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- Historia became known as the account of the past

Introduction to studying History of a person or of a group of people through
written documents and historical evidences.
- It became an important academic discipline
- Philippine History viewed from the lens of selected - Focused on writing about wars, revolutions, and
primary sources in different periods, analysis and other important breakthroughs.
interpretations. - Nobilities, monarchs, the elite and even middle
- Primary sources written (qualitative and quantitative), class would have their information as matters of
oral, visual, audio-visual, digital-covering various government and historical record.
aspects of Philippine life (political, economic, social,
cultural). History
- Students are expected to analyze the selected readings - in the absence of written documents
contextually and in terms of content (stated and - Historians used other kinds of historical sources.
implied). The end goal is to enable students to - Ex. Oral traditions in forms of epics and songs,
understand and appreciate our rich past by deriving artifacts (with the aid of archaeologists),
insights from those who were actually present at the architecture and memory.
time of the event.
 Archaeologist (artifacts)
Context analysis considers the following:  Linguist (tracing historical evolutions, past
connections among different groups, and flow
1. the historical context of the source [time and of cultural influence by studying language,
place it was written and the situation at the and;
time],  Scientists like biologists and biochemists
2. the author’s background, intent (to the extent (analyzing genetic and DNA patterns of human
discernable), and authority on the subject; societies.
3. the source’s relevance and meaning today. Historian

Content analysis - Gives meaning to the facts

- Organizes the information to timeline, establish
- on the other hand, applies appropriate techniques causes and write history
depending on the type of source (written, - A person of his own who is influenced by his own
oral,visual). In the process students will be asked, context, environment, ideology, education and
for example, to identify the author’s main influences.
argument or thesis, compare point of view, - His subjectivity will inevitably influence the process
identify biases, and evaluate the author’s claim of his historical research.
based on the evidences presented or other - Historical research requires rigor.
available evidence at the time. - The study of history remains scientific.
- The course will guide the students through their - Historical methodology comprises certain
reading and analysis of the texts and require them techniques and rules that historians follow in order
to write reaction essays of varied length and to properly utilize sources and historical evidences
present their ideas in other ways (debate format, in writing history.
power point presentation, letter to the editor of - Historians study the past by: primary, secondary,
the source, etc). and tertiary sources
Meaning and Relevance of history Primary sources
- Derived from the Greek word “historia” which - These are contemporary accounts of an event,
means “knowledge acquired through inquiry or written by someone who experienced or witnessed
investigation” the event in question. These original documents
- Existed 2,400 years as old as mathematics and (i.e., they are not about another document or
philosophy. account) are often diaries, letters, memoirs,
journals, speeches, manuscripts, interviews and
other such unpublished works.
- They may also include published pieces such as Historical Facts
newspaper or magazine articles (as long as they
- Ferdinand Magellan first landed in the Philippines
are written soon after the fact and not as historical
in 1521. The name Philippines comes from Philip II
accounts), photographs, audio or video recordings,
who was the king of Spain during the 16th century
research reports in the natural or social sciences,
when the country became a Spanish colony.
or original literary or theatrical works.
- In 1965 Ferdinand Marcos was elected president.
- Object
He declared martial law in 1972, which lasted until
Secondary sources 1981. After 20 years of rule, Marcos was driven
from power in 1986. Corazon Aquino became
- The function of these is to interpret primary
president and instituted a period of democratic
sources, and so can be described as at least one
rule in the country.
step removed from the event or phenomenon
- Many Filipinos have Spanish names because of a
under review. Secondary source materials, then,
19th-century Spanish decree that required them to
interpret, assign value to, conjecture upon, and
use Spanish surnames, or last names. Parents
draw conclusions about the events reported in
often name their children after the saint whose
primary sources.
feast day was on the day of their birth.
- These are usually in the form of published works
- The Capital of the Philippines is Manila.
such as journal articles or books, but may include
- The Official language of the Philippines is Filipino
radio or television documentaries, or conference
(based on Tagalog)

