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NAME OF THE LESSON: Ch 14: Volume and Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders
WEEK OF:  15th May to 1st June                                                                                        
NUMBER OF PERIODS:   7                         
PREPARED BY: Mrs. Shizana KK
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To enable the students to
 Convert between cm3 and m3.
 Find the volume and surface area of cubes, cuboids, prisms and cylinders,
 Solve problems involving the volume and surface area of composite solids.

Target Skills: Procedural Skills and Fluency

Engagement 🡪 
 Capture students' interest. 
 Encourages questions and critical thinking about the concept/skill after the engagement.
 Uncovers previous knowledge. 
Investigate the Math
Target: Conceptual Understanding
Materials: Lesson Presentation slides. Smart Board, Digital tools. This investigation emphasizes on
conceptual understanding of 3D shapes.
Scaffold by using flash cards – identify name of different shapes.
Can you talk about any basic properties of different 3D shapes- cubes, cuboids, prisms and cylinders.

Exploration 🡪 [Beginning Phase]

 Utilizes a hands-on/minds-on activity to encourage investigation and inquiry.
 Teacher facilitates discussions as students work together while watching and listening to the students'
Target: Procedural Skills and Fluency
Materials: Lesson Presentation slides, Reference You tube video/teacher tube. Online Math Websites

Draw these 2D shapes- square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, circle.
Based on your drawing, observe and answer
Can we say, a rectangle is a parallelogram?
Does all the four sides of a square is congruent?
In the given diagram of circle, identify radius and diameter?
The outer boundary of the circle is called as ____________?
Rectangle, square and rhombus are special type of _____________?
What is the difference between the height of parallelogram, trapezoid and triangle?
Name the shape, where two sides are parallel whereas the other two opposite sides are non- parallel?
• Can you find the base and height of 2D shapes like triangle, parallelogram and trapezium?


• Is there any relationship between base and height of different 2D shapes?

• What do you mean by perimeter?
• How perimeter is different from Area?

Explanation🡪 [Beginning Phase]

Teacher will select few random students to explain the concepts and vocabulary the understood in exploration
Based on the feedback, explanation will be done by teacher involving students.
Discuss about Area and perimeter of 2D shapes and their application. 
Will guide to remember and retain formula of Perimeter and Area of 2D shapes.      

A Perimeter is the length of the boundary of a closed geometric figure. Algebraic expressions can be
used to represent the perimeter formula.
The area is the measurement of space enclosed by a closed geometric figure.
All the shapes have their own properties, based on their structure, sides and angles. The two main
features are the area and perimeter.

Guided Practice:
Textbook Exercises to be solve in notebook (Think pair share)
Elaborate🡪 [Beginning/Developing Phase]
 Designed to help students extend their understanding of the concept in new situations.
 Requires students to use important terms and vocabulary.
 Applies knowledge to real life.

Independent Practice:
Based on your observations, you may choose to assign exercises as noted in the levels below:
Approaching Level: Guide students through the exercises in Independent Practice. Additionally, put more
sums for practice and ask students to solve and answer in the actual classes students who need extra support
for further clarity on the concept.
On Level: Complete the exercise independently.
Beyond Level: Complete the exercises independently. Have pairs of students use a digital stopwatch. One
student should start the time and the other student says when to stop (try to keep it under 10 seconds). Have
students write down the minute/second combination as a decimal. Have students switch roles and repeat.
Students should work as a team to multiply the two numbers together. Solve Word Problems.

Evaluate🡪 [Developing/Practicing Phase]

Evaluation is a continuous process
 Diagnose students at different levels of lessons and skills
 Observation
 Homework submission (organized steps)
 Conduct quiz on small topics – on paper/LMS, Live Worksheet
 Convenient in using digital tool (Gamification and Applications)
 Exit Slip (Padlet/ Socrative)

Brain Builders [Developing Phase]

Make Sense of Problems
Formative Assessment [Practicing/Achieving Phase] 

Classroom Culture
Questions to Guide Growth:
Are students reflecting on the process of learning?
How is failure celebrated?
How are students celebrated for their effort?
What routines, rituals, and/or protocols are used to help students persist, plan for what to do if they fail,
access and advocate for support when they need it, and reflect on their work?

Growth Mindset 
Beginning Developing Practicing Achieving

Students believe their Students sometimes Students usually Students always believe
knowledge and skills believe they can grow believe they can grow their
are their knowledge and they can grow their knowledge and skills and
fixed. skills knowledge and skills realize success through
and realize success and self-directed effort
through realize success through (growth
effort when prompted by self-directed effort. mindset).
the teacher.
Beginning/ Developing
 Students are saying “I can’t do this” or “I am not good at this” when given a task that is challenging
to them.
 Teacher feedback may focus on results and/or behavior of student.
 Failure is connected to effort and may be seen as negative.
 Grades and assessment scores may be emphasized as what defines success.
 Students are given few opportunities to improve their work.

Practicing/ Achieving
 Students are saying “this will take time and effort” and understand the power of “yet” when given a
task that is challenging to them.
 Teacher feedback is based on effort, process, and strategies used by student.
 Failure is celebrated as an opportunity to grow.
 Success is measured through goal setting and reflection of effort.
 Student work shows evidence of continuous improvement.

 Mindset Assessment Profile Tool:  This quick assessment from Mindset Works will help students
understand their own mindset and data could be used for goal setting.
 Character Lab - Growth Mindset:  To help students develop character strengths, Character Lab
has created Playbooks, which include videos, lesson plans, and worksheets that help students learn
character-building strategies and beliefs.
 The Mindset Kit:  The Mindset Kit was created by The Project for Education Research that Scales
(PERTS), a research centre in the psychology department at Stanford University.
 Young Adult Novels that Teach Growth Mindset (Article):  A list of novels to use with middle
school and high school freshmen when learning about growth mindset, grit, and failing forward.
 Mindset by Carol Dweck
 Grit by Angela Duckworth
 The Power of Mindset: This video shares how a growth mindset impacts success.
 Resources for Teaching Growth Mindset: This webpage from Edutopia shares numerous
resources for teachers in understanding and supporting students in developing Growth Mindset.

STEM Connection
Students write a short paragraph using small sentences. Students exchange their writings with one another
and rewrite their partner’s passage using complex sentences.

Evaluation 🡪
 Quiz will be conducted to test their understanding.
 Students will be given a worksheet to complete.

Lesson Review

SUCCESS CRITERIA: In this lesson, students will build upon the skills and concepts needed to answer the
chapter’s Essential Question “How are Area and Perimeter of 2D shapes alike and different?”

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