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Instructor: Suren Samaratunga Quiz 1

MATH 45 Duration: 1 hour

Your Name: ID:

Answer all questions. Show your work. Good Luck!

1. (30 pt) Consider the weighted voting system [q : 10, 6, 4, 3, 1].

(a) What is the smallest value that the quota q can take?

(b) What is the largest value that the quota q can take?

(c) What is the value of the quota if at least three-fourths of the votes
are required to pass a motion?

(d) What is the value of the quota if more than three-fourths of the votes
are required to pass a motion?

(e) For what values of the quota q is the coalition formed by P1 and P3
a winning coalition?
Quiz 1 Math 45

2. (40 pt) Table shows the preference schedule for an election with four
candidates (A, B, C, and D). Use the method of pairwise comparisons
to find the complete ranking of the candidates.

Nawaloka College of Higher Studies 2

Quiz 1 Math 45

3. (30 pt) Consider the weighted voting system [12 : 7, 6, 5].

(a) Write down all the sequential coalitions, and in each sequential coali-
tion identify the pivotal player.
(b) Find the Shapley-Shubik power distribution of this weighted voting

Nawaloka College of Higher Studies 3

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