Tertiary sources
Content analysis
- These are sources that index, abstract, organize,
- applies appropriate techniques depending on the
compile, or digest other sources. Some reference
type of source (written, oral,visual). In the process
materials and textbooks are considered tertiary
students will be asked
sources when their chief purpose is to list,
- example:
summarize or simply repackage ideas or other
 to identify the author’s main argument or
information. Tertiary sources are usually not
credited to a particular author.
 compare point of view
Criticism of the Source  identify biases
 evaluate the author’s claim based on the
1. External criticism
evidences presented or other available
- The practice of verifying authenticity of
evidence at the time.
evidence by examining its physical
- The course will guide the students through their
characteristics; consistency with the
reading and analysis of the texts and require them
historical characteristics of the time when it
to write reaction essays of varied length and
was produced; and the materials used for the
present their ideas in other ways (debate format,
evidence (quality of the paper, type of the
powerpoint presentation, letter to the editor of
ink, language and words used in the material)
the source, etc).
2. Internal criticism
- The examination of truthfulness of the Context analysis considers the following:
1. the historical context of the source [time and place
a. Content of the source
it was written and the situation at the time],
b. Context
2. the author’s background, intent (to the extent
c. Agenda behind its creation
discernable), and authority on the subject; and
d. Knowledge which informed it
3. the source’s relevance and meaning today.
e. Intended purpose

First Voyage Around the World by

Content and contextual analysis of
selected primary sources Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta:
Analysis of Pigafetta's Chronicles
From the chronicles of contemporary voyagers and Pigafetta described the people as “very familiar and
navigators of the 16th century. friendly”

Antonio Pigafetta Willingly showed them different islands and the names of
this islands.
- Circumnavigation of the world with Ferdinand
Magellan They went to Humunu Island (Homonhon) (Watering Place
- His works were used by prominent literary men of Good Signs) where they found the first signs of gold in
like Shakespeare, Michel de Montaigne and the island.
Giambattista Vico in their interpretation of the
They named the island with the nearby islands as the
New World
Archipelago of St. Lazarus March 25, they saw two ballangai
- His travelogue is one of the most important
primary sources in the study of pre-colonial
Philippines and the events leading to Magellan’s A long boat full of people in Mazzava/ Mazaua.
arrival in the Philippines.
The leader (king) (Raia Siagu) sent his men to the ship of
Examining the document: Magellan.

- Reveals several insights not just the character of The king offered to give Magellan a bar of gold and chest of
the Philippines during the Pre-colonial period but ginger; Magellan declined. Instead, Magellan asked for
how the fresh eyes of the Europeans regard deeply
unfamiliar terrain, environment, people and money for the needs of his ships. The king responded by
culture. giving them the needed provisions and food in chinaware.

Pigafetta’s first hand observation and general impression of Magellan exchanged gifts of robes in Turkish fashions, red
the Far East including their experiences in the Visayas. cap, knives and mirrors.

Ladrones Islands or the “Islands of the Thieves” The two men expressed their desire to become brothers.

“These people have no arms, but use sticks, which have a Magellan also boasted of his men in an armor who could
fishbone at the end. They are poor, but ingenious, and not struck with swords and daggers. The king was
great thieves, and for the sake of that we called these three fascinated and remarked that men in such armor could be
islands the Ladrones Islands”. worth one hundred of his men.

Presently known as the Marianas Islands Magellan showed other weapons, helmets and artilleries.
He also shared his charts and maps and how they found the
Ten days after reaching Ladrones Island, Pigafetta reported islands.
that they reached what Pigafetta called the isle of Zamal
now Samar but Magellan decided to land in another Magellan was introduced to the king’s brother who was
uninhabited island for greater security. also king of another island.

