19.11.19 Logistics

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Par,cr / Su!

J1'ect C0 ct
· s
c: 45901 / Logistics & 'upply . Management.
Cham \l".)? '
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[Time: 2:30 Hours] [Marks: 75) -----
f'>lease check whether you have got the right question paper.
N ote:
1. All ,1ueslions carry equal mark;;.
2. Figlircs to the right indicate marks.
3. Us~ of simple calculator is allowed.

QI. Answer Any Two of tlic followinot:, (15)

a. Define logiS t ics? State the operational objectives of logistics.

b. D~finc Cu st0 mer service? Explai11 the importance of customer service in logistics with
suitable examples.
c. From the following data calculate a 3 period and 5 period moving average, also forecast
demand for the 11 th period.

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 1 8 9 10 11
Demand in Units 120 132 147 158 160 172, 18~ 196 206 215 ?
Q2. Answer Any Two of the follO\ving (IS)

-a. What ure the merits aud Demerits of Pipeline and Ropeways mode of transportation.
b. Explain the p;·inciples of warehouse layout and design.
c. Disc~JS'.; ::;e concept ofU11itization, Containerizatio;, u::.! Palletisation in Packaging?

Q3. A:~swcr A1:y Two.of the following (IS)

a. Explain the Lead time, Buffer Stock and Saf:.:ty Stock. Solve: Daily consumption of a
500 units. Lead time for delivery is 5 days.
raw 111aterial in the production process is
Company's policy is to keep safety stock equal to 4 day's consumption to guard. against
stock out. Calculate ROL.
ti. What is the Activity Based Costing? Explain the advantages & disadvantages of
Activity Based Costing (ABC).
c. Discuss the Internal Performance Measures in Logistical Performance rvlcasurcment.

Q4. Answer Any Two of the following (15)

a. What is logistical Information syi;tem? Explain the various principles of logistical

lnfonnaticn system.
t,, What arc the i;oints or crilcria ;11 sdcction o; Logist:cs Scrv:ce provider for Logistical
rJnclio;1s O.1tsoc:·c:,:1;? .
c. Discuss (h:: impact of glolrnlizntion on Lo~~ist:cs & Supp:y Chain Mana_gement.

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Paper /.Subject Cc . .. ' ' . ' ,' '.. I

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be low
· · . . 5 g1v · en
· ·· . . . quesuon ith increase
. ro11ow1ng . rng 1 w
Q5. Read the following case study and answer the of dea 0 1. which was
blertl · 1 5 10
. . . · . the pro · 1evel 15 • • • more in
For the past few years Pharma. mdustnes are facing .-- ~h present f returns 15 .
· · d
percentage of sales return on account of expire go ods. 1 e
. . The·tre nd o f
1.er o cot - npantes
. . • d helf 1ue. · unw
earlier less than I %. Pharma Products has a 1tm1te_ s . are targe · st;·I1eines.
'b' · Tl · · d
anti 1ot1cs. 1e 1actors which can be assigne . to ti 1,·s problenl · man)' trade .
with the same products, increasing players in the market aocl too . f returning goods
the ,,roced ureo ·1ers wit. h'm 8
The increasing sales returns is becoming a major concern as · P to the retat
. . eimburse . .
back to the company is a tedious one: The stockists have ~o r
· · k' · ·11 take
4 to 6 •months.
I while from the company to reimburse to stqc ·1st tt WI . ·


I. State the facts and analyse the case.

2. Explain the Reverse Logistics process i11 the above.case. I blem'· in
. . · · · . 1id sue 1 pro ;_)
3. · How proper log1st1cal management can help the compamcs to avt


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