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The influence of rubbish to

the environment

Garbage is unwanted material after the end of a process. Garbage is the main key in
environmental problems that exist in human life. Many people are indifferent to the
existence of this waste, which makes waste have a lot of bad effects that harm the
environment to one’s health. And garbage is a familiar phenomenon and we often
encounter it in society.in human life there is a definition of the concept of environment,
waste can be divided based on its type.Sites of inadequate and uncontrolled waste
management are suitable places for several organisms and attractive to various animals
such as flies and dogs which can cause disease.

Garbage at first looks normal strewn around us, but trash will cause a lot of bad
effects if left continuously. Trash can threaten our health. That is, the amount of waste
that is not taken care of will make the environment dirty and unsightly, which can then
invite DHF (dengue fever) mosquitoes which cause disease and can also cause death.
However, the impact of the existence of waste can not only threaten humans but animals
and other living things can also be threatened due to piles of garbage that are not
maintained. For example, the pollution of garbage in the sea causes many marine
animals to suffer and even lead to death by destroying their habitat. There have been
many incidents of marine animals from whales to turtles that have died as a result of
being contaminated with garbage such as plastic waste that they have eaten. Our trash
kills them.

Organic and inorganic waste also makes the water cloudy. This condition will reduce
the micro organisms that live in the area. As a result, the population of animals or
plants is reduced. Seeping waste that enters the drainage or river will contaminate the
water. Various micro-organisms including various fish can die so that some species will
disappear. This has resulted in changes in biological aquatic ecosystems.Garbage
dumped into the ecosystem can invite certain micro-organisms to come and reproduce.
Micro-organisms usually use waste, especially organic waste, rats, flies, cockroaches and
others. The animal population will increase sharply because their natural enemies are
very rare.
Piles of garbage can cause various problems, both directly and indirectly, for city
dwellers. The direct effect of unwise waste management is various infectious diseases
that can disrupt human health and the environment. Meanwhile, the indirect effect is
the danger of flooding due to water being blocked by the river by piles of garbage being
thrown into the river.In addition, heaps of garbage can produce gases and acids.
Nitrous sulphides, such as mercury, chromium and arsenic in garbage heaps can cause
damage to the structure of flowering plants and the texture of the soil surface. Inorganic
waste that does not decompose causes the soil layers to be penetrated by plant roots but
not penetrated by water and also mineral water so that absorption can make the soil
fertile and the number of micro-organisms in the soil can be reduced. As a result, it is
difficult for plants to grow and they even die because they do not get food to grow.

Therefore, untreated waste is our shared responsibility. We can make efforts to assist
the government in protecting the environment, namely we can reuse, reduce, recycle.
With reuse, we can take advantage of the waste reuse program that has been formed,
such as processing plastic waste into a craft. Reduse is reducing the amount of waste,
from which we can make our environment beautiful. Recycle is processing goods that
are no longer used into raw materials that can be reused, such as processing paper into
new paper, processing plastic bottles into new plastic raw materials. There are so many
positive impacts that we can get from using waste in a positive way. We can start by
doing small things like throwing trash in its place.

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