March 18, 9 men come to them and showed joy and They went to this island and they saw mines of gold.
eagerness meeting them. The gold was abundant that the parts of the ship and the
In exchange, the natives gave them fish, palm wine, figs, house of the second king were made of gold
rice, cocos and food supplies. RAIA CALUMBA
Pigafetta detailed in amazement and fascination. - King of Zuluan and Calagan (Butuan and Caragua)
“This palm produces a fruit names cocho, which is large as - Pigafetta described him as the most handsome of
the head, or thereabouts: its first husk is green, and two all men that he saw in this place.
fingers in thickness, in it they find certain threads, with - He was adorned with sick and golden accessories
which they make the cords for fastening their boats. Under like golden dagger, which he carried with him in a
this husk there is another very hard, and thicker than that wooden polished sheath
of a walnut. They burned this second rind, and make with it MARCH 31 (Easter Sunday)
a powder which is useful to them. Under this rind there is a
white marrow of a fingers thickness, which they eat fresh - Magellan ordered the chaplain to preside a Mass
with meat and fish, as we do bread, and it has the taste of by the shore.
almond, and if anyone dried it he might make bread of it.”
- The king sent two dead pigs and attended the the eldest child of the king, who happened to be a
Mass with the other king. daughter, would be the next in line.
- “…when the offertory of the mass came, the two - Parents were no longer taken into account and has
kings, went to kiss the cross like us, but they to follow the orders of their children as the new
offered nothing, and at the elevation of the body leaders of the land.
of our Lord they were kneeling like us, and adored - People wished to become Christians through their
our Lord with joined hands.” free will and not because they were forced or
- -After the Mass, Magellan ordered that the cross intimidated.
be brought with nails and crowned in place.
- Magellan explained that the cross, the nail, and
the crown were the signs of his emperor and that - The people gathered with the king and other
he was ordered to plant it in the places that he principal men of the island.
would reach and the cross would be beneficial for - Magellan spoke and encouraged the king to be a
their people because once the Spaniards saw this good Christian by burning all the idols and worship
cross, then they would know that they had been in the cross instead.
this land and would not cause them troubles, and - The king of Cebu was baptized as Christians.
any person who might be held captives by them - “To that the king and all his people answered that
would be released thy would obey the commands of the captain and
do all that he told them. The captain took the king
APRIL 7, 1521
by the hand, and they walk about on the
- Magellan and his men reached the port of Cebu, scaffolding, and when he was baptized he said
the largest and the richest of the islands with the - that he would name him Don Charles (Carlos), as
helped of Raia Calambu. the emperor his sovereign was named: and he
- The king of Cebu (Rajah Humabon) demanded that named the Prince Don Fernand (Fernando), after
they pay tribute as it was customary but Magellan the brother of the emperor, and the king of
refused. Mazavva Jehan: to the Moor he gave the name of
- Magellan said that he was the captain himself and Christopher, and to the others each a name of his
thus would not pay tribute to the other king fancy.”
Magellan’s interpreter explained to the king of
Cebu that Magellan’s king was the emperor of the
great empire and that it would do them better to Zula, a principal man from the island of Matan (Mactan)
make friends with them than to forge enmity. went to see Magellan and ask him a boat full of men so that
- The king consulted his council and the next day, he could fight the chief name Silalapulapu (Lapulapu).
together with the other principal men of Cebu,
they met in an open space and the king offered a According to Zula, Lapulapu refused to obey the king and
bit of his blood demanded that Magellan do the was also preventing him from doing so.
same. Magellan offered three boats and went to Mactan himself
- “Then the king said that he was content, and as a to fight Lapulapu.
greater sign of affection he sent him a little of his
blood from his right arm, and wish he should do “When we reached land we found the islanders fifteen
the like. Our people answered that he would do it. hundred in number, drawn up in three squadrons; they
Besides that, he said that all the captains who came down upon us with terrible shouts, two squadrons
came to his country had been accustomed to make attacking us on the flanks, and the third in front. The
a present to him, and he to them, and therefore captain then divided his men in two bands. Our musketeers
they should ask their captain if he would observe and crossbow-men fired for half an hour from a distance,
the custom. Our people answered that he would: but did nothing, since the bullets and arrows, though they
but as the king wished to keep up the custom, let passed through their shields made of thin wood, and
him begin and make a present, and then the perhaps wounded their arms, yet did not stop them.
captain would do his duty.”
They arrived in Mactan in daylight with 49 in numbers while
- Magellan spoke about peace and God. People took
the islanders of Mactan were estimated to number 1500.
pleasure in his speech.
- Magellan asked the people who would succeed the The captain shouted not to fire, but he was not listened to.
