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Republic of the Philippines

Bicol University
Daraga, Albay


Professor : Dr. MARIBEL M. NAZ
Term : 2nd Sem., A.Y 2020-2021

Discuss or explain the following:

1. Effects of urbanization to human behavior.
- The urbanization, over time, human populations have continued to grow. When more
people were born, small groups of people sought reasons to join groups and, with the
rise of agriculture, there are small societies which is sedentary. A few of these
communities developed into what we now call towns, which expanded with a transition
from one method of organizing labor to another. Here we just cite the effects of
urbanization to human behavior; first, has the gathering of economic and human capital
in one location promotes growth and advancement of business, research, and
technology and industry have better access to schooling, health care, social services,
and cultural traditions than people in villages, and the advancement of cities is
developed through linked services such as communication and transportation. For
culture related to the effects of urbanization, there breaks barriers across inter-cultural
differences. However, there are most consequences which affects not only on human
behavior, but in the state itself. Besides, rapid population increase is unmistakably linked
to poor health. This is especially evident in filthy cities with huge populations, where
living standards are in direct opposition to the demand for safe and healthy living.
Worse, pollution and overcrowded living conditions are the effects of urbanization that
harmed people’s hygiene. While there is a physical need, the wellbeing of modern-day
city dwellers is also jeopardized. Also because of poverty, the poor cannot afford to buy
the food they need. So the health of the poor citizens is affected. Because of
urbanization, environmental degradation is being blamed for rapid population growth.
See, the world's trees are gradually disappearing, causing climate change, soil erosion,
and flooding. Deprivation, as a whole aforementioned above the effects, has been a
consequence that affects mobility.
2. Compare and contrast urban and rural in terms of economic, socio-cultural and political
-In terms of the economic, socio-cultural and political aspects, the urban, in economic aspects,
has a secondary and a tertiary dominant, also whose employment has more on the
manufacturing, construction and as well as the administration services (in other words, there are
the non-agricultural jobs). Such as newly-developing cities have also innovated with high access
to education, information, and even services, and has a low fertility and high mortality. In terms
of political aspects, urban areas are under the liberal elements that represented. On the other
hand, the rural area has a primary dominant which has agricultural and forestry business.
Contrary to the urban areas which has high access to services, rural has low accessibility. In a
community cohesion and governance, that rural is a conservative governance which has
traditional and social institutions.
3. How can the following fields of studies such as history, economics, law, political science,
sociology and anthropology help in the science of geography?
-For history, historians review the record of the past and plan a new record based on the studies
undertaken. They research all facets of human life - political, social, educational, and economic
activities. Closely towards the science of geography, considering the key elements of history
about the location and time, history seeks on human perspectives through studying geography,
the when and wherefore, such events that takes place in a significant setting.
-In the field of economics, and interpolated with geography, climate research can provide
economists with information about whether a region is crowded, with a range of jobs, desirable
goods, and sectors to consider.
-For the field of law, inclined with geography, has covered the jurisprudence and also
jurisdictions also towards the urban and rural areas, even the territorial boundaries which is
under the rule of sovereignty. In addition, the law, per se, covers the land use policies imposed
throughout the area and the conservation of natural resources that found in our country.
-The political science and geography are interconnected. The political science, per se, is a
systemic examination of political life. Political scientists seek to address questions such as,
"What is the justification for authorizing any legislative action?" and "Whose welfare does the
government worry about?" In related to geography, it covers what political affiliations takes
place in a specific setting. Also, it also covers the form of government that established.
-In sociology, it analyzes human nature, community, and organization that forms society. It also
considers how man shapes communities, the causes of various forms of social practices, and
the role of other structures of society. It connects the science of geography because through the
data provided by sociologists, the cause of crime, poverty, growing population, proliferation of
squatters and other social problems can be explained.
-In the field of anthropology, is the systematic study of man's creation, evolution, and society.
Anthropologists, like scientists, study the general connection of human actions. The research is
also focused on material and non-material objects. Set, in the field of geography, it shapes from
past to present holistically described the human activities and culture takes place.
4. Why is it important to study urban geography?
-It is important to study urban geography since we have dealt with the rise of urbanization
among these areas, we have focused on analyzing the urban landscapes and communities
across the city, critically, understand the urban development and the delimitation of the urban
settlement. We can identify, in studying urban geography, precisely is the human activities done
in a specific place from time to time, and of course, we can be able to reason out problematic
situation that happened in the city, i.e. the trend for urban geography, is the current trends on
population density and the demands of urban environment.
5. What are the major problems in urban city? Give possible solutions to settle those problems?
-In a city, most problems in urban city is the population density. Large populations may have a
detrimental effect on developing countries' economies. It has been proven that rapid population
growth increases the unemployment rate. When a country's population is high, it is difficult to
have social services. The high population density is linked to reckless use of nature. Correcting
the gap of growth between rural and urban areas in order to prevent the concentration of
significant numbers of residents in the long term.
-Second, there is discrimination between gaps on urbanization, the outlook for various classes
of urban residents is unequal in terms of both critical resource provision and resistance to
environmental challenges. When the number of wealthy increases, so will the number of urban
poor in many areas. Poverty, low labour productivity, and sluggish industrialization are
particularly dangerous to developing countries.
-Third, has no access to water and sanitation. Many other health services and initiatives are
managed by individuals who lack the requisite expertise and knowledge to bring them into
effect. There are also occasions that the software is inappropriate for the community's condition
or the challenges it encounters. As a result, the money, time, and energy set aside for these
services are squandered. For better access, the government should provide free access for
water and supply for the poor.
-And lastly, is more on the health problems, especially pollution that may harm their general
state of health. To avoid such element of pollution that may hinder their proper health, to
consider the cleanliness and orderliness of the urban communities, and to ensure health
services through quick access.

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