involvement in school affairs and become
part of the environment of learning at home.

Community Members Role: Curriculum Resources

Respected Community Members can be included in
school boards. Some can become resources

Professional Organizations Role: Influencer

They are being asked by curriculum specialists to
contribute in curriculum review. They have the power
and voice in curriculum enhancement.

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