king after his reign and the people responded that The islanders seeing that the shots of our guns did them
little or no harm would not retire, but shouted more loudly,
and springing from one side to the other to avoid our shots, Twenty-four men attended while Pigafetta was not able to
they at the same time drew nearer to us, throwing arrows, joined because he was nursing his battle wounds.
javelins, spears hardened in fire, stones and even mud, so
The natives had slain all the men except the interpreter and
that we could hardly defend ourselves. Some of them cast
Juan Serrano who was already wounded.
lances pointed with iron at the captain-general.”
The fleet departed and abandoned Serrano.
Magellan died in the battle.
They left Cebu and continued their journey around the
The natives perceiving that the bodies of the enemies were
protected with armors, aimed for their legs instead.
From the original five ships set to sail (San Antonio,
Magellan was pierced with a poisoned arrow in his right leg.
Concepcion, Victoria, Trinidad and Santiago) only Victoria
A few of their men charges at the natives and tried to returned to Spain.
intimidate them by burning an entire village but this only
And from the original 237 men only 18 men survived.
enraged the natives further.
Analysis of Pigafetta’s Chronicles
Magellan was specifically targeted because the native knew
he was the captain general. - “The best storyteller is the one who not only
knows the story but saw it.”
Magellan was hit with a lance in the face. Magellan
- One of the earliest written accounts.
retaliated and pierced the same native with his lance in the
- Pigaffetta was seen as a credible source for a
breast and tried to draw his sword but could not lift it
period, which was prior unchronicled and
because of his wounded arms. One native with a great
sword delivered a blow in Magellan’s left leg, brought him
- Earliest detailed documentation.
face down and the natives ceaselessly attacked Magellan
- It was believed that Pigafetta’s writings account for
with lances, swords and even their bare hands
the “purest” precolonial society.
“Whilst the Indians were thus overpowering him, several - Pigafetta’s work is a great importance in study and
times he turned round towards us to see if we were all in writing of Philippine history.
safety, as though his obstinate fight had no other object - Pigafetta’s description to people was coming from
than to give an opportunity for the retreat of his men.” sixteenth century European perspective.
- Pigaffetta regarded the indigenous belief systems
The king of Cebu who was baptized could have sent help
and way of life as inferior to Christianity and of the
but Magellan instructed him not to join the battle and stay
in the balangay so that he would see how they fought.
- He always remarks on the nakedness of the natives
The king offered the people of Mactan’s gifts of any value or how he was fascinated by their exotic culture.
and amount in exchange of Magellan’s body but the chief - He emphasized the native’s amazement and
refused. They wanted to keep Magellan’s body as a illiteracy to the European artillery, merchandise
moment of their victory. and other goods.
- We should recognize certain biases accompanying
Duarte Barbosa is elected as the new captain. the author and his identity, loyalties, and the
Henry, Magellan’s slave and interpreter betrayed them and circumstances that he was in; and how it affected
told the king of Cebu that they intended to leave as quickly the text that he produced.
as possible. - We need to understand that he was a chronicler
commissioned by the King of Spain to accompany
The slave allegedly told the king that if he followed his and document a voyage intended to expand the
advice, the king would acquire the ships and the goods of Spanish empire. A noble descent who came from a
Magellan’s fleet. rich family in Italy.
- These attributes influenced his narrative, his
The two conspired and betrayed what was left of
selection of details to be included in the text, his
Magellan’s men.
characterization of the people and of the species
The king invited these men to a gathering where he said he that he encountered, and his interpretation and
would present the jewels that he would send for the King of retelling of the events.
Spain. - Being a scholar of cartography and geography,
Pigafetta was able to give details on geography
and climate of the places that their voyage has - Defend the oppressed and fight the
reached. oppressor before the law or in the
9. Ang taong matalino’y ang may pagiingat sa bawat
sasabihin, at matutong ipaglihim ang dapat
14 Rules in Kartilya - The prudent man is sparing in words
and faithful in keeping secrets.
10. Sa daang matinik ng kabuhayan, lalaki ay siyang
1. Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa isang malaki at patugot ng asawa’t mga anak: kung ang umaakay ay
banal na kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang lilim, kun tungo sa sama, ang pagtutunguhan ng inaakay ay
di damong makamandang. kasamaan din.
- The life that is not consecrated to a - On the thorny path of life, man is the
lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree guide of woman and the children,
without a shade, if not a poisonous and if the guide leads to the
weed. precipice, those whom he guides will
2. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa pagpipita also go there.
sa sarili, at hindi talagang nasang gumawa ng 11. Ang babai ay huwag mong tignang isang bagay na
kagalingan, ay di kabaitan libangan lamang, kun di isang katuang at karamay
