What Is Pop Culture

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Name: Jamaica C.

Salvador Date: February 23, 2023

Course/Year/Section: BSMLS 2B Subject: Philippines Pop Culture


Popular culture is all around us. According to the book's definition, pop culture is
a collection of thoughts, ideas, attitudes, perspectives, images, and other things that are
popular among the general public. Music, fashion, expressions, and values are constant
themes in popular culture, regardless of generation or era.

Pop culture today is defined by what you hear on the radio, see on television, and
discover while browsing the internet. In other words, pop culture is a collection of
images, perspectives, opinions, ideas, and other elements that are prevalent in a given
national culture.

Popular culture is the amalgamation of all aspects of a culture, such as beliefs,

attitudes, and ideas. The media has the greatest influence on popularizing pop culture.
Individuals in modern society are heavily exposed to the media, and the majority of them
aspire to be like the celebrities they see in it. Women and teenagers are the most
influenced by what pop genres present. Nonetheless, pop culture has an impact on society
in both positive and negative ways. Positively, the culture has assisted women and
teenage girls in self-defining themselves, forming bonds with people from various
backgrounds, expanding their knowledge in various subjects, and realizing their worth in
society. In a negative way, the culture has made both women and teenagers idolize some
celebrities for copying unacceptable behaviors, changing the way they view their bodies,
and changing their usual way of dressing in a more seductive way. All that pop culture
expresses should positively influence people's thoughts, trends, behaviors, and tastes,
among other aspects of their lifestyle.

 Impacts Of Popular Culture On The Society. (2022, Jun 12). GradesFixer. Retrieved February 27,
2023, from https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/impacts-of-popular-culture-on-the-

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