- To do good for personal gain and not sa mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan; gamitan mo
for its own sake is not virtue. nag boong pagpipitagan ang kaniyang kahinaan, at
3. Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang gawa, alalahanin ang inang pinagbuhatan at nagiwi sa
ang pagibig sa kapwa at ang isukat ang bawat kilos, iyong kasanggulan.
gawa’t pangungusap sa talagang katuiran. - Thou must not look upon woman as a
- It is rational to be charitable and love mere plaything, but as a faithful
one’s fellow creature, and to adjust companion who will share with thee
one’s conduct, acts and words to the penalties of life; her (physical)
what is in itself reasonable weakness will increase thy interest in
4. Maitim man at maputi ang kulay ng balat, lahat ng her and she will remind thee of the
tao’y magkakapantay: mangyayaring ang isa’y mother who bore thee and reared
higtan sa dunong, sa yaman, sa ganda…, ngunit di thee.
mahihigtan sa pagkatao. 12. Ang di mo ibig na gawin sa asawa mo, anak at
- Whether our skin be black or white, kapatid, ay huag mong gagawin sa asawa, anak at
we are all born equal: superiority in kapatid ng iba.
knowledge, wealth and beauty are to - What thou dost not desire done unto
be understood, but not superiority by thy wife, children, brothers and
nature. sisters, that do not unto the wife,
5. Ang may mataas na kalooban inuuna ang puri sa children, brothers and sisters of thy
pagpipita sa sarili; ang may hamak na kalooban, neighbor.
inuuna ang pagpipita sa sarili sa puri. 13. Ang kamahalan ng tao’y wala sa pagkahari, wala sa
- The honorable man prefers honor to tangus ng ilong at puti ng mukha, wala sa
personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to pagkaparing kahalili ng Dios, wala sa mataas na
honor. kalagayan sa balat ng lupa: wagas at tunay na mahal
6. Sa taong may hiya, salita’y panunumpa. na tao, kahit laking gubat at walang nababatid kun
- To the honorable man, his word is di ang sariling wika, yaon may magandang asal, may
sacred. isang pangungusap, may dangal at puri; yaon di
7. Huwag mong sayangin ang panahun: ang yamang nagpapaapi’t di nakikiapi; yaong marunong
nawala’y mangyayaring magbalik; ngunit panahung magdamdam at marunong lumingap sa bayang
nagdaan na’y di na muli pang magdadaan. tinubuan.
- Do not waste thy time: wealth can be - Man is not worth more because he is
recovered but not time lost. a king, because his nose is aquiline,
8. Ipagtanggol mo ang inaapi; kabakahin ang umaapi. and his color white, not because he is
a *priest, a servant of God, nor
because of the high prerogative that
he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth “Taking into account the fact that the people of this country
most who is a man of proven and real are already tired of bearing the ominous joke of Spanish
value, who does good, keeps his domination,”
words, is worthy and honest; he who
“Because of arbitrary arrests and abuses of the Civil Guards
does not oppress nor consent to
who cause deaths in connivance with and even under the
being oppressed, he who loves and
express orders of their superior officers who at times would
cherishes his fatherland, though he
order the shooting of those placed under arrest under the
be born in the wilderness and know
pretext that they attempted to escape in violation of known
no tongue but his own.
Rules and Regulations, which abuses were left unpunished,
14. Paglagalap ng mga aral na itoat maningning na
and because of unjust deportations of illustrious Filipinos,
sumikat ang araw ng mahal na Kalayaan dito sa
especially those decreed by General Blanco at the
kaabaabang Sangkapuluan, at sabugan ng matamis
instigation of the Archbishop and friars interested in
niyang liwanag ang nangagkaisang magkakalahi’t
keeping them in ignorance for egoistic and
magkakapatid na ligayang walang katapusan, ang
mga ginugol na buhay, pagud, at mga tiniis na selfish ends, which deportations were carried out through
kahirapa’y labis nang natumbasan. processes more execrable than those of the Inquisition
- When these rules of conduct shall be which every civilized nation repudiates as a trial without
known to all, the longed-for sun of hearing.”
Liberty shall rise brilliant over this
most unhappy portion of the globe We recognize, approve, and ratify, with all the orders
and its rays shall diffuse everlasting emanating from the same, the Dictatorship established by
joy among the confederated brethren Don Emilio Aguinaldo whom we reverse as the Supreme
of the same rays, the lives of those Head of this Nation, which today begins to have a life of its
who have gone before, the fatigues own, in the conviction that he has been the instrument
and the well-paid sufferings will chosen by God, in spite of his humble origin, to effectuate
remain. If he who desires to enter the redemption of this unfortunate country as foretold by
(the Katipunan) has informed himself Dr. Don Jose Rizal in his magnificent verses which he
of all this and believes he will be able composed in his prison cell prior to his execution, liberating
to perform what will be his duties, he it from the Yoke of Spanish domination in punishment of
may fill out the application for the impunity with which their government allowed the
admission. commission of abuses by its subordinates.”
Kartilya ng Katipunan and Analysis And lastly, it was results unanimously that this Nation,
KKK - Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga already free and independent as of this
Anak ng Bayan. day, must use the same flag which up to now is being used,
Envisioned because of: whose designed and colored are

(1) a united Filipino nation that would revolt against the found described in the attached drawing, the white triangle
Spaniards signifying the distinctive emblem of

(2) total independence of the country from the Spain. the famous Society of the "Katipunan" which by means of
its blood compact inspired the
Katipunan created a complex structure and a defined value
system that would guide the organization as a collective masses to rise in revolution; the tree stars, signifying the
aspiring for a single goal. three principal Islands of these

The original title of the document: “Manga Aral Nang Archipelago - Luzon, Mindanao, and Panay where the
Katipunan ng mga A.N.B” revolutionary movement started; the sun representing the
gigantic step made by the son of the country along the path
Written by Emilio Jacinto in 1896 of Progress and Civilization; the eight rays, signifying the
eight provinces - Manila, Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva
Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas - which declares
Reading the Proclamation of the themselves in a state of war as soon as the first revolt was
Philippine Independence initiated; and the colors of Blue, Red, and White,
commemorating the flag of the United States of America, as
a manifestation of our profound gratitude towards this commission. Ninoy challenged its authority and went on a
Great Nation for its disinterested protection which it lent us fast. If he survived it, then he felt God intended him for
and continues lending us.” another fate. We had lost him again. For nothing would
hold him back from his determination to see his fast
through to the end. He stopped only when it dawned on
Speech before the joint session of him that the government would keep his body alive after
the United States Congress - Sept. the fast had destroyed his brain. And so, with barely any life
18, 1986 in his body, he called off the fast on the 40th day. God
meant him for other things, he felt. He did not know that an
early death would still be his fate, that only the timing was
wrong. At any time during his long ordeal, Ninoy could have
made a separate peace with a dictatorship as so many of
Mr. Speaker, Senator Thurmond, Distinguished members of his countrymen had done. But the spirit of democracy that
Congress. inheres in our race and animates this chamber could not be
Three years ago I left America in grief, to bury my husband, allowed to die. He held out in the loneliness of his cell and
Ninoy Aquino. I thought I had left it also, to lay to rest his the frustration of exile, the democratic alternative to the
restless dream of Philippine freedom. Today, I have insatiable greed and mindless cruelty of the right and the
returned as the President of a free people. purging holocaust of the left.

In burying Ninoy, a whole nation honored him by that brave And then, we lost him irrevocably and more painfully than
and selfless act of giving honor to a nation in shame in the past. The news came to us in Boston. It had to be
recovered its own. A country that had lost faith in its future, after the three happiest years of our lives together. But his
founded in a faithless and brazen act of murder. So, in death was my country's resurrection and the courage and
giving we receive, in losing we find, and out of defeat we faith by which alone they could be free again. The dictator
snatched our victory. For the nation, Ninoy became the had called him a nobody. Yet, two million people threw
pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers for freedom. aside their passivity and fear and escorted him to his grave.

For myself and our children, Ninoy was a loving husband And so began the revolution that has brought me to
and father. His loss, three times in our lives was always a democracy's most famous home, The Congress of the
deep and painful one. Fourteen years ago this month, was United States.
the first time we lost him. A president-turned-dictator and The task had fallen on my shoulders, to continue offering
traitor to his oath, suspended the constitution and the democratic alternative to our people. Archibald
shutdown the Congress that was much like this one before Macleish had said that democracy must be defended by
which I'm honored to speak. He detained my husband along arms when it is attacked by arms, and with truth when it is
with thousands of others - Senators, publishers, and anyone attacked by lies. He failed to say how it shall be won. I held
who had spoken up for the democracy as its end drew near. fast to Ninoy's conviction that it must be by the ways of
But for Ninoy, a long and cruel ordeal was reserved. The democracy. I held out for participation in the 1984 election
dictator already knew that Ninoy was not a body merely to the dictatorship called, even if I knew it would be rigged. I
be imprisoned but a spirit he must break. For even as the was warned by the lawyers of the opposition, that I ran the
dictatorship demolished one-by-one; the institutions of grave risk of legitimizing the foregone results of elections
democracy, the press, the congress, the independence of a that were clearly going to be fraudulent. But I was not
judiciary, the protection of the Bill of Rights, Ninoy kept fighting for lawyers but for the people in whose
their spirit alive in himself. intelligence, I had implicit faith. By the exercise of
The government sought to break him by indignities and democracy even in a dictatorship, they would be prepared
terror. They locked him up in a tiny, nearly airless cell in a for democracy when it came. And then also, it was the only
military camp in the north. They stripped him naked and way I knew by which we could measure our power even in
held a threat of a sudden midnight execution over his head. the terms dictated by the dictatorship. The people
Ninoy held up manfully under all of it. I barely did as well. vindicated me in an election shamefully marked by
For forty-three days, the authorities would not tell me what government thuggery and fraud. The opposition swept the
had happened to him. This was the first time my children elections, garnering a clear majority of the votes even if
and I felt we had lost him. they ended up (thanks to a corrupt Commission on
Elections) with barely a third of the seats in Parliament.
When that didn't work, they put him on trial for subversion, Now, I knew our power.
murder and a host of other crimes before a military
Last year, in an excess of arrogance, the dictatorship called national upheaval that overturned a dictatorship, we shall
for its doom in a snap election. The people obliged. With have returned to full constitutional government.
over a million signatures they drafted me to challenge the
Given the polarization and breakdown we inherited, this is
dictatorship. And I, obliged.
no small achievement. My predecessor set aside democracy
The rest is the history that dramatically unfolded on your to save it from a communist insurgency that numbered less
television screens and across the front pages of your than five hundred. Unhampered by respect for human
newspapers. You saw a nation armed with courage and rights he went at it with hammer and tongs. By the time he
integrity, stand fast by democracy against threats and fled, that insurgency had grown to more than sixteen
corruption. You saw women poll watchers break out in thousand. I think there is a lesson here to be learned about
tears as armed goons crashed the polling places to steal the trying to stifle a thing with a means by which it grows. I
ballots. But just the same, they tied themselves to the don't think anybody in or outside our country, concerned
ballot boxes. You saw a people so committed to the ways of for a democratic and open Philippines doubt what must be
democracy that they were prepared to give their lives for done. Through political initiatives and local re-integration
its pale imitation. At the end of the day before another programs, we must seek to bring the insurgents down from
wave of fraud could distort the results, I announced the the hills and by economic progress and justice, show them
people's victory. that which the best-intentioned among them fight. As
president among my people, I will not betray the cause of
Many of you here today played a part in changing the policy
peace by which I came to power. Yet, equally and again, no
of your country towards ours. We, the Filipinos thank each
friend of Filipino democracy will challenge this. I will not
of you for what you did. For balancing America's strategic
stand by and allow an insurgent leadership to spurn our
interest against human concerns illuminates the American
offer of peace and kill our young soldiers and threaten our
vision of the world. The co-chairman of the United States
new freedom.
observer team, in his report to the President said, "I was
witness to an extraordinary manifestation of democracy on Yet, I must explore the path of peace to the utmost. For at
the part of the Filipino people. The ultimate result was the its end, whatever disappointment I meet there is the moral
election of Mrs. Corazon Aquino as President and Mr. basis for laying down the Olive branch of peace and taking
Salvador Laurel as Vice-President of the Philippines." up the sword of war.

When a subservient parliament announced my opponent's Still, should it come to that, I will not waiver from the
victory, the people then turned out in the streets and course laid down by your great liberator.
proclaimed me the President of all the people. And true to
"With malice towards none, with charity for all, with
their word, when a handful of military leaders declared
firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us
themselves against the dictatorship, the people rallied to
finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds. To
their protection. Surely, the people take care of their own.
care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his
It is on that faith and the obligation it entails that I assumed
widow and for his orphans to do all which may achieve and
the Presidency.
cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with
As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it. That is my all nations."
contract with my people and my commitment to God. He
Like Abraham Lincoln, I understand that force may be
had willed that the blood drawn with a lash shall not in my
necessary before mercy. Like Lincoln, I don't relish it. Yet, I
country be paid by blood drawn by the sword but by the
will do whatever it takes to defend the integrity and
tearful joy of reconciliation. We have swept away absolute
freedom of my country.
power by a limited revolution that respected the life and
freedom of every Filipino. Finally may I turn to that other slavery, our twenty-six
billion dollar foreign debt. I have said that we shall honor it.
Now, we are restoring full constitutional government. Again
Yet, the means by which we shall be able to do so are kept
as we restore democracy by the ways of democracy, so are
from us. Many of the conditions imposed on the previous
we completing the constitutional structures of our new
government that stole this debt, continue to be imposed on
democracy under a constitution that already gives full
us who never benefited from it.
respect to the Bill of Rights. A jealously independent
constitutional commission is completing its draft which will And no assistance or liberality commensurate with the
be submitted later this year to a popular referendum. When calamity that was vested on us have been extended. Yet
it is approved, there will be elections for both national and ours must have been the cheapest revolution ever. With
local positions. So, within about a year from a peaceful but little help from others, we Filipinos fulfilled the first and
most difficult condition of the debt negotiation, the full
restoration of democracy and responsible government. home for democracy; another haven for the oppressed so it
Elsewhere and in other times, a more stringent world may stand as a shining testament of our two nations'
economic conditions, marshal plans and their like were felt commitment to freedom.
to be necessary companions of returning democracy.

When I met with President Reagan, we began an important

dialogue about cooperation and the strengthening of
friendship between our two countries. That meeting was
both a confirmation and a new beginning. I am sure it will
lead to positive results in all areas of common concern.
Today, we face the aspiration of a people who have known
so much poverty and massive unemployment for the past
14 years. And yet offer their lives for the abstraction of

Wherever I went in the campaign, slum area or

impoverished village. They came to me with one cry,
DEMOCRACY. Not food although they clearly needed it but
DEMOCRACY. Not work, although they surely wanted it but
DEMOCRACY. Not money, for they gave what little they had
to my campaign. They didn't expect me to work a miracle
that would instantly put food into their mouths, clothes on
their back, education in their children and give them work
that will put dignity in their lives. But I feel the pressing
obligation to respond quickly as the leader of the people so
deserving of all these things.

We face a communist insurgency that feeds on economic

deterioration even as we carry a great share of the free
world defenses in the Pacific. These are only two of the
many burdens my people carry even as they try to build a
worthy and enduring house for their new democracy. That
may serve as well as a redoubt for freedom in Asia. Yet, no
sooner as one stone laid than two are taken away. Half our
export earnings, two billion dollars out of four billion dollars
which is all we can earn in the restrictive market of the
world, must go to pay just the interest on a debt whose
benefit the Filipino people never received.

Still we fought for honor and if only for honor, we shall pay.
And yet, should we have to ring the payments from the
sweat of our men's faces and sink all the wealth piled by
the bondsman's two-hundred fifty years of unrequited toil.
Yet, to all Americans, as the leader to a proud and free
people, I address this question, "Has there been a greater
test of national commitment to the ideals you hold dear
than that my people have gone through? You have spent
many lives and much treasure to bring freedom to many
lands that were reluctant to receive it. And here, you have a
people who want it by themselves and need only the help
to preserve it."

Three years ago I said, Thank you America for the haven
from oppression and the home you gave Ninoy, myself and
our children and for the three happiest years of our lives
together. Today I say, join us America as we build a new

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